
Jennifer Is Death

Jennifer fell. Argos quickly got up and kicked Christ in the stomach away from him. He pulled Jennifer's clothes then, took hid step-sister hostage. "Shut up, Christ. Or your favorite aunt dies!" Argos added threatening Christ. His fingernails had pierced Jennifer's neck a little, blood was coming out of the wound.

Jennifer was too careless, she had forgotten how cunning Argos had been until now. She didn't move when Argos held her back, nor could she do anything when her neck was strangled with Argos' sharp nails cutting her. Christ wakes up, his situation reversed. Now he was the one who couldn't fight Argos freely. "Shit, so now I can't do anything to kill his life?" Christ thought to himself.

He approached Argos. "Don't be reckless, Christ! I won't hesitate to shatter your aunt's body into pieces," Argos threatened, pressing his nails even deeper. Jennifer felt pain as the nails slid into her flesh and veins in her neck. More and more blood came out of the wound.