

Abhilasha Bhayani dreams of making it big as a journalist. She moves to Mumbai with hopes of achieving success, fame, and money. However, she discovers very soon that dreams cannot come true on the basis of talent, hard work, and skills alone. To rise the ladder of success takes a lot more - will she forego her values, her upbringing, and innocence to achieve fame and money or will she tread the path less taken?

Rabab_Rupawala · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 3

Clutching the envelope in my hand, I made my way out of the coffee shop in no time and headed back home. But, unfortunately, the meeting panned out just like I had imagined it to be a useless effort to explain anything about my ambition to Jigar. He had reacted precisely how he had been since I had revealed my intention to travel to Mumbai. I could not understand his wariness, and I did not even put much effort into investigating the matter.

I walked past my favourite restaurants and boutiques on Park Street, longing to go inside and do what I loved the most: eat and shop. But, I confined my urges with the promise to splurge on myself when I started earning my heart's desire.

I opened the envelope and found two neatly folded letters sitting inside. I was about to begin reading when the blaring horn from the Audi driver made me realize I was risking my life in the middle of the road. And they say my generation is hooked to the cellphone.

"Abhilasha, Abhilasha," I could distinctly hear someone calling my name. I looked in all directions but found no hand waving at me. My ears must have been ringing, but they weren't. Instead, I felt a hand tapping me on my shoulder.

"Hi," Kiara cheerfully said.

"Helllloooo," the words sprang out of my mouth as a cautionary measure than anything else.

Kiara, 23, medium height, long hair, dark-skinned, was a quintessential Bengali beauty. She was a beauty with or without brains; I was no one to judge. She was Mr. Sahani's newly appointed, Executive Assistant, who tailed him everywhere he went. Finally, it was a meeting with the man himself.

"Come, we'll drop you." I just groaned inwardly. Of all the days to kill my mood, everyone was hell-bent on choosing this one. I could not refuse and offend him. I accepted the offer politely.

"Thank you. After you." I was happy Kiara made no attempts to engage me in a tete-a-tete with her. She was too busy with her phone. I was hoping this wasn't about Jigar and me dating. Of course, we weren't, but we always gave the wrong indication with our words and actions. And here I was, explaining myself and defending him again. My heart pounded while I thought of what Jigar and I had been up to lately. And I couldn't place my hand on anything until Mr. Sahani cared to enlighten me.

Kiara opened the car door, and I slipped in, murmuring a gracious thank you. Sitting before me was the man himself, Jaideep Sahani. He looked formidable in a crisp linen suit, Cartier watch, and Louis Vuitton shoes. I could not look beyond that to concentrate on how he appeared today. Well, he had shaved and looked perfect. Why wasn't Jigar like him? I never drooled over him. I brought myself to Earth in a snap and greeted him pleasantly.

"Good morning, Jaideep Uncle."

Mr. Sahani looked at his watch and greeted me with a demure, "Good afternoon."I was put in my place with his very first words. How was I supposed to last the entire conversation?

"How are you?" He enquired rather amusingly.

"I am good, Uncle," I added meekly.

"Just good! I thought you would be ecstatic and on cloud nine."

Was this sarcasm mingled with anger? I could not put my finger on it. I had no answer to his repartee. Mr. Sahani raised his eyebrows at me questioningly. I didn't want to look like a fool, and I decided to play along rather than question him.

"Yes, yes, I very much am."Did I utter those words? What is wrong with me?"

Good, I am sure you would do well. I hope you have a nice time in Mumbai."

A small "oh" escaped my mouth in terms of understanding the entire conversation. Thankfully my "oh" got lost in his enthusiasm.

"Yes, Uncle, I definitely will and will work to the best of my ability." This was enough to dissuade him from further pursuing this conversation.

"Abhilasha, I am sure you would. I expect you to uphold my words by proving yourself and showing your worth to the world. I generally don't do this, and I hope you wouldn't disappoint me."

Where was this conversation going? How would I disappoint him? But, unfortunately, this was way too cryptic, and I had no galls to ask him the true meaning. I smiled ruefully in acceptance and hope of not making a fool of myself. When in doubt, don't speak. Just suggest. Gratefully, the next time I opened my mouth was to thank him for the ride and not apologize for my demeanour. I was out in no time, waving back at him and murmuring thank you, which meant nothing to him. I heaved a sigh of relief when his car was out of sight. He dropped me outside my house with no chance to run away anywhere else, even if I wanted to. I took the stairs to gather my senses and read the letter's contents. I took the envelope out and in no time was screaming in joy. Jaideep Sahani got me an internship at the FMN News and gave me a recommendation letter that was as befitting as my degree attained with distinction. I was overjoyed and did not know what to do.