
Cultivation of Ancient Knowledge

A calm step along a common path, but in his own direction. Every morning in the Sect begins with the students going to class, and Mac follows his own desire to become stronger, and this path does not always lead to class. The books in his grandfather's room or in the Sect's library help him along the way. The books make Mac calm, cool, and focused, but the young blood sometimes makes itself felt. And since Mac has no desire to lose, he has to find a way to get out of various situations on his way to absolute power.

Vaksym_K · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Choosing a new spiritual technique

"I came here today to...", he was about to finish his sentence when he saw Trevor standing there serenely, smiling sweetly as he listened to them talk. At that moment, a question arose in Mac's mind.

Curiosity mixed with confusion, "What brought Trevor to the Cult Library in the first place? Why did he come here if all the sword techniques he was learning were personally chosen by Elder Re?" Mac changed his focus and turned back to Trevor, a look of surprise and undisguised interest on his face. The same could be said for Manager Joe, who had seen the student for the first time near the rows of sword techniques.

"Trevor, why did you come to the Sect Library?", Mac's face was filled with undisguised confusion and interest. With a shy smile and a look of fear on his face, Trevor scratched his head. He stood there for a second. And when he had gathered his courage, he spoke.

"Well, Teacher Re said I should come to the library and choose my own movement technique. But the thing is, I don't know anything about movement techniques!"

His smile faltered slightly, betraying his awkwardness as he turned his hopeful eyes towards Manager Joe.

Sword techniques can be summed up in the words: power, defence and attack. All sword techniques are aimed at inflicting or minimising damage. The movement techniques, on the other hand, were focused solely on increasing the speed and reaction of the cultivator without causing any damage to the opponent.

"The movement techniques we have are...", Manager Joe started to say, but Mac interrupted. "There are too many people in the library today," Mac said, turning his head towards the library's Hall 1 and 2, which were crowded with Sect disciples, "So I'll help Trevor choose his movement techniques," Mac said calmly.

A friendly smile came to Manager Joe's lips, and he nodded his head in gratitude and agreement with Mac's words.

Mac was just about to address Manager Joe with his request and to ask him more about Elder Fu, but he noticed Trevor was steadfastly focusing his attention solely on Mac. Trevor looked at Mac carefully and with interest, his eyes burning with curiosity.

He didn't mind that Mac was the one who helped him with the choice of movement technique. It was just hard for Trevor to wait until they finally went to choose a movement technique for him.

Mac understood this immediately.

"Well, Trevor, you go to the row with the technique books and I'll join you after a short conversation," Mac gestured to the shelves where the movement techniques were located. Trevor nodded in agreement and walked towards the shelves with the techniques.

Instead, Mac began to ask questions about the new books and techniques in the library, but he refrained from asking the most interesting questions about Elder Fu and his request.

Time was short.

After receiving the answer, Mac walked over to Trevor, who was looking at the shelves of techniques with a puzzled look. It was clear to the naked eye that this was the first time Trevor had come to the Sect's Library to choose a spiritual technique.

"So... you came here to choose a movement technique, but what kind of technique did Elder Re not say?" Mac was not just a disciple of the Sect now, he was an employee of the Sect Library, and he was not acting like Trevor's friend, but like a library employee.

"Yeah," Trevor calmly agreed and continued, "Also, Master Re said to choose the best movement technique, and that it should be well combined with "Swallow Swing" or "Forest of Swords". But personally, I'd like it to go perfectly with both of my techniques!" Trevor's wide smile conveyed his enthusiasm.

"Typical Sect disciple! Wants everything at once and it has to be the best!", Mac thought to himself, but refrained from expressing his thoughts to Trevor. "Well, let's start choosing," and Mac moved to the shelves with the various movement techniques. Trevor eagerly followed Mac.

Mac walked by the shelf, his sharp and piercing gaze scanning all the existing movement techniques on the 1st floor. Even though he knew the description of each technique by heart, he looked them over again, quickly assessing whether they met Trevor's criteria. A moment of thought ensued. Mac stopped abruptly and looked at Trevor.

"I would advise you to learn "Golden Deer" technique. Although it is not as fast as "Free Falcon Flight", it is a technique that improves the cultivator's body reactions and hand speed, which is confirmed by the fact that most of the Sect's Supreme Elders and the Sect Head know this technique. However, this is a silver difficulty technique and is only suitable for those who have reached the 8th stage of the Energy Core Formation level," Mac rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Then how about "Free Falcon Flight" technique? You said it was better, right?" Trevor suggested.

"Hehe! That's better, but it's only for those who have reached the level of Energy Core Saturation," Mac laughed. "А? The Energy Core Saturation level? Well, aren't there any other good techniques?" asked Trevor, impressed and puzzled at the same time. "Hmm," Mac sighed, his voice tinged with sadness.

"Although our Sect boasts numerous sword techniques, we have difficulties when it comes to movement techniques. Such techniques are quite few and of poor quality. And as for the techniques of strengthening the body, they are not available in our Sect at all. That's why we are only the second strongest among the 3 sects in Metal Phoenix City," complains Mac. But he didn't lose heart for long.

"But don't worry, I'll find a good movement technique for you. You just need to look at the description of the techniques again," Mac reassured Trevor.

Passing by the shelves of spiritual techniques, Mac looked not only at the movement techniques but also at the other techniques available.

At the same time, Manager Joe was tirelessly answering questions from the Sect's disciples, who were constantly bombarding him with them without a break.

As he passed by the completely concentrated faces of the disciples, who were deeply absorbed in reading the Sect's techniques, Mac noticed a book of techniques in the hands of one of the disciples. It was called "Silver Rabbit" technique.

A mischievous smile began to play on Mac's lips, and the next second he snatched the book from the student's hands with a light, casual movement and began to read it.

The student didn't even understand what had happened, but he recognised his book in someone else's hands immediately. He immediately began to protest, "Hey! What are you doing...".

However, Mac interrupted him, not taking his eyes off the book, and said in a calm voice, "Don't forget that you are now in the Sect's library. So behave accordingly. And don't be afraid, I will return the book to you soon," and continued reading the book.

And although all the books of techniques were created in one copy and each of them had its own individual and unique code that only the one who took the book from the library knew, but this did not prevent Mac from delving into its content.

Trevor came over. His curiosity was piqued by the scene before him. A puzzled expression furrowed his brow as he pondered the situation. "How can Mac read a books of techniques without a code?" Suspicion clouded Trevor's face, and he couldn't help but voice his suspicion.

"Mac, are you reading this books of techniques right now?" Suspicion froze on Trevor's face, and his eyes squinted in disbelief.

Mac stopped, his gaze met Trevor's, and with a carefree smile on his face, Mac answered.

"I'm just reading the title of the book. What else can you make out of an encrypted text without knowing the cipher?" His answer, calm and natural, seemed to dispel all doubts.

"Ha! Indeed! But if the title is on the cover, why did you open the book at all?" Trevor's eyes radiated innocence as he sincerely did not understand Mac's actions.

"Huh? I just wanted to make sure I read it right, because the cover looked a little worn," Mac replied, smiling wryly and quickly moving away from Trevor as if he was thinking about something.

"А! Well, okay," Trevor said uncertainly, but did not delve into the situation and the innocent smile reappeared on his face.

And although Mac looked calm on the outside, he was raging inside.

"How careless I am! What if one of the adepts or elders had seen this? What if it was the head of the sect? I would undoubtedly face expulsion from the Sect, and perhaps even death, for breaking the Sect's rules and illegally disseminating the Sect's techniques."

For a moment, Mac's face was filled with terror, but he quickly composed himself, hiding any signs of excitement and pretending to look at the book of movement techniques, but in fact he continued reading the book.

At the same time, the student whose book was now in Mac's hands was seething with anger, though he restrained himself, well aware of the strict rules governing the Sect's library. After turning a few pages, Mac turned to Trevor and handed him the book of movement techniques with his right hand. "I recommend that you learn this movement technique."

Trevor took the book and casually read the title, "'Silver Rabbit' Technique. What is this technique?" Mistrust crept into Trevor's mind, who was used to techniques with impressive names, and here he was faced with a "rabbit". The student whose technique had just been discussed became even more indignant, although his anger remained hidden, except for a threatening glance in Trevor's direction.

Mac noticed the disdain in Trevor's demeanour. "This movement technique is bronze difficulty, which means that you can start learning it now at your 6th stage. It is also a simplified version of "Golden Deer" technique. It also goes well with "Forest of Swords" technique. Now, do you like it?" Mac's voice sounded cocky as he addressed Trevor.

A smile spread across Trevor's face, accompanied by a nod of approval. Meanwhile, the student's face, which had radiated anger and contempt a few minutes earlier, now showed a look of pity and fear.

He hunched his straight back, realising the dangerous situation he was in. Being in the 4th stage of Energy Core Formation, he knew perfectly well how his defiant behaviour towards a stronger student could lead to physical violence.

However, neither Mac nor Trevor noticed the transformation in the student's behaviour. Trevor gratefully handed the book back to the student and expressed his gratitude, prompting the student to nod weakly in agreement.

Trevor manoeuvred through the crowd of students to make his way to the librarian's desk. He asked for a copy of "Silver Rabbit" movement technique, and a few minutes later it was brought to him. Hastily, Trevor read the cipher, and the next moment the cipher sheet disappeared from his hands, leaving him with the mysterious geometric shapes that helped him read the book of movement techniques.

The joy on Trevor's face quickly disappeared, as there were no free seats on the 1st floor of the library. Just as Trevor was about to leave, Mac intercepted him and led him to the service room, and from there they went to a strange dilapidated door.

When Mac opened the door, a cascade of radiant sunlight enveloped the friends in its bright brilliance. And they took a step towards the light.

Leaving the calm and cold space of the Sect's Library, the boys stood in the middle of an amazing canvas of bright colours. At first, their eyes, accustomed to dim lighting, struggled to adjust to the bright midday sun. But as their eyes adjusted to the afternoon sun, they saw the breathtaking beauty of the Sect's backyard.

There was no room for noise or tension in this realm.

The meticulous care of the library extended to the hidden sanctuary of its back garden, a realm revealed in all its splendour. Delicate flowers adorned the fruit trees, their petals shining in a mélange of warm hues.

They swayed gracefully in the light breeze in an unearthly dance that captured the essence of nature's poetry. A calm pond, the mirror-like and calm surface of which whispered soothingly, inviting willow branches to gently bend over its crystal waters.

The soft whisper of the wind in the air made the branches gently caress the surface of the pond, filling the environment with a serene atmosphere. Time-weathered stone benches, along with stone tables bearing the marks of countless seasons, dotted the landscape, offering solace to those who sought refuge in this busy city called the Sect Library.

Trevor's gaze swept across this beautiful scene, and in the midst of it he noticed a few of the library staff who were Cult adepts.

They were enjoying the simple pleasures of this haven, quietly turning pages, engaging in measured conversation, and peacefully contemplating the minds of the meditators.

However, as soon as the adepts noticed the two newly arrived disciples, their faces underwent a rapid metamorphosis, from serene relaxation to insatiable rage. Their hostility was caused by the fact that the back garden of the library was reserved exclusively for the sect's employees, namely servants, adepts and elders, and no disciples were allowed to be present.

As for the adepts, only sect members who had reached the level of Energy Core Saturation cultivation and had become adepts of the sect and were specially qualified to work in the sect's library and had undergone special training could be considered full-fledged library staff and have all the corresponding privileges that went with it. This included access to the library's back garden.

Instead, Mac and Trevor, who had not only failed to qualify, but had not even reached the level of Energy Core Saturation, were an insult in their eyes. First of all, their anger was directed at Mac.

This was because his arrogance within the library was considered an insult to the very hierarchical structure of the library staff, namely those who had spent a lot of time and effort to gradually climb the internal steps of the hierarchy step by step.

Nevertheless, Mac seemed to walk up to one of the stone benches with unshakable confidence and peace of mind, despite the sharp glances and silent disapproval from his followers, and invited Trevor to sit on it. Trevor agreed without hesitation, because all his attention was focused on a group of Sect members who were openly expressing their contempt for their friends.

Seeing Trevor's anxiety, Mac spoke in a loud voice so that his words could be heard throughout the garden.

"Relax, Trevor, look at the beauty that surrounds us! Isn't it breathtaking? And don't forget that we are all our own here!"

His deliberate statement only further inflamed the anger of the followers, but Mac just smiled smugly and left Trevor with a leisurely step and went to Manager Joe to finish the conversation.

And even so, the adepts of the Sect did not only do nothing, but even said nothing about Mac's bold words.

Returning through the same door from which they had left, Mac found himself back in Hall 2, the familiar atmosphere of which was saturated with the weight of their recent events. With calm confidence, he paced the room to eventually arrive at the desk where Manager Joe was sitting.