
Crushed at 19

I've never been in love before" I whispered. His expression didn't change but he came closer. He leaned in, inches from my face and asked, "Are you in love with me?"  I didn't need a mirror to know my face was flushing red I had spoken without thinking again. How long am I going to keep embarrassing myself like this? A voice in my head told me to keep quiet but my lips had other plans. I looked him in the eyes and said "Maybe I do...is that a problem?" The voice in my head was now screaming at me to stop and think but I was already too deep in I had to see it through so I leaned in closer towards his lips. As our lips were about to meet the voice in my head reminded me that I had not brushed my teeth this morning and I just ate my mom's horrible chilly. My breath was disastrous! I need to abort this mission but how do I get out of this?? I didn't have time to come up with a plan because his soft pink lips were closing in fast....so I bit his nose. Surprise and confusion were emotions that were written all over his face. Forcing a smile while inwardly screaming at myself and making a mental note to jump off a cliff afterwards I said, "I got your nose..." Olivia has never been in love before. When she meets Jace Robinson her heart slips a beat but when she sees Nathan an annoying jock at her school her heart still skips a beat so is she really in love? Or is she just crushing?

Alexia_Lyn · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Living Summer

I hate the summer. It's hot, I'm home most of the time and I have nothing to do. I live on the small island of Hamilton on the western side of the world. I would say Hamilton has around 5 million people our country is famous for our beautiful beaches and famous hotels. Tourists from all around the world come to Hamilton to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the amazing food but if you ask me my 18 year stay here has been very dull. I live in the community of Georgetown and I attend the Georgetown High school the only place I've ever visited was Whittleton a small village in the countryside where my grandparents reside. I've always been sick when school trips are being held and my family never has any outings so you can understand my dilemma. One day I would love to travel to France and visit Paris the city of love. I've never been in love before but I dream of a wild romance that would knock me off my feet and carry me through the clouds.

"Olivia! Where are you?" that's my cue to wake up from this daydream. I slip through my bedroom window from my balcony and make my way downstairs just as my mom was about to call my name again.

"Olivia I just got called for a shift at the hospital I you to watch Domonique for me." My mom scurried around the kitchen to pack her lunch kit while I watched her. She works as a nurse at the Denver Hospital in the neighboring town. I don't like watching Domonique but I don't complain because my mom works very hard to make us happy especially since her messy divorce two years ago she's been working extra hard.

"Don't worry mom I've got this just go have fun bathing old people or whatever it is you do" imitating my scowl she pinched my cheeks until I laughed. "Got to run I love you your my favorite daughter"

"I'm your only daughter…" I called after her but she had already bolted out the door.

"Ughhhh" I groaned boredom was having it's way with me and I was not enjoying it. I trudged into to the living room to see what Domonique was up to and I found him sprawled out on the floor drawing something in his notebook. For a eight year old he was so unbothered, he didn't mind staying in as long as he had his drawing book. I slumped down on the floor next to him ready to vent my feelings of boredom to him when the phone rang. I bolted up so fast I almost fell flat on my face. "Hello" I answered cheerily excited for anything that could break the rut I was in.

"Girl what are you doing? I've been calling you all morning!" I felt such joy to hear my friend's voice on the other end of the line although it was filled with annoyance.

"Sam you have no idea how excited I am to hear your voice! What are you up to? Have you talked to Jenny recently or Alan?"

"Liv please just shut up for a sec. Alan and Jenny are with me. I was calling you to tell you we are going into the City it's a three hour drive so we want to get an early start are you coming?"

"The city what do you-" before I could wrap my head around what she was saying she cut me off.

"My boo is finally done with his last course so were making a trip to the big city, that is Waverly and were gonna surprise him and do some sight seeing and shopping. Jenny is going to drive Alan brought snacks for the trip we are swinging by your house to pick you up in like 10 minutes get ready quickly and wear something cute. Bye."

I've been friends with Samantha from my third year in high school but sometimes it feels like I've know her for longer. She's talkative, friendly and obsessed with her boyfriend Trevor. I met Jenny in my fourth year of high school through Sam persons always thinks she's stuck up because she is quiet most of the times and she doesn't smile a lot but the truth is she's super sensitive about what persons think of her and she a bit of a flirt. I met Alan around the same time I met Jenny I borrowed a pen from him and we hit off ever since then. He is pretty laid back and doesn't care about anything except getting good grades and watching anime. They are all friends who I know I can always count on to pull me up when I'm feeling down. I rush into the living room and shout a Domonique that we're going out and he should put on some pants and a nice shirt. After raiding my closet I decide to go with a black high waist pants and black and white polka dot crop top. I'm shorter than most of my classmates I'm 5 foot 2 with curly black hair, thick legs and small breasts. I check myself out in the mirror, the jeans really makes butt looks nice and plump. Look at you aren't you something-"

Beep Beep! Liv let's goooo" I grab my black jacket, some money and my phone then make my way downstairs. Domonique is already in the car doodling away in his notebook I send a quick text to my mom and tell her I'm going to Waverly with my friends and Domonique and that I took some money and I love her.

The city of Waverly was beautiful, loud and moving fast. We had long at a burger place before we went to find Trevor. The city drew us in and we were all smiles bouncing from store to store. Even Domonique seemed impressed. After we did a little sight seeing we went to find Trevor at the Waverly College of Engineering and Technology. Sam was practically bouncing with excitement to see him she had talked non stop about him during the three hour journey. "Trev !!!" Giddy with excitement Samantha jumped on her lanky boyfriend and smothered him with kisses. After their steamy reunion he took on us on a tour of his college and introduced us to some of his friends. One of the buildings he brought us to was the library, I was so enthralled in the vast majority of books that were available that I didn't realize that everyone had moved on. After trying to call them to find out where they had disappeared to and failing miserably I decided to just take a stroll so I sent Sam a text and I explored the college on my own. Soon I found my self leaving the college and exploring the streets of Waverly. I watched some street performers dance, then I went into a museum and pretended to care about art. After roaming around the city for about an hour I bought a chocolate ice-cream cone and made my way back to were I was to meet with the others. I was so caught up in my own little world that I was oblivious to everyone around me.

Oof! I was dragged back to reality after I fell flat on my ass, I bumped into someone in front of me which resulted in me falling hard on the side walk and my ice-cream falling to the ground. Tears sprang to my eyes as I looked at me eyes cream now a brown blob on the ground.

"Hey are you ok? I didn't see you there." A guy with kind brown eyes stop in front of me a concerned look written on his face. "Hey don't cry I'll buy you another ice-cream" he helped me up and smiled. He was tall, he towered over me he had curly dark hair smooth caramel skin.

"I wonder if he tastes like caramel?" A deep heart laugh escaped his lips and he said, "Well I've never thought about what I taste like." My cheeks flushed in embarrassment because I never intended for him to hear my thoughts. My name is Jace Robinson he held out his hand to me and I took it. He has slender fingers and his hands felt so soft. " I'm Olivia…but my friends call me Liv."

He flashed me a beautiful smile and said, "Well it's nice to meet you Liv. Let me buy you another ice-cream. Would you be ok with that?"

"Um…yes..I would be." I started fidgeting, I didn't know how to act. He purchased the ice-cream for me and gave me apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry for making your ice-cream spill. It was nice to meet you" I licked my ice-cream as I watch him walk away regret eating me away for not having the balls to ask for his number. A smile crept into my face the boredom that I was feeling today had completely gone I was going to enjoy this summer I could feel it in my bones.

"Liv!! What are you doing we've been calling you and looking for you everywhere." Samantha was looking at me with a look of disappointment.

"Get in the Car", I laughed and said, "Cheer up Sam, Liv is living this summer!"