
Cultivating Lesser Beings

In the Grand Cosmos Cultivators reign supreme, but even amongst Cultivators there are distinctions whether that be by Realm or Ranking. From the Earthly Powers List, to the Heaven's Board, and even the Divine Dragon Ranking, they all serve as a representation of a Cultivator's strength, but none of these can be compared to the Inner Cosmos Grand Ranking. Re, Guardian of Azure Star, seeks to reach the Summit of the Inner Cosmos Grand Ranking and receive the fabled reward, the Cosmic Awakening Pill! ---------------------------------------------------------- First and foremost no Harem, since I know that's a big issue amongst readers. I don't even know if there'll be a love interest but it won't be a big focal point if there is. Secondly it will and won't be a standard Xianxia/Xuanhuan but simultaneously will be I don't know if someone's written a similar story before although someone probably has, but I've had this general idea for a while now and wanted to see how it'd go. Thirdly this is for fun mostly so while I won't delete any reviews or anything you don't need to come at me spitefully just say your piece and leave if you don't like it.

DarkVapor · Oriental
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 The Grand Cosmos

Grand Cosmos

To its residents its all they've ever know and all they ever will know. From every grain of sand, to every star in the night's sky, every beast, plant, human and creature one will ever gaze upon was born and will die within the Grand Cosmos.

Naturally where there is life there is a hierarchy, and within the Grand Cosmos cultivators stand at the top. From humans, to beasts any living creature can become a cultivator. Unfortunately not even all cultivators are the same.

Because of this the Heavens created a multitude of Rankings and Lists to distinguish the cultivators within the Grand Cosmos according to their strengths, ages, and other various factors.

The Earthly Powers List, on which were those geniuses who stood atop their various Planets below 100 years old. It easily held over a million names at any given time. Ranking within the top 100 of the Earthly Powers List showed that one had talent to reach the Peak of cultivation.

Heaven's Board, those below 500 years old were placed atop it. There were 10,000 names each shining ever so brightly on the board. If one was found atop the Heaven's Board they could be considered a King throughout the Grand Cosmos. But even they paled in comparison to those monsters on the Divine Dragon Ranking.

To be on the Divine Dragon Ranking, meant that one was comparable to a Divine Dragon which wasn't said lightly. If one is below 1000 years old they qualify to take part in the Draconic Duel, the top 100 of the Draconic Duel would then be placed upon the Divine Dragon Ranking.

Last but certainly not least, was the Inner Cosmos Grand Ranking any cultivator below 10,000 years old who had reached the God Realm could partake in this Cosmic Collision which would determine one's rank.

Now one may ask what was the point of all the rankings? Prestige? Pride? Or simply to entertain the masses? Well in a sense these were all factors, but the main reason was naturally the rewards. Ranking on any placement on any of the Rankings or Lists would award one a multitude of benefits.

From treasures like the Sky's Eye or the Heart of the Sea, to the 9 Yin-Yang Pill or the Tyrannical Body Pill. Any of these treasures could increase a cultivator's combat capabilities and or talent many fold.

Naturally the higher one places on any of the Rankings, would mean better rewards compared to the lower positions and the higher tier the Ranking as a whole the better general rewards. With the Inner Cosmos Grand Ranking's 1st Place Reward being the absolute best.

The Cosmic Awakening Pill, this was a pill that no creature was capable of forming only the Heavens themselves could create such a pill. With this one could break the shackles of the God Realm and reach the Pinnacle of the Grand Cosmos, the True God Realm.

This made the Inner Cosmos Grand Ranking not only the highest Tier Ranking, being deemed a Grand Ranking, but the most competitive, the most fierce, and the most important. As if one failed to ever reach 1st Place they would be stuck in the God Realm for the rest of their life unable to reach the True God Realm.


Within the Grand Cosmos there were a myriad of Stars and Planets, so many that it would be impossible to count them all. Out of all these Planets, Azure Star, despite its name, was one of the more unique Planets.

Being 80% water, land was sparse and aquatic life reigned supreme, but what made it unique was the presence of a God Realm Cultivator, not only that but he was a land dweller which made up only 10% of the cultivators on Azure Star.

Drifting along the surface of the ocean a young man with bright blue hair could be seen, his eyes were closed as he relaxed under the sunlight. His skin slightly tanned due to his exposure to the sun. He was donned in Azure Robes and looked to only be about 20 or so with sharp and handsome facial features.

This was the God Realm cultivator of Azure Star, Re. At 256 years old he had managed to breakthrough into the God Realm which was an absurd speed to say the least, and the mere mention of his name could cause an uproar across the Galaxy.

7th on the Earthly Powers List!

3rd on the Heaven's Board!

5th on the Divine Dragon Ranking!

Ocean God Re!

Amongst his generation cultivators which could compete with him didn't exceed more than 10. It was safe to say that he was a genius who stood at the summit of the Grand Cosmos, and now only the Inner Cosmos Grand Ranking stood in his way.

All of a sudden the water around Re began to tremble, before a massive shark easily over a kilometer long appeared. It was completely blood red in colour and it stared directly at Re before opening it mouth.

"The Grand Ranking is about to begin." The shark announced. In an instant Re opened his eyes, they were of a similar colour to his hair and extremely striking.

"Its already starting? How many participants are there this time?" Re asked as his body lifted up off the ocean's surface before standing atop the shark's head. It was as if he didn't make a single move but rather the world moved according to his wishes.

"91, and as we suspected none of your rivals have decided to participate." The shark replied, which caused the man to be in deep thought. While he was 99% sure none of them would be so suicidal he was still surprised that not even 1 of them decided to try.

'Then again we've all only becomes Gods within the last 3 years its simply not enough time.' Re thought before motioning at the shark. The two then travelled to the depths of the ocean, all the way to the most prosperous City on the Planet, Atlantis.