
Love at first sight

One day there was a girl who lost his way on her first day she was a Bisexual.

While she was walking she suddenly bumped into a beautiful young lady. She have already had a crush on her it was love at first sight. While she was walking in there classroom she suddenly see her crush so she got fired up and sit with the chair next to her. Everyday in class they dont have even single chat. Then one day there was a group activity and they are in the same group shes crush ask her what does she want to do with their group activity because it is suppose to be done at home because they not done it before the time comes so she insisted that they will all go in their house to finish the unfinish group activity then while they are arranging their bed to be sleep with her crush come next to her then she want to be in the same bed as her because she didnt bring any bedshit and pillows. Her heart suddenly flutter. For even though she is shy she agree to it. Whkie they were sleeping her crush suddenky hug her and her heart was beating so fast that she couldnt breath then shes crush suddenly wake up and tell her that she bew that she have a crush on her so her crush suddenly kiss her and their lovestory began....