
Cthulhu in Marvel Universe

After traveling to the Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel world, Louie obtained the "Fear Descending System". As long as people feel indescribable fear, they can get rich rewards. The Old Ones!Ancient God!Outer god!Countless indescribable existences come to Marvel! Odin: "The existence that once dominated the entire universe, called the Old Ones?" Gu Yi: "Ancient God? A god that existed on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago?" Dormammu: "God of blind folly? Azathoth?" When Thanos came to Earth and discovered this Earth, it was not the same as intelligence. Thanos: "Sorry! Wrong place!" Thanos: "Sorry! Excuse me!"

Poison_Rage · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
122 Chs

Chapter 67: Continuous Mountains of Madness, Coulson's Madness

Coulson didn't bring any other S.H.I.E.L.D. after exploring the... private exploration team's camp.


....The agent left because he knew very well the secrets of Antarctica, not only these, but also the former...the rich man named David, there are many places that have not been explored.

For example, the most important one is the huge mountain range that suddenly appeared in Antarctica, and the native altitude of Antarctica may be comparable to the huge mountain range of the Himalayas.

The sudden appearance of such a huge mountain on Earth is simply... unbelievable.

And Louie had mentioned something to Coulson before in Hell's Kitchen.

That's that weird mountain in Antarctica.

It is a super ancient city where the ancients used to be.

In other words, that mountain range is a city! It belongs to the city of the ancients! It's just that after an unknown number of... billions of years.

Most of the old ones are dead.

In the end, it was due to degeneration.

Of course, there is another reason... that is... Shoggoth's betrayal! This made the ancients, who were already in a state of regress, even worse.

So much so that the ancients on earth have fallen to the point of almost extinction.

That... 10 ancients discovered by the private expedition team, 10 ancients that were originally in a state of sleep, but unfortunately were awakened by others.

It is very likely that... the ancient race of the ancients, there are only 10 left! This number is so rare that any rare animal can't match it.

Even those rare animals with only one left can't compare to the particularity of the ancients.

After all, the ancients existed on the earth 10 billion years ago.

And they used to be an alien race.

Coulson vaguely remembered what Louis seemed to have mentioned, the Old Ones a billion years ago.

Those... the ancients who have not degenerated to this point.

Able to use a pure body to cross the universe.

Not afraid of radiation in the universe at all.

Not afraid of that...vacuum environment.

It is extremely powerful.

"It is even possible to fight against Cthulhu's clan, and has launched a long-term battle, and I don't know what method the ancients used to make the cthulhu faction's clan regress.

In any case, it can be explained from the side that if this race still exists in this world, there will be no human beings at all.

Humans have not evolved to match them at all."

Even if Colson didn't want to admit that fact, he had to say it was a fact.

Human beings are proud of their "wisdom" whether it is a body or a human being at present.

Neither of the two combined is as good as any of the ancients.

This is an indisputable fact that cannot be refuted.

Probably the only advantage humans have...is...the ability to reproduce faster.

"Should we set off immediately to explore that mountain range? If we are going to explore that mountain range, it is definitely not reasonable to walk there. We can only go there by plane."

Agent May seemed to see Coulson's hesitation, and she took the opportunity to eat a little something, then turned her head and said, "We can use S.H.I.E.L.D.


....the mini drones developed by some scientists in it, to explore that area."

Coulson shook his head slightly and said, "In this extremely cold environment, the drone's battery won't last long, and it may not come back and run out of power."

"Even the tiny cameras on our bodies have to be replaced every once in a while, with a fully charged battery."

Indeed, in the icy and snowy environment, the power consumption of the battery is very serious.

It is obviously not advisable to use drones to explore, but it will also lose a few drones.



....'s drones are not... mass-market goods.



Each drone of .... is very precious.

The loss of a plane is... a full month's salary for the senior agent of Coulson.

Although he does not need to compensate for the money.

But it still hurts in the end.

After taking a slow and deep breath, Coulson walked to the open space outside the camp and looked at a mountain in the distance. He didn't know if that mountain was actually Spanrona, the crazy scene he described. of mountains.

But what is certain is..., he saw one from a distance.

Bare face.

It seems that there is still a little vagueness, or that it is not a cloud at all.

That seems to be... a large private exploration team, the described volcano.

Coulson remembered that the other party had said that there was a volcano nearby.

And he was shocked by it at the time, because when there were two volcanoes nearby.

That... the private team is actually carrying out high-intensity blasting.

Those lunatics are not afraid of the volcano erupting.

Looking at a rolling mountain in the distance, Coulson was a little stunned for a while:.

The scenery in Antarctica is very beautiful.

It has been polluted by industry.

The kind of... full of wonders, aroused Coulson's endless fantasy, a majestic and barren mysterious mountain range, covered with tall peaks, those... tall and majestic The mountain peaks always stand in the west direction.

Under the sunlight, the light seemed to follow the sea level, casting a hazy and reddish light on the snow and ice.

Sweeping over that very desolate hilltop was a terrifying gust of wind from the South Pole.

The tones of the wind whistling past seemed to contain the same vague rhyme as the bagpipes played Chu Chu.

It seems to be a crazy note between the edge of cognition, the blind spot of knowledge.

Let Coulson have a very strange feeling in his subconscious memory.

This feeling is like very restless, very creepy.

Let him at this time... suddenly, have a very bad feeling.

Coulson couldn't help remembering that in the Necronomicon described by Louie... there was a seemingly very mysterious legend about the Mountains of Madness.

Or maybe it's not a legend at all, but a fact.

That fact is a billion years ago in history.

It was all recorded by a mad poet, in an unknown way.

Nobody knows, that guy named Abdullah Al-Hassad.

Why do you know so much.

Maybe the other party is not some crazy poet at all.

Maybe the other party is not human at all.

Maybe he's... one of the Old Ones.

Maybe he is... some ancient god of the earth.

Or maybe he's just... an Outer God.

But who knows exactly what it is? After Coulson came back to his senses, he realized that there was something wrong with his state just now. This kind of wrong state is a bit like being affected by something indescribable. .

This made Coulson's expression instantly dignified, he closed his eyes and calmed himself for a while.

And let yourself not look at the endless mountain range in the distance.

It seems like this can bring him back a little sanity.

It seemed like this would keep him from being affected.

And it turns out that doing so has some small effects.

Coulson's eyes regained some clarity.

He couldn't help but let out a heavy breath.

There was some lingering fears for a while.

Thinking back on it now, just now, in the kind of... , a little weird state, Coulson couldn't help but feel a little creepy, feeling a chill down his spine.

An inexplicable coolness rushed up from the back of the spine and rushed to the top of the forehead.

It made him shiver and goosebumps all over his body.

So much so that there was a little cold sweat on the forehead, and there was even a feeling of nausea.

This nauseating feeling is not the feeling of smelling bad.

This feeling, even Coulson himself, can't describe it.

"This place is a little too weird."

"A large stretch of mountains seems very eerie."

"It's simply not a place for people."

In this way, in this frightening situation, Coulson spent a very unforgettable night in Antarctica. Because there is a free camp here, at night, there is no need to fear the blizzard.

The night in Antarctica is like the edge of an abyss. There is obviously no movement around, not even a penguin is seen. This peaceful atmosphere is very refreshing.

But in S.H.I.E.L.D.


… Among sensitive people like agents, this silence does not make them happy.

On the contrary, it will make them feel more dangerous around them, and feel that the danger may be next to them.

So that when they go to bed at night, they can only sleep on a Quinjet.

It seems to be safer on the plane.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... the Quinjet is actually... a fighter jet.

And it's the kind with super long battery life, and its defense is also extremely strong.

I didn't have a good night, and I didn't sleep well either.

When I woke up on day 2, bad news.

It came from the headquarters of the Trident Building.

"Ed Dalson committed suicide!"

Coulson's first reaction to this news was...surprised, Ed Dalson is...that...the paleontologist of the...private exploration team, and the one...the most mentally...normal in the...private exploration team. one of.

Coulson could only observe a second of silence, but had nothing else to think about.

After all, he is not familiar with this person, and the two sides only met once... and talked a few words.

And as a S.H.I.E.L.D.


... of senior agents, Coxon has seen too many dead people.

Even the death of his companion made it hard for him to cry.

Not to mention the death of a stranger which is bad news though.

But Coulson didn't say too much either.

Out of the cabin of the Quinjet.

Coulson looked up at the sun overhead.

Taking a breath of the cold morning air, the whole person woke up from a state of drowsiness that he had just woken up from, and he gave an order to say: "Mei! Go to that mountain range today to explore and try to find the so-called so-called ancient.

And take pictures of the whole mountain range."

Listen... Agent May nodded slightly, she woke up an hour earlier than Coulson.

Although she and Coxon are agents of the same level.

But Coulson was Nick Fury's designated captain.

So Agent May's order for .. Coulson, as long as the order isn't too outrageous.

She will continue to do it with no expression on her face.

This is also Agent May's character.