
Crusader: Magic Warfare

[IMPORTANT!] I do not own both Genshin Impact and Call of Duty! both are owned to their respected company’s! That and also the cover of the fanfic itself is not mine! Left to die and rot upon the ashes of his old world, Samuel Templar meets with an Angel of God asks for assistance. Unable to refuse, even if he tried to, he dawns his own gear and transports himself to the land of Teyvat. In a mission to save potentially the entire timeline of said crumbling world. Or die trying. but this dosent mean that he is alone on this mission. As familiar characters that he and YOU! The reader know, appear their in this world only one thing remains on the top of Samuel’s head. “How often we forget… Faith without works is..” ‘MORTIS’ ———————————————————— This is a more realistic approach to a fantasy setting, a more slow paced yet thoughtful story that sets itself between the morality of both perspectives. I want my character to go through a series of “trials” that will influence his choices and thought process with the use of Memories. He will slowly be influenced in different ways due to his core memories and the influences around him. I am going to make this story more of a build up then anything slowly but carefully planned. However this is my first time doing this so yeah! Happy Reading! -CJ

Siushshsjs · Videojogos
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5 Chs

The Walls Of Mondstadt



"A pint of sweat saves a gallon of blood" - George S. Patton

[February 15th 1545]

[Mondstadt Teyvat]

[Knight 'Outrider' Amber]

[Knights of Favonius]

It was a typical day for the famous Outrider of the Knights of Favonius as she patrolled within the plains of Teyvat. Her agility and quick intel gathering made her one of the reliable knights for scout party's, search and rescue you name it! An archer of impressive skill and accuracy, a proficient tracker and a quick on-her-feet girl who represented a friendly face within the the looming walls of Mondstadt's people.

However, even if it was a typical day for the so call 'Outrider', like any other day she experiences, this particular day started in quite a sour note for her, given the more disgruntled more worn look that was plastered all over her face.

The constant attacks from Stormterror (aka the big bad dragon) aggressively raiding Mondstadt right after the previous Grandmaster, who is known as Varka, had led an expedition of around eighty percent of the Favonius Knights and the rest of said percentage to the care of the Acting Grandmaster, Jean Gunnhilder. No one knew exactly why one of the four winds situated to Barbatos was suddenly attacking them, but these constant raids have began to point the direction of blame to the dragons antics and betrayal of it's own people the most.

The desperation of the incessant attacks upon Mondstadt had attracted unwanted help in the form of the Snezhnaya military force, The Fatui, to establish an "alliance", of sorts, to combat the ongoing threat of not only Stormterror itself but the Abyss order and any potential threats that may occur due to the weakened position Mondstadt was in. Due to the desperation and pleas from the citizens of Mondstadt, Grandmaster Jean had no choice but to accept the proposition forcefully handed out to her.

Amber sighed sadly to herself, the following meeting can only be described as hectic and downright serious, the Fatui's grasp and influence over Mondstadt and it's people has gotten quite firm and almost tyrannical ever since they had arrived to "assist" the people. And to even describe their power and technological advancements they have over, not only them, but the entirety of Teyvat. They were dangerous, and had gain a landslide of infamy due to that fact. 

Not to mention the Abyss Order! Them apparently amassing an army backed by many of the Hillichrul tribes around Teyvat to possibly attack Mondstadt! Their infamy similar to those of the Fatui, but more in the case of the destructive and threatening capabilities that they present, especially with the discovery of an Abyss queen or princess apparently leading this order of monsters. Their goals of potentially erasing and destroying the very lively hood of many innocent life's that have established themselves in this world was frightening and sickening to even mentally think about such things. 

She erased such thoughts in her mind, there was no need to think of such things! She just needed to focus on her work and be done with it, and any potential signs of Hillichrul activity as she silently approached to the hill that connected to the forest nearby.

She suddenly began to hear some kind of discussion that was occurring from the forest down the small rock face in the hill, and it was getting closer. Amber quickly jogged up to listen in to the conversation that was happening, concealing behind a group of trees and a bush before observing the three strangers that approach the exit the forest. 

The first person that caught her eye was the floating child… wait what?

Amber looked on in plain astonishment of the plump creature before her, a flying mascot that was dressed in a teal coloured one piece outfit that came with pink outlines that contrasted well to the off-white colours. Her cape from the inside can be only be described as almost a fragmentation of the sky itself, the bright stars and constellations that scattered in a humble mess and paired itself with the dark void that was portrayed in her cape, not to mention that distinctive and comically large crown that was loosely floated itself on top her head. to be honest, the small gremlin herself was very adorable to look at from that distance alone.

Another entered the within her sight, a young male teen with blonde hair that braided itself behind his back, dressed in more exotic clothing that was separated with his mid riff, the darker tones and the mixture of white and gold that paired themselves well to the lighter tone of skin. His body presented not a noticeable build that complemented well with his body proportions. his eyes glowed with a hint of gold that intertwined with the darker shade of brown, something that really complexed Amber as she sees the teen boy turn around and communicate behind him to the forest exit. 

Curiosity killed the cat as she pondered on who of who the third figure was, she then decided on adjusting her posture and location by positioning herself more by the bush in order to get a better view of the forest entrance.

But the only thing she saw was the two glowing red eyes that gazed themselves right at her.


'A Rough Welcoming'

[February 5th 1545 A.D. -02:20:19]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar]

[Left Hand Of God]

[In Action]

Samuel knew someone was their, the two red ribbons poking out from the bushes was pretty obvious to see, if you were not blind of course, looking out for potential enemies was a must if you wanted to survive battle after battle, but he decided against that decision and removed such a thought. From the looks of it the figure hadn't shown an intent of aggression towards the two kids and hasn't brandished any bow of some kind, or weapon. Which meant this person was possibly just observing the three, he removed myself from the shadow of the forest as he walked quickly with Aether to catch up from the party, and let me tell you how quick these kids are on their feet! Samuel couldn't help but feel a ting bit of envy at such energy that they had inserted into their tiny bodies, whilst he was just a lumbering mass of metal that had to awkwardly waddled in a way in order to even keep up the this teen. 

He mentally sighed as he met up with Aether and Paimon, seeing them both kids discuss of the many things they can do brought a small relaxing smile on his face, he wanted these kids to feel save, to feel welcomed and to do what kids do, well, it's not like he knows the rules of this world nor does he have the right to judge them for it. That didn't matter now as the party observe the first remanets of civilisation that they have not seemed up until this point.

None of that mattered of course when they took a first look of Mondstadt.

The party's gaze looked onward at such the city that accustomed itself upon an island, surrounded by the body of water that travels for quite a long distance, they saw the large imposing buildings from the distance, houses reminiscent to the architecture from Germany that huddle tightly together in packs and were organized into rough lines that had been placed in different layers. And to even mention such a colossal statue of Barbatos that was perched in front of the large cathedral that dominated the heights from the rest of the layers. surrounded by stone walls that coiled all over the complex of such a city, separating itself with only a stone bridge as the only visible access towards the City of Mondstadt.

A scene most beautiful, the party looked on for quite a while before they were suddenly interrupted by an Outrider.

(Amber) - "Hey you! Stop right their!"

The red bunny girl runs from the hill and jumps down, landing perfectly in front of our three characters and striking a pose that made the Crusader cringe at such actions

(Amber) - "May the Anemo God protect you, stranger! I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius."

She took a good look at the three, most of the time staring cautiously at the metal giant before continuing, constantly eyeing the Crusader in suspicion which didn't deter the figure at all.

(Amber) - "You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt. Explain yourselves!"

The group looked at each other until Paimon decided to speak up

(Paimon) - "Um.. we mean you no trouble."

Not believing for a second she took a frown and crossed her arms together in a dissatisfied posture.

(Amber) - "That's what all troublemakers say!

Before Paimon could say retort the Traveller butted in quickly to defuse the situation

(Aether) - "We are travellers from a distant land and have come to Mondstadt to seek refuge."

(Paimon) - "Yep! Paimon can justify to that!"

(Amber) - "Also who is this flying...mascot?"

(Paimon) - " And I'm not a mascot!"

Before Paimon could even utter a word, Aether quickly swooped in with a response of his own as he looked at the bunny lady in a deadpanned look.

(Aether) - "Emergency Food"

(Paimon) - "HEY! That's worse then being a mascot you know!"

As Aether snickered at his own joke that caused Samuel to facepalm in embarrassment for such a bad attempt of comedy. Amber could only sigh in relieve, shaking her head at the poorly made joke before speaking.

(Amber) - "I guess I can take that, but still! Each of you is still suspicious, including you!"

She pointed the helmed warrior who only looked at her with a mean expression before she continued her point.

(Amber) - "The armour that figure is wearing and those weird metal stick like muskets makes me feel like your a member of the Fatui! No Fatui member would ever where that advance technology!"

There was a period of pure silence that lingered in the air as the group faced her in a shared expression of confusion, the Crusader was puzzled and baffled with her question as Aether decided to responded with the only question he had at that moment of time.

(Aether) - "… what the heck is a Fatui?"

The outrider widen her eyes before stifling a response in a surprised manner to them.

The outrider looked on in astonishment of what had just unravelled before the boys mouth. They didn't know?! About the Fatui and all their schemes? She as baffled as well with their response to her claim.

(Amber) - "Wait! S-so he's not an associate to the Fatui?"

A glare of annoyance is formed from the eyes of the Crusader, he had enough of this useless accusations whilst they are burning sunlight.

(Aether) - "That's why I asking the question you, ma'am~"

He replied with a tone of sass that amused the ironed man, a slight chuckle escaped his lips as the girl pouted at such a rude tone of voice.

(Amber) "W-well…u-um… w-wait a minute!"

She rummaged through her pockets and quickly pulls out a tiny handbook that she quickly skins through, the crew looking on at the scene in pure embarrassment for the girl and what she was doing.

(Paimon) - "A-are you actually…? Seriously?"

They were all understandably baffled on what she was doing, and she was not having any of that.

(Amber) - "Hey! Don't judge me for this! I don't see you with an official Favonius Handbook!"

As the outrider stomped down in embarrassment at such a claim The 'Crusader' then decided to lean next to Aether and Paimon in a more quiet and toned down voice, a faint whisper.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "{She was also the person who was spying on us from the bushes, just going to let you know}"

The 'Crusader' whispered to both Paimon and Aether as both replied with a shout of shock and dismay of what they just heard.

(Aether + Paimon) - "Wait, she was was spying on us?!/She did!?"

The Man of Steel nodded as he motioned them to turn around and leave the scene quickly, jogging down the hill, following the dirt road and slowly arriving to the bridge that connected this land to the City itself.

The Outrider was left behind in a paralysed state of shock of what had happened. How did they know? Actually, how did he know? That 'he' emphasising on the Metal Man she saw. Could he be an Advanced Ruin Guard that they didn't know of? A creation from the abyss? A Monster? Possibly, but that didn't matter, she was humiliated by the Metal Giant said and they weren't getting away that easy! 

(Amber) - "Wha- wait, How did you know?! I- Hey I'm talking to you strangers!"

She quickly catches up with the group, a collective sigh from both teens both turn around in annoyance of what was happening with them, the 'Crusader' only muttered to himself at what was happening. They were wasting time at this point, and with the dragon being seen looming over the landscape around here they were quick to try to get into Mondstadt. She recovered her breath slowly whilst absorbing the words harshly thrown from an enraged hungry pixie.

(Paimon) - "Jeez! What do you want now! Paimon is hungry! the city of Mondstadt is just right their! Why do you have to do this to us!"

Quickly as she complained aggressively, her arms and legs shaking crazily around in the air, she received a glance from the eyes of the crusader that had his helm covered in a white hood as his blood red gaze pierced right to her with an glare that instinctually made her trembled, giving her the clear sign to be quiet.

(Amber) - "You won't be able to get pass the main gate without a pass or an identity card on you know! They won't even let you in at all!"

The group stop on their way, realising that she was unfortunately right with her words, much to their dislikement and dismay at the fact of such an unlucky realisation. She then smugly replied, with a hint of cocky happiness, an answer to their problems, yet in a way that she made sure to rubbed it into their skin.

(Amber) - "Luckily however you have me! I can give you access only if you prove yourself to me by helping me out for an errand or two! As well as that I'll get you some Sticky Honey Roast!"

As Paimon giggled with glee of the thought of food as she greedily decided to agree to her deal for the transaction of food in return. Both of the Crusader and Aether looked amongst themselves of what to do and of the many choices they had before agreeing with accepting said deal. The Crusader carefully took note of the outriders quick thinking before nodding to Paimon, who spoke for them.

(Paimon) - "So we agreed! But you better get me that Sticky Honey Roast or Paimon will be so angry!"

And thus they did just that. They followed the red bunny girl through the dirt paths, the breeze guideline them along the growing of nature that sprouted its colours across the plains. Aether and Amber got along quite well after they all introduced themselves to Amber, Aether in turn introducing Samuel as 'Crusader' in which he nodded in response, a weird name for such a figure but Amber accepted it. He and Paimon explained their situation, giving sympathy to the poor soul Amber swore as her duty to help him on his journey to find his lost sister. A kind sentiment, yet and unrealistic one.

The Crusader walked slowly from the back of the group from a small distance as if to not disturb them with his presence. Observing the bright falls and dreamy nature that portray a beautiful lush paint of green, the flowers blossomed with a hue of brightness that complemented the greenery surrounding such a place.

A place of tranquillity, a place of peace.

Amber looked behind and carefully stared at the metal beast, curious of who he was she turns to Aether for answers. Aether who sees the expression promptly takes a glance at his steel guardian before returning his gaze to Amber.

(Amber) - "So this guy… who is he? How did you guys even meet this… person?"

(Aether) - "Well, we met him alongside this beach not to long ago, he is a nice guy once you talk to him though."

(Paimon) - "But he is very scary! Especially when we first met him! Paimon thought Paimon was going to have nightmares!"

The Crusader only gave a disgruntled grunt at them in response before continuing they continued their conversation.

(Amber) - "So does your friend speak or is he… mute?"

Both Aether and Paimon glanced at each other before Aether nodded to her answer.

(Aether) - "Unfortunately yes…"

There minds travelling back towards the past 30 minutes ago…


The group start walking though the forest, the dense tension once in the air, no more as they peacefully walked through natures grove, the silence broken once Samuel spoke.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Now that I told you… it's better that you don't tell anyone else that I can talk."

(Paimon) - "What? Why not? Paimon thinks you will be fine."

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "The thing is is that I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble or further attention for a metal giant that can talk and possesses strange technology. It's better if I don't speak when talking to strangers for now until it's right or when I need to."

(Aether) - "That's a fair point to be honest. But it would be hard to explain why"

Aether heard a small smirk come from inside the helm of the 'Crusader' as he continues to walk.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "It's simple really…."


Amber nodded in understanding and bought the made up lie, suddenly interrupting the peace with a sudden grab and pull of the duo to a nearby rock, The Crusader seeing what was happening and what's in front of them, crouches down as well, slowly approaching the group.

A creature is seen from a small distance to them, it's back turns away from them as an alien language is formed from it.

It's body was covered in a splash of brown mixed with a hue of black, a malnourished skinny structure that was clothed in a skirt that held itself up with a worn belt, light armour pieces patch around him. His hands with chipped fingers and nails that were yellowed held upon its grasp a makeshift club that was wrapped tightly with stained bloody bandages. A mask that held the engravings shaped similar to a teardrop followed by and insignia that closely curled around it. Its hair a cream like colour that was fuzzy to the touch and that expanded outward like an Afro, and the ears that pointed upward in an elven like fashion.

(Amber) - "A hillichrul! And so close to Mondstadt!"

Amber spoke in disdain through gritted teeth, Paimon silently floating to her and spoke to her in a whisper, a confused tone in her tongue.

(Paimon) - "A hilli-what-now???"

(Amber) - "Hillichurl's are pretty much these creatures that act like they are the troublemakers of Teyvat! Just keep an eye out for their camps as their usually nearby if you see a hillichrul, and be ready for a skirmish if you come across them. They can be a handful if dealt alone. So we need to eliminate those creatures and take out any encampments!"

-/But still… they shouldn't be this close to Mondstadt, what's going on?/-

She muttered to herself, they shouldn't be here! Their not supposed to be near Mondstadt... unless...

Her eyes widened in fear at the thought, this hillichrul and possibly several more nearby could be the scouting party for a potential abyss raid! And not to mention the possible travellers that had been robbed by them in this road! They had to take this encampment down if their was one nearby!

The Crusader, seeing nobody nearby or any potential possibility for any of those creatures to be alerted, he slowly approached the hillichrul, unsheathing his Kukri blade from his back sheath as he slowly crouched walked towards the figure, his blade sharpened and ready to kill.

Amber looked at him with worry.

-/what is he doing?! He's going to get injured!/-

Amber panicked, she had to do something! She turned around astonished and angered that the duo looking at the crusader in a disturbed manner, weren't doing anything.

She grabbed the collar of Aether's shirt and brings him to her eye level whilst seething at him, but Aethers eyes still lay fixed towards the Crusaders direction.

(Amber) - "Why aren't you-?!"

A bloodied head rolls down and hits her boot, she gave a small yelp of horror at such a site. the mask drenched in a red goo that drizzled all over her boot. She looks at the figure in terror, dread slips into the trio as they observe a a behaved corpse that was laid sprawled across the dirt, deeply soaking the ground with it's blood. The Crusader's eyes glow slightly as the his hands and helm are stained with the red liquid.

She wanted to scream, to beg for help for witnessing such a depraved site of murder committed in front of her.

She sees the metal beast walk away to the direction leaving behind the group who stood agape at such violence. the group instinctually follow behind, passing over the dead carcass on slumped on the ground.

Murder, dead on the spot.


He violently marched his way towards the encampment, his deep eyes glued towards the small oncoming troop of hillichrul followed by a massive giant that welded an crud axe on his hands.

He loads his magazine and cocks the chamber of his Faxon ION and positioned his sights on the first few.


Three clean shots hit the two oncoming hilichurl's, one in the head and two into the others body. Both collapse dead as the third one swung his club behind him with force that shattered said club and made him dazed for a short period of time. He quickly hold his AR with one had equipping the kukri in his other hand as he slits the abdomen of the aggressor in a gritty fashion, the guts fall down his spleen along with its host as a flow of blood leaks out of the body.

Another charges at him with a rotten wooden shield whilst the hillichrul on the poorly supported tower, coloured red for some reason, shoots a flaming arrow towards his body that snaps against the metal surface of his chest plate. He quickly holsters his Faxon ION before releasing the Mossberg before them, blowing out the leg of the lunging hillichrul. His guttural cry of pain echoing into the air as The large fellow slammed the axe down into the ground with a heavy thud which barely hit him! He retreated towards the tower as the hillichrul archer prepped his crossbow with another arrow, he took out his kukri and detached the rope that bonded with the makeshift tower, causing it to crumble and for the creature to fall to his death, landing into the spiky walls that surrounded the small camp, right through his stomach.

At this point the larger figure roared in anger at such a genocide that was committed by such a foul human before charging violently towards the guilty man in question. His attacks proved pointless as The Crusader quickly shoots two shells into each of his legs.

The creature crumbles into a messy spaghetti of bloody and bones as he roars in anguishing pain, he moves towards the large monster, his eyes behind the mask of such a furry beast scream out in fright as he jams to of his fingers into his eyes letting it squirm and thrash around before aggressively snapping its neck in an inhumane direction.

Letting the body's of the fallen lay there, in a ocean of red.

He at down in the middle of it all, held his cross in hand and prayed to the lord for the rest of the wicked.


A massacre, that's all they could really describe the disgusting heap of body's that litter across the supposed camp that was once situated here. Aether and Paimon knew he was brutal but this, this was a genocide.

Nothing more then an extermination.

Blood and guts soaked the ground like a form of confetti that plastered across the ground like string, the mutilated carcasses that were left on the floor were sprawled in grotesque positions that leaked out spurts of red and spit that intermingled with pool of gloopy dark red.

And their sat the Crusader, sitting a bloody log in the middle of it all, drenched with red as he started sharpening his sword, the red eyes loomed over the the dead like an hunter and it's prey

The entirety of the group shivered with fright at such a scene, petrified and morally disgusted by the brutalness of the Crusaders handy work.

Wide eyed and absolutely terrified the group fell into whisper of the brutality that was left behind by that ironed giant, one things for certain. That thing, ain't human.

She mustered enough courage to approach the Crusader in a slow cautious manner as the others didn't dare to move an inch forward, her breathing erratic and short as she stood in front of the sitting Knight. Its eyes focused on the sword itself.

(Amber) - "Why… why did you do it..?"

She spoke in a baited breath as she looked at the helms eye sockets, the red dots now facing her as if judging Amber.

(Amber) - "Answer me…please"

Not a single word was uttered from his mouth as he continued sharpening his sword. In a fit of unbridled rage and anger she quickly drew her bow and aimed it towards the him, tears swelling in her eyes of such a monstrosity of a human.

(Amber) - "ANSWER ME!"

The Crusader slowly looked at the teen girl, the arrow in between his eyes, seeing the face of range and sadness form from the once energetic girl. he sighed gently before answering with his voice, although painful. Amber only stood their in shock after hearing the iron man speak, a gruff and rough voice that had a twinge of pain behind the throat. 

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Wasn't this one of the objectives? Right…Amber? To eliminate the scouting party?"

(Amber) - "But not like this! this was a massacre! That you caused you animal!"

She seethed at him furiously as the tears began to pour in rapid succession of each other.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Sometimes you have to take the gloves off, there is a balance between good and bad an people like me walk over that line of morality to save lives. Things like this are necessary when protecting people, it's a tough decision between killing and peace. Become the murderer or be murdered."

(Amber) - "That doesn't mean anything if you butcher them! This isn't crossing the line this is going beyond it! Your only losing your humanity!"

She shouted out at him before the crusader snapped at her with a a loud voice that was to be described with authority and cruel wisdom.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Hesitation to kill can cost lives! To not think in a more realistic standpoint and giving pity to these creatures or others that rob and kill bystanders just shows the incompetence to prevent further death!"

(Amber) - "B-but…why?"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Look, I'm not a traveller like him, I'm a soldier of war. I have been to many a battlefield and have seen the horrors committed not only on those that oppose each other but the many innocent victims within the crossfire."

(Amber) - "But if you fight like this then you are no better then the rest of them! Especially those Fatui!"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I respect your convictions and your morality, but to have compassion between one that is created to kill can only be seen as, useless."

Her hands where shaking at the words said, she aimed the arrow to his head, tempted yet couldn't bring herself to kill another human being, as the tears dried up and as she absorbed his words she relaxed herself and holstered her bow and arrow in a upsetting fashion. Her eyes of disdain transform into eyes of sadness as she just gazes at the Crusader. an unreadable expression from the eyes of the crusader, both staring at each other in silence. 

That moment was soon broken as Paimon and Aether quickly run up to them in a panic, running at them with an .

(Paimon) - "Um guys! We have bad guys coming! You guys better do something!"

The Crusader and Amber give a glance at each other, although their morals are different and that they may not agree with many of the views they have, they are still fighters, nothing more. They start equipping there weapons and facing the oncoming threat, Amber with her bow and Samuel with his now reloaded Mossberg.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Shall we, Outrider?"

She nodded her head towards the crusader as the entirety of the group went into the fray of the new coming group of hilichurl's with their weapons drawn, Paimon disappearing in a cloud of stars as the traveller and his companions battle.


Aether dashes towards the first hillichrul and blocks the oncoming swing of the club as he quickly powers up a wind blade and thrusts his empowered hand into the stomach, causing the hillichrul to violently ragdoll across the ground.

Amber quickly sends an fire arrow towards the other hillichrul, which was blocked by the large fellow again, this time with a shield which burned when the arrow hit it's mark. The fire spread rapidly on the giants shield, as it panics it thrashes its only form of defence around before it disintegrates into ash.

She quickly then turns around only for her bow to be knocked out of her hands by an unsuspecting hillichrul before she quickly tumbled into the ground with a groan of pain. The hillichrul about to strike again swings his club into the direction of her head, Amber's eyes widening as the club swings down at her face, possible death was imminent and she was afraid, afraid of dying.


It was if the world slowed down to a halt as a shot rang out above her head, warm liquid splashed her face and dribbled down her cheek, she opened her eyes and looked around only to see blood had rested itself on her. She looked at her side to see the Crusader who stood above the corpse in such a pose of valour and hope that glistened behind him, he turned to Amber and brought out a hand to aid her. She looked up and met the gaze of the metal saviour as he nods to her in a reassuring manner before she gives a small smile and brings herself up with the help of Samuel. A brief sense of bonding of past tribulations.

In an enraged state the Mitachrul charged at the duo with fury as they quickly move out the way whilst regaining their position. As Aether finished off the third and fourth members of the small group he quickly signalled Amber to fire a flaming shot at the beast, she complied as the arrow was lodged deeply into the beasts shin. A pained roar emitted from its mask as Aether then used his anemo power to turn the flames into a gust of flame that burned the large body of the Mitachrul.

They could finally rest, for now.


(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Your movement was sloppy and your handling of your sword is misplaced."

The Crusader talks to the Traveller after the supposed battle, many bodies of the small hillichrul group, around four max scattered dead across the entrance of the encampment. Both the traveller and Crusader start walking to one of the huts and start looting at one of the chests as they talked further into the study of swordsmanship.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "If you want to master your sword technique, I think it would be better to sign you up to some of the training that the Knights of the Favonius do. If that's ok with you Amber?"

(Amber) - "Yeah sure! I think that would be great if Aether was to be a part of the knights! Of course it's up to him though."

The Crusader stood their in a pondering thought before recollecting his senses together and asking the question that lingered behind his mind as he pointed at one of the large corpses.

"Also, before I forget, what are these things? These big fellows here."

(Amber) - "Oh! Their Mitachruls! Their pretty much the muscle or leaders of the tribes each of them own. They usually carry shields or crude axes to make as much destructive damage as possible."

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I see… alright then, Aether!"

(Aether) - "Yes? You need something?"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Have you decided if you want to do the training regime the knights do?"

Aether took a while deciding whilst he put his hand to his chin in contemplation, after a minute or so he nods and gives a small smile before going back to looting.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Good, now let's go back to Mondstadt, Amber owes us remember"

Suddenly Paimon pops out of from her little domain as she giddily shouts in excitement of what was to come. He infectious smile drawn wider at the thought of food, scaring the poor ironed warrior.

(Paimon) - "Yay! Sticky honey roast!"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Jesus what the fu-!"


They had finally approached the looming walls of Mondstadt, the supposed City of Freedom. The layered brick inserted into rough cuts that intertwined its shapes in irregular patterns that reside the scars of siege warfare. although not advanced in technological achievements, the architecture that was made through the city was comfortable and pleasing to look at, if not for the depressed atmosphere that was placed over such a place.

they arrive at the gate after crossing the bridge, the guards that stood by the gate, their tired and cautious eyes look at the three strangers at curiosity at the exotic clothing and armour


(Knight ???) - "Halt! In the name of the Knights of Favonius I demand that you give us your Identification Travellers!

(Amber) - "It's ok Hardrick! Their with me!"

(Knight Hardrick) - "Oh! My apologises Amber, my mistake."

The group led themselves into the city, the streets were carved in cobble that layered and was placed in more spermatic ways that varied in size. The architercture more reminiscent to a more olden Victorian style that complemented the surroundings of the secluded city.

Decorations of flags and a mixture of greenery that were ertatically placed around the area, especially in the town square which a fountain was placed on the middle surrounded by several restaurants and shops.

It was peaceful for a city… but it was really, fucking quiet.

(Amber) - "So, Welcome to Mondstadt! The City of Freedom! Home to our Anemo Archon Barbatos!"

(Paimon) - "Um is it supposed to be…this quiet or is it just Paimon?"

(Aether) - "Yeah…where is everyone? And why is it so…gloomy?"

Both said valid questions only to be given a saddened sigh from Amber as she spoke.

(Amber) - "Well, you see with the dragon Stormterror constantly raiding Mondstadt the usual traders and merchants here have stopped coming."

(Amber) - "We have been struggling to keep afloat economy wise and… tch! The Fatui have been breathing down our necks…"

She stops herself from speaking further, her demenor quickly changing to a more happy one.

(Amber) - "Never mind that, anyway! I got you traveller a gift!"

(Paimon) - "Oooo! What is it! Paimon wants to know!"

(Amber) - "Here! A wind glider! You just spread your arms out in a T-pose and it activates the wind glider!"

She gifts the contraption to Aether who thanks her in return before a fuking Paimon starts to complain rather dramaticly.

(Paimon) - "What!? Why didn't Paimon get one!?"

(Aether) - "You can fly, and you are getting food, dummy!"

(Paimon) - "Hey! Paimon ain't a dummy, dummy!"

Before they could argue the Crusader quickly jumps in to avoid any attention to them.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Oi! Enough, Amber can you show us where is the Knights of Favonius Headquarters?"

(Amber) - "Sure! If you-?!"


The dragon appeared once again, a horde of tornados land themselves around Mondstadt, two finding themselves inside of the city and although small start shredding and destroying the surrounding buildings. the sounds of alarm and panic rush into the air as the shriek of the dragon caused the foundation to vibrate under his breath.

Amongst the confusion, the wind began to increase in strength and before they knew it, Aether was picked up and thrown into the sky. His scream of fear echoing across the air as the group looked at him in dismay and pure shock of what had happened.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Aether?! AETHER! GODDAMNIT!"

(Paimon) - "WAHHHH! Aether's in the air!"

(Amber) - "Don't worry! He's got the wind glider! He'll be fine!"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "For now! Amber gather your knight friends and try to get everyone evacuated to that cathedral! Paimon your with me! We got to get up to the cathedral too!"

(Amber) - "But what about you guys?!"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Worry about yourself mate, now go! That's an order!"

He quickly commanded Amber who gritted her teeth before looking and gaining a nod to the Crusader and quickly running to the crowd of citizens. Before she went she gave glance towards him before shouting to him.

(Amber) - "R-right!! Please be safe guys!"

She and some fellow knights gather several groups of families and citizens and escorting them to the shelter of the cathedral in a hurried fashion, expressions of fear and fright evident on the faces of many of the locals their, children crying, citizens running for safety. This needed to stop, now.

(Paimon) - "What are we going to do?! Paimon is so scared!"

The winds blew harder against them as sounds of fighting and flashes of light flickered and danced in the air.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Don't worry I got an idea! Just follow me!"

They both rush up the stairs with the Knights, the sounds of screaming and panic filled the air as the two scrambled to the looming statue of Barbatos that had the Cathedral around shoulder level with it.

He could see the nuns escorting the people inside in a hurried manner and assisting with the elderly, as the survivors entered the nuns quickly shut the doors and bolted them shut, no one was getting in or out.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Azrael! I going to need some firepower here! Some dragon just swooped down and caused some tornados to appear! The objective is currently under heavy fire of the dragon!"

He equipped his earpiece and desperately hoped that he would respond, the battle in the skies still raging on as sparks of flame are evidently visible from them luminating the dark clouds above.

(Azrael) - "Of course thine knight! Sending thy warrior a blessing from his holiest! Good luck brave warrior!"

A small portal is formed beside him, travelling a all to familiar weapon that caused his mind to race with thoughts as he remembers a time long ago.

Task Force 141, his old brotherhood.


(If you don't remember, on the first chapter, "Fallen Warrior", I had given hints on the task force on the part were he tries to assemble the remaining memories he has. I have also described the famous picture of the Task Force by the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, the same one from the campaign in modern warfare.)


'Tidal Strike'

[June 25 2016 -07:02:37]

[Cuba Santiago ]

[Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar]

[Task Force 141]

It was quiet, the smell of soot lingered in the air as two figures observed a shipyard by the coast of Cuba, they perched themselves by the tree line that stood over a cliff two miles from the shipyard.

Two men laid on top of the cliff face, their weapons drawn towards the compound, one equipped with a CheyTac Intervention and a silenced 1911 modern pistol and the other with a M4A1 SOPMOD and a Smith & Wesson.

A British man with a more gruff and firm voice, speaks out from the shadow, both figures covered in camp gear in the colour of wilted grass.

(Captain 'XXX' John) - "This is Bravo - 6 to Eagle-Actual we are approaching the objective by the position A, over."

(Eagle-Actual) - "Copy that Captian, standby and proceed with caution when green, over."

The Captian turns to the rookie with a stern glare of authority that looked directly at the man behind him.

(Captain 'XXX' John) - "You'll need to stick to the shadows if you want to survive chap, lurk in the shadows and stay by the wall, don't make sudden movements."

Another came on the radio, this time two more voices are talking, an Irish accent is visibly heard from the speaker of the radio.

(Sergeant 'XXX' Mactavish) - "Careful Price, you don't want the new rookie to get scared"

(Lieutenant 'XXX' Riley) - "Soap your not helping, the recruits just got on this mission."

(Sergeant 'Soap' Mactavish) - "Calm down Lt, just taking the piss on the laddie, Ghost."

He jokingly said before being repehanded by the Captain harshly in a more quiet tone of voice.

(Captain 'Price' John) - "Oi. Get your arses together and focus, sarge leave the shiny alone ."

(Segeant 'Soap' Mactavish) - "Yes sir."

He then starts speaking to a different guy, a more rougher more serious voice is heard when the Captain talks to them.

(Captain 'Price' John) - "Ghost, are you in Position B with Gaz?"

(Lieutenant 'Ghost' Riley) - "Yes sir, prepared to blow a whole in this ship! Gaz, have you secured the LZ?"

Ghost questions Gaz who responds in a reassuring tone.

(Sergeant 'Gaz' Garrick) - "Crystal clear here Lt, what about the shiny Capt?"

The captain places down his rifle down before turning to the man in question, the shiny shimmer of light reflecting of the mask he wore. His cross visible to the light as he too looks at the captain.

(Captain 'Price' John) - "You ready for this rookie?"

Samuel nodded in response, a feeling of respect was formed in the young boy, being one of the members of the well renowned task force felt amazing to even consider.

(Sergeant 'Crusader' Templar) - "Right behind you… Captain Price."

A small smirk is formed from Captian Price before both men stand up and start walking back to the tree line, the man lit a cigar as he glanced to Samuel and returned a nod back.

(Captain 'Price' John) - "That's what I'm counting on sarge. Now stay close."


He regains his train of thought before looking at the sniper rifle gifted to him, a CheyTac Intervention. A fond weapon of choice, up to a good accuracy at ranges of up to 2,500 yds and a with armour piercing ammunition along with a 4x scope and a tripod.

Not a weapon he was expecting but a weapon he is glad to have.

(Paimon) - "Woah! Where did that come from?!"

She stood agape at such the sheer size of the weapon as the Crusader laid himself prone against the floor and loaded the bullets into the chamber, aiming his sights on the dragon that had now started to defend.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "I'll tell you later kid, now cover your ears! It's about to get loud!"

She quickly obliged and covered her ears tightly as by unfortunate luck the dragon descended and flew towards the cathedral with Aether lagging behind shooting concentrated wind at it.

It was approaching rapidly, fast.

-/alright now, steady…Steady!/-

He fires a shot but only scrapes the face of the dragon as it deflects of it, he cursed loudly as he began to fire round after round into the dragons face 

(???) - "So? You need a hand?"

-/Oi, who the hell is speaking to me?/-

(???) - "That's not important, right now you need to stop Divalin from causing further damage! Aim for the crystals on his back!"

-/Divalin… you mean your the kid that-!… and he's gone./-

he gritted his teeth in anger as he changes his direction of fire into one of the crystals on his back as he fires around three shots, embedding into the crystal.

Cracks start to form, suddenly shattering as the dragon roasted in pain, imeadietly retreating as it's wings, wounded from Aethers barrage, caused him to fly slowly away from Mondstadt, licking his wounds.

The skys, still not clear and small tornados disappeared from the inside of the city itself, as the rubble and property damage was suprisingly and thankfully only little with few casualties.

A sigh of relief came from the warrior as he picked the sniper rifle to his holster and noted to himself.

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Target retreating, for now."

They soon see Amber catch up with them from the stairs, her eyes widen at the fact that their ok, she rushes to them and with a baited breath checks up on them.

(Amber) - "You ok?! Non of you hurt?!"

A tone of worry and concern visible seen from her face as both nod and give her a sign that they were in tip top shape, which thankfully calmed Amber down, the little fairy floated to Samuel and excitingly asked him.

(Paimon) - "That was so cool! How did you do it and what is that weapon?!"

(Samuel 'Crusader' Templar) - "Tell you later but first, we got to meet up with Aether."

Paimon, estatic and happy that the current crisis was gone, unblocked her ears as we watch Aether glide down. A worn and exhausted face as seen plastered on his face as he gently glided down as Amber and Paimon quickly assisted the poor teen.

Aether looked at the Crusader who, suprisingly, a small two finger salute at him with respect for his bravery which Aether awkwardly smiled too him.


(???) - "My my this is interesting"

The group turns to the figure in question after their moment of calm was severed. A blue haired man that had a strand of silver go down his hair along with a long braid approached them. His skin complexion was a darkish brown, his eyes navy blue and that sparkled with curiosity, his eyepatch that was placed on top hit right eye and a cocky smile that stretched thinly at the group. His clothes matching his hair with a colour pallet of whites and blues of different tones. His pose very extravagant and posh as he observed them.

His voice was quite young, posh yet experienced, possibly around his 20's as he began his talk.

(???) - "So you travellers actually have the power to stand against the dragon."

He looked on the injured Aether on the ground as he said another sentanc.

(???) - "So are you a new ally?"

His gaze then turns to the Crusader, his eyes sharpen at the figure of metal as he spoke again with a innoticable hint of weariness. Both men look at each other in a sort of stand still before he spoke

"Or a new storm?"

[February 5th 1545 A.D. -02:20:19]

[Teyvat Mondstadt]

[Sgt Samuel 'Crusader' Templar]

[Left Hand Of God]

[In Action]


He guys! Sorry for the wait!

It took so long trying to do this even when I was doing work, this was a pretty long story so I might take a small break before working on this further!

But until then I hope you enjoyed reading this novel and if you want to support me with power stones and such then go for it!

Well with that being said…



Another one bites the dust!

Siushshsjscreators' thoughts