Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
The denizens of the tiny city hustled along with their normal everyday lives. Women went shopping, men went to work on their construction sites or in their skyscraper office buildings. Children went to school, and traffic cops pulled people over for speeding. It was a nice sunny day in Small Town, a city of about two hundred thousand residents. However things were about to get worse.
The ground began shaking, first lightly as a distant thuud could be heard. Many didn't take notice of it, at first but it became louder and the ground began to shake even more violently. Glasses began to fall off of shelves and shatter upon the ground. People ran out of their homes and businesses to see what was happening and to their utter inexplicable shock they saw a horrifying site. A giant woman as tall as a skyscraper right in the center of their city.
The woman was white, with blonde hair in a Frankenstein like fashion. She wore a weird dress that covered her breasts but didn't cover her midsection. It covered her groin but not her legs. She wore a huge pair of matching black open toed strappy platform heels.
"Greeting Mants!" The woman's voice boomed.
"I am Demonica. Destroyer of worlds!" She announced.
By the time she said this she had created a traffic jam on the road she was standing on. People began to flee their vehicles in terror of this lady.
"Yes. Run, fear for your lives, Mants. For I have come to deliver destruction and mayhem. I shall spare your city but it shall never be the same. I only wish to destroy a tiny portion of your tiny town." She said in a deep echoey voice. She then put her hand onto the adjacent skyscraper and pushed up slightly. The building broke from the third floor and the upper hundred twenty floors fell onto a nearby building. Both buildings were reduced to dust.
"Hahahaha." She laughed. She then lifted up her foot and looked down on the three remaining floors of the building. Cowering in the corner were a bunch of men and standing in the center was a young lady who was the receptionist.
"Please don't kill me itsy first day." The young lady pleaded.
"It'll be your last as well." Demonica said. She slammed her foot down and destroyed the remaining three floors. Upon lifting her foot the entire building had been flattened. She then spit on that spot.
"She sure learned not to talk back to a superior being." Demonica boasted.
She then punched the skyscraper to her left, knocking a hole in fourteen of its floors.
"That's about three thousand dead. Already. So pathetic." She bragged.
She then walked down the road crushing the empty cars beneath her feet quickly catching the people who had left them and took to running.
"I'm gonna crush ya. You'll be smashed like bugs." She taunted. A police helicopter flew right next to Demonica's face.
"This is the police stop now!" They demanded. She swatted them away and the hit the ground and exploded into a vicious unsurvivable fireball. She then stepped on the remains.
"Burned and squashed by a superior entity. You should consider yourselves lucky footstains." She taunted. More cop cars began to pull up at the base of her shoes only to be stepped on.
"Keep coming, I'll keep crushing you."
She then kicked a two storey building ripping a hole in it. She turned to her right and saw another two storey building and she stomped on it.
She then went to a nearby fourteen storey building and turned her backside to it and descended. Inside the building the manager looked in horror as her ass blocked out the sun and came closer to the building. When her cheeks hit the roof the roof collapsed in on itself and took thirteen floors with it.
"Oops." She said,
She then walked out of the business center and into the residential areas. Before he was a bunch of suburban houses for as far as the eye could see. Housewives looked out the kitchen windows in horror at her.
"Oh look at all the housewives, at home all alone. I'll give you ladies some company." She joked. She then began to walk onto a row of houses instead of on the road. The houses she stepped on were crushed down to the foundation.
"I'm a feminist." Demonica said. "I believe women can make just as good of ground stains as men."
After a while of walking on top of buildings and crushing the defenseless women inside. She could no longer take the noise of the police department following her. She looked back at the swarm of cars and SWAT vans on the road beside her. She opened her mouth and blew a stream of hot fire at them.
The officers and their cars were instantly engulfed. Once the flames cleared there was nothing left but ashes.
"That's what ya get. That's what ya get fuckers." She said as she flipped the middle finger of their remains and walked away. She continued down the row crushing houses. She saw a small group of women on the road who had fled their houses running from her.
"You won't escape that easily."
She opened her mouth and again a stream of fire came out and immolated the women. By the end they were just ashes.
"I hear death by fire is very painful. At least me crushing you would be instant death. Idiots."
She continued crushing houses for a little while longer and by then it was sunset. She looked back upon the row of destroyed houses and ashes that she had left.
"I've done enough." She said and then vanished.
Happy Halloween