
Chapter 2 - Xun

Xun awoke within a small prison cell. He was unsure when he fell asleep, or even why. However, when he awakened his normally misty eyes sharpened. He pushed up his glasses and focused around the room. Two bunk beds were side to side, Xun lying on one of the top bunks. The room was otherwise empty, with a small hole on the ground in the corner. The bricks while dilapidated, were dark black. On the opposing wall were a few dark iron bars. Not enough for anyone to squeeze through, but enough for someone to put in a loaf of bread. Past the bars was corridor, with a bright red torch flickering on the opposing wall.

In the back of Xun's right hand was a sharp burning pain, as a small blue rune imprinted itself onto him. The rune had a form of brilliance that drew him in, and as Xun focused in on it, a small screen appeared.


Name - Xun

Title - Unmotivated

Race - Undecided

Class - Undecided

Vitality - 0

Strength - 0

Agility - 0

Stamina - 0

Intelligence - 0

Spirit - 10

Faction - Locked

Abilities - Inventory (Empty) (5)

Xun focused back into reality as noticed a movement from the corner of his eye. He realized that there were three figures on the floor of the room already. Each had a ghastly blue mist around them, yet they were recognizable. Katie, Roy, and Jess, were each standing around the room. Jess stood further back, yet none of them made any noticeable noise, even when walking around the room.

Roy was flailing his arms through Katie's body, his body language implying that he was shouting. Jess, standing at the corner of the room warily. While Katie looked directly at the cell door. While Xun couldn't see anyone's facial expressions, it was clear from her posturing that Katie was thinking.

Katie pulled a bobby pin out of her hair and fiddled with the lock for a second, before walking through the door.

Xun scoffed before laughing to himself, "So, she knows how to lock-pick."

A small blue symbol of an opened lock appeared above Katie's head as she walked took a right down the corridor.

Roy and Jess walked closer to the door, and Roy charged to the door, almost running, before slamming into it. He bounced off the door and landed at the room. Jess stood at the door before walking back to the bottom bunk and sitting down. After a few minutes Roy stood up, and started banging on the cell door.

Two ghostly guards phased through the door, and grabbed Roy, and even as he struggled there was nothing he could do. He was dragged outside the cell, and to the left of the corridor.

Jess retreated underneath their bed, and didn't seem to be coming out anytime soon. So Xun climbed down from his bunk-bed, as he started thinking to himself.

"The only reasonable way to escape the cell seems to be through the cell door. The lock is pick-able, and the guards seem to be able to open it from the outside. The cube must have brought us here, I shouldn't have trusted anything my father left me."

His thoughts were shortly interrupted by the clinking of bones, the first noise Xun had heard since he woke up.

A skeleton guard walked up, dressed in the same guard outfit as the spirits from earlier, while it's entire body was made of decaying bones. In it's hands was a rotten loaf of bread, which it pushed through the cell bars. Xun walked up to the bars slowly and reached for the loaf of bread while looking into the skeletons eyes. A flickering fire could be seen deep within it's empty eye sockets.

Xun reached towards the skeleton's hand and pulled it into the cell door. Simultaneously he threw a punch with his left hand to the skeletons head. The skeleton slammed into the door before it's arm detached. Then Xun landed a punch directly onto the skeleton's head, which shattered on the impact. It then promptly collapsed into a pile of bones on the ground.

Xun dropped the hand and searched the pile of bones and pulled out a key-ring. Reaching his hand around the bars he tested each key on the lock before the door popped open.

Xun turned around and looked towards the room, but Jess was nowhere to be seen. Xun quickly walked towards the right as softly as he could.

A sharp prick was felt from Xun's right hand as another rune imprinted itself onto his hands.

"Ability gained: Close combat - Novice - Level 1"

Xun then finally realized what the eeriest part of the entire situation was.

"I don't make any noise when I walk."

While his feet touched the ground his footsteps made no noise, while the skeleton guard clinked as he walked towards the cell.

As Xun kept walking he passed by a cell, before a prompt appeared within his eyes.

Quest: Possession

Choose a body to possess.

Reward: Class changing potion, High level healing potion.

As Xun glanced into the cell he noticed a bull-demon. It snorted and smoke came out of it's nostrils. Both of it's legs had been removed it was sitting at the back of the room, it's eyes filled with a burning rage.

Xun quickly kept walking past.

"I've gotta look at least somewhat like a human, right?"

He glanced into the cells and noticed many different people, and monsters.

Some had a series of decaying humans, while others had all forms of beasts, even giant tigers.

There were many different series of beautiful women with long pointy ears, with varying skin colors. A corpse of a dark-skinned one was in the corner of the cell.


Xun remarked to himself.

Yet no one acknowledged him walking through the cells, not even a glance up, or a cry for help.

As Xun walked through the corridor, he realized it was twisting downwards. As he reached the end he found a young man chained to the wall. His hair was white and his eyes bright red, while his entire body was covered with bright red lashes, and dried blood covered the floor. A fairly expensive looking set of clothes was ripped to shreds and lied on his body.

The man glanced up at Xun and said in a raspy voice.

"Hey spirit, you know the girl?"

Xun assumed he was talking about Katie, and replied "Yeah, where did she go, I didn't pass by her on the way down."

The boy laughed "How could you see each-other if you're in different time-lines. Well I won't ask how you knew each other in the first place."

His eyes had small runic circles appear in them before he coughed up some blood.

"Possess me." He sighed. "My body's an empty shell, I sold my soul for my powers."

His story seemed to contain a bitterness in it.

"My name's Xun, and I promise you that I'll give you my body if you'll burn this damn place to the ground."

Xun smirked and said.

"What a coincidence, I'm called Xun too."

Then he walked into the man's body. His entirety was sucked into the body, before he realized he was seeing through his eyes. A sharp bitter pain assaulted Xun, as he realized his entire body was on the brink of death.

A notification sound appeared.

Quest Complete, automatically using quest rewards.

The pain faded away, and was replaced with a sense of overwhelming strength, while his injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. His wounds closed up and his skin became perfect, unblemished.

Then a menu appeared.

Please select a class.

Xun waited for a list of classes to appear before he spoke.

"What options do I have."

A voice spoke into his head. "Kid, there's an infinite amount of classes in this world, of course there isn't going to be a list."

Xun was startled, but it only showed in his eyes.

The voice kept going.

"Look I'm only here to watch you kill all the damn demon-spawn in this hell-hole."

"I barely have enough strength to keep talking so, here's my advice kid. You should know your own strengths, just give it the subtitle demonic. My body is filled with demonic energy. If you really can't choose just pick Runic Paladin."

The voice quieted down to a whisper towards the end.

Xun realized he wouldn't be able to speak anymore before he thought to himself.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to kill everyone in this building." With a large sense of blood-lust filling his system.

"Demonic Runic Cultivator."

Xun said resolutely, with no small amount of killing intent leaking from his voice.

The memo had a small amount of text appear within it.

"Cultivator not classified in this realm. Pulling database from other realms. Compiled.

Class granted, stats reset."

Suddenly, all of Xun's power and blood-lust were sealed. His overpowering intent to kill was smothered in an instant.

His stats page reappeared as new stats appeared.


Name - Xun

Title - Slaughterer of the Demons.

Race - Human (Demonic)

Class - Demonic Runic Cultivator.

Vitality - 10

Strength - 10

Agility - 10

Stamina - 10

Intelligence - 10

Spirit - 20

Demonic energy - 100

Qi - 0

Faction - Kingdom of Heaven (destroyed.) Goddess Adrestia

Abilities - Inventory (Empty) (5)

Demonic Rune imprinting

Basic Cultivating manual

Close combat - Novice - Level 1

Xun suddenly came to himself after the overwhelming changes that happened to him.

"You probably have some epic story to you don't you, tell me if you ever get the chance"

Xun said aloud, almost hoping for a response he knew he wouldn't get.

"Now, to kill everyone in this 'damned hell-hole'"

Hi everyone.

This is just a re-upload of this novel on this account.

Thanks to all the support of people on my first novel, if you like it please leave a review or vote power-stones!

I'll be uploading at least 1 chapter every 24 hours.

As well as uploading every additional chapter I write in that time.

Feel free to leave any comments about anything.

Thanks a lot.

Shamucreators' thoughts