
Crystal Constellations

Lin Songmei is poor. Getting dropped off at the doorstep of an orphanage while she was a baby—the classic baby in the basket situation—she didn’t have much of a childhood, and spent most of her days doing schoolwork or reading in the library. However, in a world where modern society is intertwined with cultivators that have lived for as long as anyone remembers, everyone’s life has a chance to turn around at the aptitude tests held at 16 years old. So, when Songmei goes into the aptitude tests crossing her fingers and hoping for a smidge of talent, just enough to get her a comfy home and a stable future, but finds out she has more talent than she could ever imagine... what next? Dream of a bigger house? 'And why does the second child of a super rich family clan keep showing up? Her family has enough influence to move nations... So why is she hanging out in my room?' --------------- This is going to be a kinda slice of life, fluff GL story-... kinda what I always write if you’ve read my other books... Cover art is not mine! Updates will be... T~T bad(?) I’ll try and be consistent but I’m bad at being consistent during the school year Join my discord! It’ll be fun I promise! Also there are reference images and name explanations which are like... free bonus content free dlc! (i don’t play games idk sorry) https://discord.gg/aEzwY9dR5c

Esiyx · LGBTQ+
Classificações insuficientes
175 Chs

House Visits

Blazing through their breakfast, Lin Songmei, Yan Mingqing, Han Youhong, Wang Taigang, and Zhao Liying did some final, quick preparations before heading out the door. With the mayor's speech the night before being... provocative, to say the least, the five cultivators had made a plan of action. 

Judging from who had been in the mayor's posse, Liying had proposed they try and coordinate their efforts with the other big hitters in the city. Going along with their plan from the night before, the five of them split into two groups. 

Songmei and Mingqing were considered 'group one.' The general itinerary was to first check if Wrath had woken up and was able to talk or fight. Then, they were to go to gluttony and just... try and gauge where his heart lay. 

Youhong, Taigang, and Liying made up the other group, a simple two group split. Their general plan was to first drop by Lust's territory, then make a quick run to Sloth's place. Overall, simple goals! Small steps, small steps. They just needed to find out whether or not the two underworld leaders could be reasoned with or convinced to help. 

Envy, as the only one not planned with a visit was just left to sit. Similar to his namesake, the man was known to flip-flop sides to whichever benefited him the most. Therefore, their plan was to just let Envy... be envious and do whatever he wanted. Taigang, with a quote for the ages, just said to "treat Envy like his emotional counterpart. As an expendable resource to not get attached to." 

What a line. Their team leader Taigang was truly one of the cultivators of all time with such culture and philosophy swirling in his mind. 

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, Songmei squeezed Mingqing's hand as they strolled down the street. "So... it took us a week to heal. We were a lot weaker back then, but our wounds were also easier to treat." 

"Yeah, and we also got some medicine from Xueli." Mingqing added, squeezing Songmei's hand back as they turned the corner to face the hospital. "I wouldn't expect much. Wrath probably has a different perspective, so just... getting that might be useful. She could also put us in contact with her subordinates?" 

"True..." Songmei nodded, leaning her head against Mingqing's shoulder. "It's nice to just work with you again. It's been a while since we've just been alone." 

Lifting Songmei's head off her shoulder, Mingqing laughed. "It's hard to walk like this, and aren't you one who's not a big fan of PDA? You know, publicly displayed affection? But yes, it really has been a while... Life is a lot easier with the other three, but alone time is also just... nice." 

Agreeing with Mingqing's second statement and trying to dodge the first statement with an awkward cough, Songmei squeezed Mingqing's hand. "It's because there's barely anyone on the streets right now... You know? Mayor told everyone to stay home and everything." 

"I guess..." Mingqing agreed, swiveling her head to look around. "That's true though. It's usually rush hour right now, but it's practically empty. I wonder why the mayor said that though... it's not like he's able to fight in the main parts of the city anyway, that'd just cause a lot of unnecessary destruction." 

Shrugging as they walked through the double doors of the hospital, Songmei had nothing to offer or explain with. "Probably just has something to hide." 

With the receptionist looking up from her work though, Songmei and Mingqing put their little conversation on hold. Asking for directions to Wrath's room, Songmei and Mingqing went through a mini-interrogation before getting permission. 

Like... good job to the receptionist, but... really? The doctors in the hospital were all far past foundation establishment! No hospital room assassination could occur, even if someone tried! 

Taking the elevator up a couple of floors, Songmei and Mingqing were greeted once more with the classic hospital view: desaturated colors, linoleum floors, and artificial lighting. The long hallways dotted with identical wooden doors didn't help either. It was like the hospital had been transported straight out of the past. 

With small metal plaques on each door, Songmei and Mingqing made their way through the winding halls, looking for room three-hundred and forty-four. 

"There!" Mingqing shouted with joy after five minutes of torturous walking and searching. Pulling Songmei with her, Mingqing knocked on the door, asking, "Can we come in?" 

With a faint "Come in," being passed through the thick door, Mingqing cracked the door open, walking through it with Songmei before closing it with a click. 

"Just you two... huh," Wrath nodded, turning to face the two girls. "Thank you for saving me the other day." 

Taking a seat beside the bed Wrath sat on, Songmei frowned as she saw the melancholic smile sitting on Wrath's face. Of course, it was understandable, most people would be sad after getting a sword straight through the chest... but Songmei just felt it wasn't very... wrathful. 

The hospital room though, was neat, sterile as all hospital rooms were. A television sat in the corner atop a small table and a window let in golden beams of sun. 

Wrath, on the other hand, sat against a mini-wall of pillows. Her usual full-set of plate armor was nowhere to be seen as bandages wrapped around her chest, peeking out from under her hospital gown. 

"I'm surprised the other three didn't come with you, are they busy?" Wrath asked, her melancholic look disappearing, replaced with a small flicker of curiosity. Seeing Songmei and Mingqing's surprise as to how well Wrath remembered them, she explained. "You all have been working under me for over a year now. It'd be weird if I didn't recognize some of the most productive people, right?" 

"True..." Songmei nodded, shifting her sitting position. "They're trying to get in contact with the other underworld leaders. We have a lot of... stuff to do you could say. A lot of new enemies. Did you see the mayor's speech last night?" 

With her expression hardening, the Wrath's Qi flared up, causing a hulking momentum to crash down upon Songmei and Mingqing before Wrath grimaced in pain, the pressure disappearing just as fast as it came. 

"... I did." Wrath growled, her mouth pressed in a thin line as the fiery tongues of angry fire roared to life behind her eyes. "That bastard. Gao Kunshan, I'll remember you forever. I'll murder you with my own hands if the heavens allow." 

Taking a deep breath, Wrath shook her head, calming herself down before apologizing. "Anyway, yes, I have seen the speech. Pride and Avarice are siding with the mayor, but the other four are not. I would love to help. However, I'm afraid to tell you, I'm in no condition to fight right now." 

"No, no, that was expected," Mingqing reassured with a couple nods, clenching Songmei's hand as she forced herself to not freeze up like usual with strangers. "We're actually here just to gather information, coordinate, and just learn more. So... any advice?" 

Stumping Wrath, Mingqing and Songmei sat there for a few moments as Wrath tapped her chin. "Give me a moment... I do have some stuff I can share. Where to start though, and how much confidential information am I willing to give up..." 

I have a physics test tomorrow... wish me luckkk T~T

anyway, i realized i mixed up Gao Kunshan and Yang Tianshu's name for the rest of the luke... time they show up... so now I have to go back through all the chaps i've written after this and fix it T~T

new weekend plans... T~T

Anyway, i think it's only like... 10 or so chapters, we're nearing the enddd, (Chapter 175 is the last chapter of book two... T~T I know i know...

But yeah, take care friends <3<3

good luck with everything y'all, thanks for reading~!! <3<3

You all mean the world to me

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