
Crossing Through Military Base

"Unlimited Crossings. In this terrifying time and space, he shuttles back and forth time and time again, enduring loneliness and despair, repeatedly arriving in different eras. From the Somme River in World War I to China in World War II; from Berlin under Allied attack, he never knows when the end will come. His only goal is one: to go home! But this wish seems so unattainable. The first time he met Erwin Rommel, Rommel was just a company commander in the Swabian Alps, but when he returned to Berlin, Rommel had become a Field Marshal of the Empire. And he, he became an eternal legend of the Empire: his statue erected in the most prominent place in Berlin! Similarly, his statue was also erected on the streets of Nanjing! Not only in Berlin and Nanjing, his statues are all over the world, his legendary stories echoing through the ages. Each of his legendary stories from every era is actually a fragment, and one day, countless fragments will come together to form the most complete puzzle!"

DaoistELiy3V · Guerra
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117 Chs

good news?

The Military Intelligence Bureau of the Army Staff Department can indeed dominate the sky on many occasions, but definitely not here!

This is the territory of the military! Nikola does not yet have the capital to directly compete with the military.

On the contrary, the military's attitude towards Ernst Brahm was very different. After Nicholas left with hatred, Colonel Rolle shrugged: "Captain Ernst, I can only help you so much." "

"Thank you very much, Colonel Luo Er." Wang Weiyi said with a smile: "I don't think Nicholas will give up. To be honest, I am really tired. Can you find a place for me to take a rest? "

Colonel Rolle tried his best to find a comfortable place for Wang Weiyi to rest without being disturbed. He also sent two officers to tell them that no one was allowed to disturb Captain Ernst without his permission.

Wang Weiyi is indeed very tired. He has not had a good rest since he came to this era. This unexpected situation now allows him to stop worrying about other things and have a good rest.

"Have you ever calculated that this would happen?" Wang Weiyi opened the communication with Xiao Ling.

"No, it is difficult for me to grasp this kind of emergency that has never existed in history. Now you have two options. The first is for me to take you away immediately..."

"Oh, can you take me away?" Wang Weiyi suddenly became interested: "Why didn't you take me away when I was surrounded?"

"I refuse to answer your question... In short, you are now in a non-combat state. I can activate the base and take Li out of here within a minute..."

"Then you will really become a traitor in the eyes of the Germans." Wang Weiyi said with a faint smile: "Although I am not a real German, I am a soldier. I will never do such a thing as running away in battle. Do."

"Then you have only one choice, and that is to accept trial. If you are found guilty, even your title of baron cannot protect you. You must know that no matter which country you are in, traitors are hated by all the people."

"No, I won't be convicted by them..." Wang Weiyi's answer was full of confidence: "I know how to deal with them and what I should do."

"Maybe you are a hero..." Xiao Ling said unexpectedly.

Wang Weiyi was a little confused after hearing this. In his memory, Xiao Ling had never praised himself. Rolling his eyes: "Xiao Ling, I said you will fall in love with me sooner or later."

"Humans have a problem, they like to be narcissistic. This problem is particularly prominent in you. I suggest you do a comprehensive mental examination after settling this matter." Xiao Ling, who had just praised Wang Weiyi, immediately The words became mean again.

Wang Weiyi laughed: "Well, if you help me check, there will definitely be no good results...Xiao Ling, actually I am not worried about what kind of trial I will accept, but I am really considering it. A question. You said that if one day we can leave here, will I still meet the brothers I once fought with? "

"You have asked this question before, and I can answer you again. In theory, it is possible..."

"Theory?" Wang Weiyi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Then theoretically, can I also take them away?"

It was just a casual question as a joke, but Xiao Ling unexpectedly replied: "Yes, in theory it is possible..."

Wang Weiyi was startled, then listened to Xiao Ling continue: "Theoretically, you can take away anyone here, and you don't even have to worry about exposing the military base, but I believe you won't want to use this method... .."

"What can we do?" Wang Weiyi's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

"I can't tell you yet." Xiaoling's words dispelled Wang Weiyi's train of thought: "The Ziguang Military Base has many functions that you don't know about, some of which even I haven't fully explored. For example, a seriously injured and dying person, even if there is no such function in this era, Anyone can save him, and I can save his life, but of course there is a price... Do you want to continue listening?"

"No, I don't want to anymore." Wang Weiyi said silently.

Nothing in the world comes without paying a price. Wang Weiyi believed Xiao Ling's words that she had the ability to save a dying person, but she also mentioned the word "price".

Wang Weiyi firmly believes that once Xiaoling is really needed to do this, the price may be very terrible...

"There is a big problem with your attitude towards me, Xiaoling." Wang Weiyi decided not to talk about such a troublesome issue: "You have to know that in this era, we are relatives, and relatives have to help each other, such as... ...."

"For example, if you need any weird equipment, I have to provide it to you?" Xiao Ling interrupted him: "Based on my current analysis, you must have some bad intentions there, but you can give up on this idea."

Wang Weiyi was just joking, and was about to continue teasing Xiao Ling, when Richthofen's voice suddenly came from outside, and then he saw an angry Richthofen rushing in:

"Damn it, I want to kill Nicholas. How dare he treat a German hero like this? Hey, Ernst, leave with me now. A baron has the right to bail an unconvicted person. ...Ah, Ernst, I am not saying you are guilty."

This is a person who will do whatever it takes once he is impulsive.

Wang Weiyi smiled and stopped him: "Manfred, do you want me to be a deserter?"

Richthofen was stunned for a moment, then said unwillingly: "Ernst, are you really willing to be interrogated by a villain like Nikolai?"

"I will not be interrogated by him, but I am not afraid of the country's interrogation of me." Wang Weiyi put away his smile: "I am willing to accept the country's questioning of me and will give them the most satisfactory answer. Please believe me, Man Fred."

Richthofen nodded silently. He firmly believed that his good friend had absolutely nothing to do with "treason."

After a while, Nicholas walked in accompanied by General Galwitz, and it could be seen that General Galwitz's face was a little ugly.

With a proud smile, Nicholas told Wang Weiyi some good or bad news:

"Baron Ernst Alexson von Brahm, you will be sent to Berlin and tried by a special court. Congratulations. If you really have a grievance, you can complain before the special court. "

Berlin Special Court?

Wang Weiyi pursed his lips. Is this good news for him?