

A princess,chosen by her subjects to be the next ruler to the Empire due to her intelligence and capabilities falls in love with a prince who unfortunately was an enemy to their empire, runs away with her lover leading her to commiting the biggest mistake of her life. What will be her fate?.

DaoistHJPLFK · História
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12 Chs

I will kill you

She drew a sword snatched a sword from a soldier standing by and attacked Nurain angrily but Nurain was quick to dodge and chuckled making her angry the more, she swung her sword at him the second time and Nurain drew his sword from his sheath and countered, she attacked yet repeatedly but still Nurain countered effortlessly making her fume more and attack repeatedly as her dress and hair danced in the air. " seems the princess isn't lazy with her practice, you are doing just fine, attack me" Nurain said with a smirk.

"Nurain, i will kill you i promise" she fired angrily

The clanging of their swords attracted attentions as many rushed out to see what what the hell was happening, everyone gasped holding their mouths as they saw what was happening, they were sooo damned shock but it isn't the fight that scared the shit out of everyone, it's the look on Meena's face , no one has ever seen that expression on her face, her face was damned scary and she attacked ferociously and with all her might as if she was about to slash her biggest enemy.

The more Nurain countered the more she attacked and her blows came stronger and more powerful.

Suddenly Nurain stopped and when her blow came, everyone held their breaths and just as everyone thought she will slash him, she subconciouly dropped her sword as realization dawned on her on what she was about to do.

She looked at Nurain who smirked at her with a raised brow asking why didn't she attack him.

She looked around to see the massive audience they have attracted and among them was her mother the queen, and the queen mother who stood with widened eyes not believing her actions.

Now she just dreaded one thing and that is....

She felt a presence in her back and turned around and saw what she dreaded, the Emperior, her Father was there standing behind her with a blank expression.

She dropped her gaze to the floor immediatel not meeting his gaze, she turned to Nurain. "Where's your promise,huh?, Why didn't you kill me?".

"I'm sorry,please forgive me Nurain....i mean Mentor "she was about to leave when Nurain twirled her to his arms, her back hitting his sturdy chest.

She felt him put something around her neck and whispered in her ear. " don't remove it ever and once again congratulations " then he turned and left just like that leaving all to gasp, surprise written all over everyone's face as they thought 'what was that? and just who is this he to fearlessly do all that to a princess that too right in front of the Emperior, her Father.

Heeeeyyyy surprise surprise, the calm princess is Suddenly mad showing her other side to everyone without her knowledge and who's th cause? Nurain OMG, now that the princess misbehaved on the very day she was chosen as the next ruler i guess the subjects will lose their trusts in her, if not, what will happen, and what's with Nurain, who does he think he is or let me put it this way, 'just who is he' read more

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