
I cannot win

Eyes opened, and the old god froze there bewildered. This move had thoroughly surprised the old god. Never in its entire lifespan has it seen such an event.

To find the connection between both parties is just like finding a needle in a haystack. Just how much mental strength does would this take? It had no idea. All it knew was that if placed in the same position as the original Dan, it would not be able to accomplish the same fit. At least not in such a short period.

It seems like this would be a long fight. Now, whoever can utilise the replicated memory to the fullest extent would undoubtedly win. This person must die here; he is too dangerous.

Even for an old god, a mortal with such capabilities is a threat. A person who managed to trick all the gods must not be underestimated. His memories and his experience explain it all. If only all of those memories belong to me. It's cold heart dead heart beats once more. Warming up in its desire for more, for more power.

It was the first time it had ever seen such an anomaly. Maybe I should befriend him; instead, it bitterly thought. It is already too late. There is no turning back now.

It stares back at Dan, glaring at him with its murky yellow eye.

Aura forms around both Dan and the old god. The energy released by both beings in a stand-off increased rapidly. Unfortunately, the place was completely empty.

There was no way to measure the power level of the opponent base on the destructive force on the surroundings. Nevertheless, it was rising rapidly. The waves ripple in agitation. It was resonating with the two beings.

With each passing second, the waves get bigger and bigger. Despite the increasing tension between Dan and the old god, nobody made a move. It was so tense that it seems that if someone blinks in this situation, they will be shot down instantly.

Soon, the waves became enormous. Black tidal waves form some emerging even as high as 10 metres.

Dan was the first to give in. "Since you are not moving, I will go first."

His third eye blinked and Dan's silhouette vanished.

*Bang* The old god blocked his first strike. The waves behind divert away from the shockwave of that single strike.

This much strength isn't enough?! He blinked in astonishment. Unimaginable, is this our difference in strength? Tch, the gap is too wide. Playing God? Now it looks like my previous attempts were just a minor joke.

Time to go all out. This time round, Dan's aura burst out without withstrain. Hurricane forms in the background as he approaches the aloof old god. It was looking at Dan with pure contempt and mild disgust.

"Hahaha, I have never seen a being who is so acceptive of the power of an old god."

"Funny, I don't remember identifying myself as an inhabitant of Alcanti. Look closer into my memories, do I look like someone who fred over something as minor as races." Dan chuckled and continued his blows, landing strike after strike.

"Since you are so serious, it would be rude for me to continue with such low enthusiasm levels. Allow me to go all out too." Its aura drastically rises.

Their blows finally connect, Dan's right fist had come into direct contact with the old god's left fist.

A draw? No. I am getting push back? He grumbled in annoyance. Just what am I lacking? Knowledge? Strength? Mana?

I had even turn my emotions into power... I cannot win this. His face whitened in realisation.

"Hahaha, so you finally notice that you have no chance of winning." It mocked. "While you do have my memories, internalising them is an entirely different process. Even I an old god couldn't completely internalise your memory, so what makes you think that you are better? You only have a 17 year worth of knowledge while I have millions of years worth of information. With my superior conscience, why is it so surprising to you that you have no chance of winning this?"

"Surrender now while you can."

"I see. So what I lack are those millions of year worth of experience. Then it is indeed inevitable. I have no way of beating you." Dan bitterly smiled.

Instead of expressing servitude or intentions of giving up, he pushed his mana beyond the limits of his body.

"I do not understand. You noticed that you could not win me, and yet you continue to oppose me? Why is this so? Aren't you suppose to be a rational being? I cannot understand." The old god asked in confusion.

Dan laughed, "If I say that 'In the deepest of darkness, as long as there is hope, I would not give up.' Would you believe me?"

"That is a lie. You do not believe in hope. What is your motive?"

"You overestimate me old god. Humans are irrational beings. Despite the times, I tell myself that I am a rational person, reality proves me otherwise. I am an irrational person who prioritises his desire above all other things. What is the point of living when I cannot enjoy my desires." Dan explained.

"Just like all other humans, even I am affected by my irrational self. Just like a victim of war who would rather enter the frontlines rather than staying away from the war zone. Who knows what their desire may be, revenge? For the pride of their country? Or just because they hated the invaders for invading their land? What is the difference? All living beings are prone to irrational decisions at times." He further elaborated.


"Who are you to judge? Even you a great old god lost your battle just because of your irrationality. If during that time of the ancient war. What if you had saved your allies? You would have won that particular battle and would not be reduced to your current state.

You overestimate, yet underestimate me." Dan roared and charged forward.

"Why is this so?" It blocked Dan again.

"I do not know. But I am guessing that it is because of emotions or free will. Or maybe a combination of both."

"It has been nice meeting you. You will be remembered."

[Limit break] [Potential break] [Emotions break]

"I have never met someone as interesting as you. It is a shame."

"Indeed its a shame."

Dan's inner world was turned upside down from this battle. The battle rages on without a conclusion. Who knows how long this fight would go on? All that is known is that Dan cannot win. And he was indeed right. He had no chance of winning.


Meanwhile somewhere in the Magi Empire. An old man walked out solemnly. He excited the concil of Magicians in low spirits. This was expected. After all, who would be in high spirit knowing that he only had 3 days left in his position.

They got me this time. Perhaps it was a mistake, a mistake of dwelling in elemental magic. Perhaps it never existed. Perhaps I was a fool for searching for something that never existed.

But do I blame myself? No. I blame those brats of the Magician Academy. It is all their fault. If not for them, I would have made at least some progress. The funds and my tools are all gone. My research team has been cut down. Some relocated due to the increasing stress.

No new magician has joined my team since last year. They do not see any prospect in my research. I need more time. If only I can make a miracle within these three days. My thoughts wander off to dangerous solutions. Stealing? No. How can I the great Dawand Daviness resort to such means?

Great? Hahaha, more like a fool. Dawand timidly entered his residence, waiting for his daughter to nag at him angrily. Even after hiding for a few seconds, he noticed that something was odd. Isn't she at home? Hahaha, she must have visited her friend. Must be tiring having a useless father like me, a father who only know magic.

He mourned in regret. The regret of not spending more time with her.

A gust of wind blew by, and the mild smell of blood entered his nose.

"Jessie? Jessie where are you right now?!" Dawand cried out in worry. Sweat stains his scholarly looking robe as he hurriedly searches the mansion. Opening door after door, at last. He reached the 3rd bathroom.

"Jessie!" Please be alright. Please be alright. He ran tirelessly towards the bathroom. Handprints in bright red blood were all over the corridor, stimulating his imagination.

"OH MY GOD JESSIE!" His daughter lay on the side of the pool, only semi-conscious.

"Father..." She weakly muttered.

"Don't worry its alright now." Dawand cast every Arcane regenerative spell he knew. Unfortunately, his knowledge on recovery Arcane magic was still too shallow. If only I had learnt Arcane magic properly... what he had mastered was destructive magic. If only... If only that...

Damn it! Must be those brats from that magician academy. He automatically pushed the blame to his political enemies.

"JESSIE NO!" He watches powerlessly as Jessie faints from the loss of blood. How am I going to face your mother like this? I already lose your mother; I can't possibly lose you too.

(Entirely not the elemental fault, right? They are innocent, right? Oh no.)

Why is this chapter out so early? Cause I am writing at a friend/buddy house, somehow I write faster in his house. Hmmm. I should visit him more often.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts