
Boothang To Footstain

"Fucking slut, how dare you leave me, and for him. Ungrateful whore." Calvin murmured to himself from the bushes as he watched his ex-girlfriend Amber walk up the steps to her apartment. Amber was a gorgeous young woman, with flawless pale skin akin to a vampires, her jet black hair was as long as a Lord of the Rings movie, and as black as the night sky.  She wore a black short sleeved skirt and small platform flip flops. 

"Dressed like a whore more than ever." Calvin said while gritting his teeth.

He looked down beside him at his dirty black backpack with a crowbar and duct tape inside. His heart pounded with anticipation and his thoughts raced. 

"I'll show you bitch." He thought to himself. 

He zipped up his backpack and walked slowly from the bush. He walked slowly past her car, and up to her doorstep. 

"Before I go full force. Maybe I should try knocking first." 

He rang the doorbell then stepped away from the door's peephole. 

"Who is it?" Amber questioned from the other side. 

Calvin held his tongue, "Open the door you bitch." He whispered to himself. 

He rang it again, and began to gently rap upon the wooden door. 

The door then swung open as Amber said. 

"Who is it?"

Calvin swung around the corner crowbar in hand and forced her back in as he shut the door behind him. 

Amber screamed bloody murder at the top of her lungs as Calvin smacked.

"Quite you stupid bitch." He said. 

"How did you find me?" She interrogated .

"You think just because you moved out of state that means you could escape me bitch? You think I'm an idiot."

Amber blew in his face and said. 

"Rasshu Amid Sha." 

Calvin, confused at this gesture, went for another swing but he soon noticed that he was shrinking, and shrinking fast. 

"What the hell!" He said.

"I converted to Wicca since I left you, and I've been practicing this spell just for you dick." Amber mocked. 

"You satanic bitch." Calvin said.

He went from looking over her head, to looking her in the eyes, to looking at her chest then thighs and he continued down. He got to around ankle level and was no longer able to look over her small platform flip flops. 

"Amber, I love you." He pleaded. 

"Goodbye Calvin." She retorted

She lifted her foot, then slammed it down on her. Calvin's bones turned to dust and his innards forced their way outwards as he was turned to a red paste. 

Amber lifted her foot to see what remained of Calvin and mocked. 

"From boothang to footstain."