
Crushing On Ms CEO

Crushing on Ms CEO" is a captivating story about the lives of two successful individuals from different worlds, Elsie Beckman, a powerful and strong-willed CEO, and Jayden Reynolds, an architect who falls in love with his boss. Elsie, a beautiful woman with a cold heart and a no-nonsense attitude, spent her vacation on a luxury yacht and met Jayden, who was employed in her company. Jayden is a bad boy with a troubled past who admires his boss from afar but finds it hard to approach her. # CEO # rich family # badboy As the story progresses, Jayden's ex-girlfriend, a slutty and clingy woman, barges into his office unexpectedly, wanting to win him back. However, Jayden declines her advances, and Elsie walks in on the scene. The incident leaves Elsie angry and hurt, leading to a temporary rift between her and Jayden. Eventually, Jayden proves his worth to Elsie and is accepted back into the company with strict rules and orders to follow. Jayden's gratitude towards his boss for giving him a second chance, coupled with his good personality and respect for her, ignites a strong bond between them. As their relationship deepens, the two navigate the challenges that come with being in love while balancing their careers. "Crushing on Ms CEO" is a story of love, ambition, and self-discovery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

MartFord21 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter One

(Jayden's POV)

As I stood there in the conference room, staring at her from afar, I knew I was in trouble. Elsie Beckman, the CEO of our architectural firm, was an enigma to me. She was powerful, successful, and beautiful, but she was also cold-hearted and hard to get. I'd admired her from afar for years, but I'd never dared to approach her. She was a force to be reckoned with, and I didn't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.

I was an architect, and Elsie was my boss. I'd been working at the firm for three years, and in that time, I'd seen her in action. She was a tough cookie, and she demanded perfection from her employees. Her attention to detail was legendary, and she was known for being a micromanager. But she was also respected and admired by everyone who worked for her. She was a powerful woman in a male-dominated industry, and she'd earned her place at the top.

I couldn't help but notice her every move, her every word, her every breath. I was mesmerized by her beauty, her grace, and her intelligence. I knew I had no chance with her, but I couldn't help but admire her from afar.

It was during the company's annual retreat that I saw her in a different light. We were all on a luxury yacht, cruising along the coast, enjoying the sun and the sea. Elsie was in her element, relaxed and carefree. She was wearing a bikini, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was stunning, and I was smitten.

But then she spoke, and I was reminded of who she was. She was discussing business with her top executives, and she was as tough as ever. Her words were sharp, her tone was commanding, and her presence was intimidating. She was the boss, and she made sure everyone knew it.

I spent the rest of the trip trying to avoid her, but it was impossible. We were all on the same yacht, and I couldn't help but see her every move. I watched as she swam in the ocean, danced under the stars, and laughed with her colleagues. She was a different person outside the office, but she was still Elsie Beckman, the CEO.

As the trip came to an end, I realized that I had fallen even harder for her. I knew it was a lost cause, but I couldn't help the way I felt. I wanted to be with her, to make her laugh, to see her smile. But I knew it was impossible. She was too powerful, too strong, too cold-hearted.

Back in the office, I tried to focus on my work, but I couldn't help but think about her. I watched her every move, studied her every word, and admired her from afar. I knew I had to get over her, but I didn't know how.

And then, one day, she called me into her office. My heart skipped a beat as I walked in, wondering what I'd done wrong. But she just wanted to discuss a project we were working on together. She was professional, focused, and direct. She gave me feedback on my work, and I listened carefully.

As I left her office, I realized that I had been wrong about her. She was tough, yes, but she was also fair, honest, and supportive. She was a powerful woman, but she was also human. And I knew then that I had a chance with her, if only I could find the courage to approach her.

But that was easier said than done. Elsie Beckman was not to the one to be messed with.

I've been working at Beckman Design and Build Inc. for a little over a year now, and I can safely say that I have never met anyone quite like Elsie Beckman. She's our boss, the CEO, and the mastermind behind some of the most impressive architectural feats I've ever seen. And yet, despite her incredible success, Elsie is one of the most elusive and enigmatic people I've ever come across.

I first met Elsie during my interview, and I was immediately intimidated by her presence. She was dressed in a sharp suit that showed off her toned figure, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek bun. Her piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through me, and I felt like she could see all of my flaws and insecurities without me even saying a word.

But despite her cold exterior, I was immediately drawn to her. Maybe it was the way she carried herself with such confidence, or maybe it was the way her voice seemed to echo through the room, commanding attention without even trying. All I knew was that I wanted to work for her, and I was determined to do whatever it took to make that happen.

And so, I found myself at Beckman Design and Build, working alongside Elsie and the rest of the team. It was a dream come true for me, but I soon realized that working with Elsie wasn't going to be easy.

She was demanding, exacting, and never settled for anything less than perfection. But at the same time, she was fiercely protective of her team and always made sure we were taken care of. She had a reputation for being cold and unapproachable, but I could see that there was more to her than met the eye.

Despite her reputation, I found myself admiring her from afar. There was something about her that drew me in, like a moth to a flame. Maybe it was her beauty, which was undeniable - she had high cheekbones, full lips, and a figure that could turn heads from a mile away. Or maybe it was the way she carried herself, with such poise and grace, like she was always in control of every situation.

I didn't know what it was, but I found myself crushing on Elsie more and more as the days went by. It was a hopeless crush, of course - I was just an architect, and she was the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company. But still, I couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like to be with her, to feel her lips on mine, to run my fingers through her soft hair.

It wasn't until I heard about Elsie's vacation on a luxury yacht that I realized just how far gone I was. She was taking a well-deserved break from work, and I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to join her on that yacht, to spend lazy days in the sun, sipping cocktails and talking about anything and everything.

Of course, that was just a pipe dream. Elsie was a powerful, strong, and independent woman who didn't need a man to make her happy. And besides, she probably didn't even know I existed. I was just another employee, another face in the crowd.

But still, I couldn't help but daydream about her, about the way her hair would look in the wind, or the way she would laugh at one of my jokes. I knew it was foolish, but I couldn't help myself.

And so, I resigned myself to admiring Elsie from afar, content to watch her from a distance and admire her from afar. I knew I could never have her, but that didn't stop me from dreaming about her every night.

Author's note;

Hi there lovely readers, I'm thrilled to write to you this wonderful novel, hope you'd support me and make this novel reach out to a lot of people who enjoy reading billionaire novel.

Welcome to my luxurious world , Stay tuned for more updates.

Remember to motivate me and I'll appreciate.