


The journey had been long.

My nerves and all parts of my body were aching as we landed at the airport and be guided by our bodyguards to our Ferrari which was parked not far from where we were. I was sure that one of my trusted men did this because they knew earlier that I would arrive today.

Yes, my mother and I were to reach Africa the previous day but due to my mother's stubbornness, we had to wait till today.

She refused to accompany me home saying that I was lying to her that Blessing also travelled hence convincing her was very difficult.

It was only today early in the morning when Blessing called me on phone and informed that she had reached safely, that was when my mommy believed after hearing it from her mouth.

Hahaha! My mother could change anytime she wished but for Blessing's sake, I knew definitely, it was because she had achieved a lot in life within the shortest time, changing everything in people's perspective about her.

But that didn't mean I would allow people to pretend to love her because of what she had, not even my parents. Blessing was mine and mine alone to protect and respect. Especially by the fact that she was kind hearted, people could take advantage of that and they would do that on their own risk!

I was so happy for her when she informed me that she had already been called for a job in the city hospital where she once told me she wished to work one day. I was so excited like a teethless lady  who dreamed of having a new set of teeth that her dreams came true without even being interviewed. I couldn't wait to see her beautiful, small and glittering face. To be a surgeon these days, was an added advantage and I knew my Blessing would be the best and the greatest person in her field having a kind heart.

What made me worry was that I didn't know where exactly she was going to live in the city. And by knowing her so far, I was sure she wouldn't want to live in my house again no matter how I could convince her. But before that, I had a surprise for her.

I smiled alone as we bordered the car in the backseat with my mother who noticed my heavy smile.

"What's up? Why are you smiling like that? Are you going to marry my Blessing or should we wait until someone else takes her from you in front of your two naked eyes?" That was her chorus since we left India. She would sing the same song immediately after I started a conversation with her.

"Mother! I am just happy. Besides, Blessing is busy now preparing herself for her new job. I can't pressure her but don't worry, she will be your daughter-in-law soon!"

"Aww! There is a cause for celebration! I just need to celebrate! My son is about to get married to the most beautiful and greatest kindest girl in wor.."

"Mother! Stop shouting like that or else people will start to think that you are losing your mind. Besides, why do you love Blessing all of sudden? I knew you hated her so much when I kept mentioning her name at the hospital that day!" I asked the most disturbing question only to see he smile fading. 

My mum rubbed her chin, pronto and I knew immediately she wasn't expecting that from me. But who was I? Alexander Walter. When it came to Blessing, nobody was allowed to play with me.

"W-well you know son..y-you don't have to take anyone from anywhere to be your wife, especially with your many achievements. That time, she was just a mare girl and I didn't want people to mock you about it"

"Mum!" I called her name with bitterness. I knew it, it was because Blessing had achieved something in life that my mom was hell on me marrying her but I wasn't going to discuss all of this here with my men around.

After that conversation which made the atmosphere turn somehow gloomy and awkward, mother and I were just quiet almost through the journey until we had almost reached home.

"Son, your cousin Raina said hi!" Mother started again from nowhere bringing me back from my thoughts which were filled with Blessing.

"Ooh! I am fine" I murmured because I didn't want anything to do with that girl. Her parents cut us off as part of their relatives and took their daughter to Canada and that was because of her stupidity.

I mean how was I supposed to be in a relationship with my cousin? A girl I had been protecting as a sister having no sister of mine? That was hilarious but I didn't care.

Anyway, she vowed not to talk to me nor be associated with me and I was very happy to know that but why was she sending stupid greetings now? I didn't want to even see her at all. I might puke by seeing her face.

"Is that all you can say, son?" Mother brought me from my wonderland.

"What else should I say? But I received the greetings mum?" I asked her as I leaned on the chair with my face gazing at hers.

"Well, you don't look like you like it. Anyway, I have told them already that you might marry soon and they.."

"Mother! What came over you? What is wrong with you? You know Raina well and what that girl is capable of doing especially now that she has bitterness harboured in her heart against me! Besides, I am not sure when exactly I will marry. Mother, I am not happy right now. You shouldn't have informed them. I want to protect my girl and not put her in unnecessary danger!" I signed in frustration with my mum's behaviours. Why would she go and tell those people? The people I did not want to invite to my wedding in the first place.

"B-but we are family! They can't harm our Blessing" I heard her whispering guilty and I just sighed and faced the other side. At least she had successfully added another work to my schedule of making sure that those people wouldn't get closer to my princess.

"Princess Jamilah Samir, who is known as the most beautiful and rich by her father's privilege, is on her way to prison after being found guilty of the explosion that..."

"Increase the volume please!" I jumped on my wits by that news. 

"What? What did she do this time round? That spoilt brat!" My mother added shocked by the sudden news.

"This is very shocking, after all these years the girl had been roaming around despite causing all those deaths. After being investigated, she revealed to the police, that she hated the greatest doctor, Blessing and wanted to end her life in that explosion but to her disappointment, Blessing was not affected hence yesterday she lost her mind because of anger leading to her to expose herself to everyone about the tragedy that happened several years ago!" The reporter's voice said on the car's radio.

"She deserves that! Ooh my God! So that girl is that heartless and cold-blooded killer?" Mother was shocked to her bones.

"Such an outrageous act!" She voiced out eyes out of her delicate socket.

I knew it! I knew it was her but I was still waiting for the evidence.

"Alex! Alex! What will happen now?" Mother asked suddenly making me gaze at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I retorted back with a question because I wasn't sure what she meant by that.

"I-I mean Blessing! Do you think she will forgive her family? I pity her. What kind of family can do that to their child? That Jamilah! She had swallowed more than she could chew. Her health is very critical and now, I am sure she will die in prison!" Mother clenched her fists in anger as she spits those words that I didn't know what to tell her anymore.

They were the ones who wanted me to marry her and now?

"We are here ma'am and boss!" We heard the driver saying after parking the car.



I wandered my eyes around the hospital where my mother was supposed to be treated and at the same time, being guarded by the policemen as the main suspect of stealing me! Hahaha! Who was happy to be stolen by her.

I wanted to see my mother. I would do anything to remove her from all these troubles. After that, I would listen to her part of the story and forgive her. After all, she did deserve that  after painstakingly caring for me and being there each time I needed her.

Suddenly, someone hugged me hard that I wasn't able to breathe. All this while, my concentration was on the hospital building because I was going to treat patience soon even though it wasn't in the same hospital hence this hug, annoyed me to the core.

"B-blessing my angel! My Jessica!" The woman started crying. What she didn't know was that I hated crocodile tears and there was nowhere they could buy me.

"Don't hug her that much. You will end up hurting her like the past!" Father exclaimed who had been with me all this while. I was sure that he was in a rage at this rich woman's behaviour. They all were the same.

"Ooh! S-sorry sir! I-I am Camila!" The lady broke up the hug and bowed in front of dad leaving me astounded. Lady Camila, who was a high-headed woman bowing in front of us who were like ants to her?

"So?" Dad exclaimed again with disgust making me want to break into a heavy laugh but I restricted myself. I would never show my smile in front of this witch.

"Pl-please! Forgive me! I need your forgiveness from both of you. Jamilah is already in prison.."

"In prison? Hahaha! Are rich people also taken to prison? I thought it was our place?" Dad chimed mockingly as I scrutinised the lady who was supposed to be my mother.

'My mother? Hahaha!'


Author's remarks!

Hi guys!

Please enjoy yourselves and do rate the book as I try to end it at the end of this month, God willing!

Love you all!