
It's never my fault


"Oh, that's fine with me. I'm Dan, the God of Order and this is Leora, the Goddess of Chaos. As for my crimes, I have committed NONE."

"None you said?" "Presumptuous! You were the one who planted these elementals in my empire." The Arcane goddess lashed out on Dan.

"I planted those elementals? What makes you think so?" Dan asked as if he wasn't the one who did it.

"During the time when you tried to stop the hero summoning, you commanded the elementals." The Arcane goddess stood there unwavering.

"Go on." Dan urged.

Go on? The Arcane goddess felt a little surprised by Dan's reaction, but she went on as requested by Dan.

"You have caused a civil war in my country by introducing elemental magic. Do you have any idea what this would have caused?" She questioned.

"Elaborate please."

"This would have slow down the development in Arcane technologies. Our cause is to use these Arcane weapons against the Old Gods. What you're doing now is effectively sabotaging our ability to fight another war against the Old Gods.

This Elemental Magic, you people, speak of is too despicable. That magic corrupts living being and turns them into a monster. You even gave these elemental magic to the Orcs in the form of contracts and caused a war between the two races.

Do you have any idea how much casualties you have caused within the Holy Kingdom? You're potentially reducing the army of both races weakening our forces against the Old gods and the Titans.

You are obviously evil. I suspect that you're working for an old god." She said everything in a single breathe.

"So any more allegation against this great one?" Dan asked with his chest up in pride, ignoring the strong accusation that the Arcane goddess has just mentioned.

This time, the God of Justice spoke up, "You destroyed Zlupolis, a city under the territory of the light. You have also allowed Z'rax to ravaged the entire Southern part of the Human continent. You are located in the area, and yet you didn't foresee this, I question your lack of action. Perhaps you were making a secret deal with Z'rax during the period in time when the Omnigod sealed off the area.

O great Omnigod. I beseech you to execute Dan. He is definitely a threat to our safety. We should get rid of him in case he gives off essential secrets."

"Anything to add on?" By this time, the God of Strategy could already feel that something was off. Dan shouldn't be asking them to add on to their accusations... unless... he had a way to push the problems away...

To prevent the problem from potentially escalating, he tried to pull back. "Omnigod, I believe that there isn't enough evidence to convict Dan. We should continue the court on another day and review our findings."

"What are you talking about God of Strategy? This is a problem that could affect the survivability of all gods. We should settle this as soon as possible." Dan emphasises the severity of the issue. Like I would let you go off unharmed Mr God of Strategy. Dan's lips curved up into a sinister crescent.

You test me earlier on, it is my turn to test you now. Let's see how you would react to this.

The Omnigod finally spoke for the second time after listening to the allegations. He wondered, did Dan really did all of these? But for what reason?

"Are these true?"

"Yes. I admit to the part in which I had destroyed an entire city and that I had failed to stop the awakening of Z'rax. But I have no responsibility of the elemental's appearance in the Magi Empire, the appearance of the elementals or for Z'rax's awakening." Dan blatantly denied his involvements of the war or any other crimes except for the destruction of the city.

"You are lying! You had commanded elementals when you appeared at hero summoning ceremony, and now you deny your involvements?"

"Oh, that was just a small deal I made with them. We had shared the same goal then. Though we did contact each other afterwards, I didn't participate in their plan to incite a war between Orcs and Humans. Besides that, I found their plan very helpful to our cause."

"So what are these benefits?" The Omnigod asked with interest.

"This plan could help us built a strong and ready army and test out the readiness of our troops. If you take a look at the current war situation, I have to say that I'm very disappointed in the humans' ability to adapt to the next source of power. The first thing they did is to start a civil war. And on the other hand, the Orcs used their new power wisely and had many victories.

What we need are strong troops, not troops that fight amongst themselves. At this rate, we should kill off all humans and let the Orcs take over. I believe that the Orcs would fare better the minions of the old gods. The elementals had spent the effort to strengthen our forces, I think that they should be rewarded.

As for me, I have successfully killed Z'rax's main body. And I would like to question the God of Justice. I have enough reasons to suspect that you intentionally allowed Z'rax to awaken.

As you can see here, Malcium the pope of the temple of justice was in the Kingdom of Dusk when this had happened. You had sent your pope to investigate the old god in the Kingdom of Dusk. And yet when he prayed for help, warning you of the dangers of an old god, you had ignored his prayers. What is the reason for this? While I had worked so hard to kill a fully awakened old god, you had accused me of working with them.

I wonder who's the one should be investigated." Dan explained in pure sarcasm. He had video evidence of his claims. Dan had recorded Malcium's prayers and displayed them. He even had proof of the God of Justice ignoring Malcium's prayers.

Just like this, the table had turned.

Just how did he have this much proof? This should've been an easy victory, the God of Justice cursed inwardly.

"Silence! Have you forgotten how the Court of Justice works? You should have submitted your evidence earlier. During this session. You do not have the right to speak until we have finished investigating everything. Who are you to question the God of Justice, he has served as the supreme judge of the court after the ancient war." The God of Strategy retorted in panic, he couldn't let this go on, or the blame might fall onto him.

"He is right! In here, I have the highest authority! Stay still while we sort out the evidence." The God of Justice added on. A golden rope appeared and wrapped itself around Dan.

[This is it, Leora. Do it.]

[You're really something.] A dark red spear formed and she tosses it towards the God of Justice. It pierced into the God of Justice's chest and pinned him onto a nearby pillar.

"What's the meaning of this?!" The Origin gods of the alliance of light stood up. "Barbaric!" "How dare you!"

Leora simply smiled and yelled at the top of her voice, "AUDACIOUS! HOW DARE YOU UNDERMINE THE OMNIGOD!!

You said that you have the highest authority here? So you're saying that you are above the Omnigod?

Hmph, so this reply means that the alliance of light actually wants to start a coup? If that is the case, come. I alone am enough to take on all of you." She taunted in a fury, pretending that she had become so mad from the fact that the Omnigod have been insulted.

Out of a sudden, the Omnigod looks furious. The space around the Omnigod started bending.

"No no. That isn't our intention." They sat down and back off as quick as possible. Now, the God of Justice and the God of Strategy was left alone.

"Since it isn't your intention why don't we let the Omnigod take charge of the court once again. Like it used to be during the Ancient war. Since the second ancient war may start again, I think that the Omnigod should stake charge again. Will you do so once again Omnigod?" Dan and Leora humbly bowed.

"I agree too." Asmer too bowed. Of course, she did, she wouldn't let this chance go. Finally, the Omnigod faction would return to power once again.

"We agree too." On the left-hand side, the Six Gods of the Silence Theocracy voiced out their agreement. Seems like these group of people aren't stupid too.

[HAHAHA, this is really interesting, every Origin god is somehow listening to the Omnigod now. Did I really mess they plan that badly?]

[Tch, you do realise that most of the god present now would try to kill you when given a chance? It is just that you keep messing with their mind and implant doubt in themselves, causing them to lose their self-confidence.]

[I know. This will be fun. I wonder how long this would take. How long can the Origin gods withhold their desire for the position of the Omnigod? I've already won the court.]

[You think so?]

[It's not about what I think. It's just that I have already won.]

"Since everyone wants me to take over court duties once again, I will do so." The sound of breaking glass resounded, and a white ball came out of the God of Justice and fall into the Omnigod's hand. The God of Justice fell flat onto the ground, his eye completely white, not showing any signs of a reaction.

The ball transformed into a staff of immeasurable power.

"Is it finally over?" The God of Strategy asked, today he had lost far too much. All he wants now is to return and consolidate his choices.

Unfortunately, Dan doesn't intend to let him off.

[I will be finishing him off today. He is far too dangerous. His capabilities only seem weak now as he is completely caught off guard. If there is a next time, I'm afraid I would struggle against his intellect. Fortunately, I have a little present planned for him.] Dan put his evil thought into action.

See you tomorrow!

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