Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
Aphrodite stood in the eye of the crowd. Besieging her was a crowd of desperately horny men and women all dying to take but a glance at her figure.
For good reason to. The goddess stood at about six feet tall on her own. She wore no clothing to protect her flawless white skin from Helios rays. Her long curly golden hair flowed down to her lower back and her emerald green eyes reflected the sunlight brighter than the sun itself.
She was truly gorgeous.
As she strutted forward the crowd looked in amazement. Even though she was considerably taller than the puny mortals she stood even taller in a pair of golden platform sandals with sandal straps that went up to her knees.
"Ha, look but don't touch mortals." She said to herself as she smugly smirked.
As she walked along the crowd kept their distance but still kept behind her. As she neared a small water fountain her heart began racing. Sitting on the fountain was a muscular young man with short blonde hair. However this man paid her no attention. Instead he looked upon the ground to see some ants devouring a helpless cockroach.
The Goddess walked up to him, a little irked that he hadn't fawned over her likeness yet. She lean in near him and said
The audience behind her nearly died of shock on the spot. The Goddess had never acknowledged the existence of mometals before.
The young man greeted her back.
In an apathetic tone, never making eye contact with her.
Aphrodite's body temperature shot up and the whistling of steam came out of her ear only for her to hear.
"I'm sorry but am I bugging you?" She asked in anger, failing to receive a response this time.
She leaned in and perked up her breast towards him.
"Hey, how would you like to go back to my place, and we could-"
"Not interested." He replied.
The crowd began to murmur in amazement that this young man was able to resist her sexual advancements.
Aphrodite's face turned bright red and her eye began twitching in a rage she hadn't felt before. She would not stand for this humiliation.
"Alright that's enough!" She shouted.
This caught the young man's attention
"What?!" He said in shock and some fear.
The crowd fell to their knees in fear and began pleading with her.
"Quite!" She shouted back
"Who in the Jades do you think you are!? How can you just ignore me? How can you reject my advances? Are those bugs and ants so entertaining to you?" She demanded.
"Well well well." The young man stuttered
"Answer me!" She shouted
"I am Insecos. God of bugs." The man replied.
"Well, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Sex, amd Bueaty. I'm also the one who squashed your subjects."
Aphrodite then brought the full weight of her being down upon the swarm of living creatures. The audible sound of their exoskeletons being crushed to dust was torture to Insecos.
"No!" He shouted
As she pulled her foot up. Tiny slimy remnants of what was once a living organism fell off of her soles and onto the ground. Where the ants once feasted there was now a moist stand with smashed carcasses in the middle.
" monster." Insecos uttered as he shivered in fear.
Aphrodite pointed towards Insecos and said.
"Now it's your turn. You like bugs so much. How about I make you their size."
Within mere second insecos went from being normal sized to being but a few inches in height. He could see his reflection in Aphrodite's Golden sandals because the platform was still a few centimeters taller than him.
"What are you going to do?" He trembled
"Just watch." She replied.
She then turned towards the crowd. With the waves of her finger every man in the crowd was now the same height as Insecos. All the women jumped up in fear.
"Well don't just stand their ladies. Smash 'em till I tell you to stop." Aphrodite demanded
The women then began to mercilessly stamp out the lives of the tiny men. The white marble ground was soon stained crimson red with their blood. All that was left of these men were tiny chunks of dirt meat, contaminated with the refuse of their killer soles.
One of the women attempted to stop Insecos causing Aphrodite to intervene.
"No! He's too pretty for you mortals, he's mine." She chastised the young woman.
Aphrodite glanced a death stare at the poor soul. Causing her to fall dead instantly.
"Why? Why did you kill her? She was only following your lead." Insecos asked
"You should be grateful. She was going to kill you. You should also be less empathetic. The lives of mortals are beneath you."
After a few minutes Aphrodite shouted
Though her anger had not been satisfied. The then wiggled her finger at the women and they too then fell to the size of ants alongside them men.
Aphrodite looked down upon Insecos with a crazed look about her.
"I curse you and any witnesses to this to forever walk the Earth beneath my ilk's feet. So will be the destiny of your offspring." She said,
"I will make your demise irresistible to all who come amongst you." She continued
"Now, Insecos. I will deliver onto you your eternal punishment. You refused to become one of my many lovers, now you'll become my solemate." She ranted
Insecos fell upon his back as Aphrodite's foot grew closer to him. The light from the sun vanished and the tiny fragments of the previously squashed ants detached from the treads of her shoes. The stench of death permeated the area. And before he knew it he was experiencing the worst pain imaginable. His body had been violently pinned to the ground. The sharp treads of her shoes, slices his flesh, and the remaining bug guts burned his wounds. His body popped and his innards came out in his lower abdomen.
Aphrodite slowly lifted her foot. Her plump red lips were separated by a wall of flawlessly white teeth, as she smiled.
"I'm glad you're still alive. I want you to suffer." She taunted before bringing her foot down again onto him. His body busted open again with entrails spilling out of his nether region. She pulled up her foot again.
"Still think embarrassing me was a good idea?" She playfully asked
Once again she stomped on him , cracking any bone left in his body.
Once again she pulled her foot up.
"You're one tough cookie. Any mortal would've been dead by now. Maybe you deserve to live. Tell you what, if you can survive my last three stomps I'll let you go. One!" She shouted.
Her foot came slamming down upon him.
As she picked her foot up, Insecos stuck to her sole leaving only a bloody stain upon the ground for her to see.
"Over already?" She asked in disappointment
She then slammed her foot on the ground again.
"Get off of my shoe!" She shouted.
Instead of lifting her foot up, she slid it upon the ground, smearing him. Tearing off his left arm.
"That's two. You're one bloody mess. Time to die now." She said
She then used all of her might to stomp down on Insecos. Since all his bones were broken all that was heard was a small splash like sound. Aphrodite laughed as she just held her foot in that spot for upwards to a minute.
When she finally uplifted her foot she wiggled it around for a bit to disperse the bloody chunk stuck to her feet.
When Insectos' mangled but still alive body hit the ground. The crowd of Tiny people began laughing and mocking the Goddess.
The feeling of embarrassment washed all over her again. Not only had it returned but it was more potent than ever.
"Looks like I win." Insecos laughed along with the crowd.
Aphrodite balled up her fists and turned red again.
"You haven't learned anything at all have you? Time to finish you!" She raised her foot for one final stomp.
"But you said you'd let him go!" One of the tiny women shouted
"I think I've firmly proven myself as an untrustworthy person." Aphrodite said back.
She then jumped into the air and had her foot crash land on Insecos. She then erratically moved her foot up and down and left to right until the meat chunk she felt beneath her feet had been reduced to fluid.
When she lifted her foot there was nothing left but the dark red substance known as blood. Not a single remnant of Insecos was left.
"Well that was tougher than I thought. But I'm still horny. Guess I'll just go back to my temple and fuck some of my servant girls." She said to herself. She then vanished
The crowd stared in amazement as they saw their final glimpses of the Goddess. Their collective stun was broken when a gorgeous local woman walked up near the fountain with an empty cup of water.
The young woman noticed the blood before panicking.
"What happened here?" She said to herself.
The crowd then panicked and fled in many different directions.
"What were those things? And why do I have the unexplainable urge to kill them?