
crossed blades the black swordman and the first hunter (berserk)

gehrman the first hunter travels to berserk world where he meets guts and begin their journey together

Lord_greem · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Protection and reunification

Chapter Four: Protection and reunification

The city's bustling cobblestone streets overshadowed the Germans and Guts.

The stalls were filled with exotic perfumes, and they began selling their products, and were able to gain a large space. The air vibrated with screams, laughter and the rhythmic ringing of the blacksmith's hammer.

After a long and frustrating search, they ended up at a modest, welcoming bar. Inside, they huddled in the backlit corner, the weight of the journey resting on their shoulders. Guts, ever alert, scanned the room, his fist tightening on the dragon slayer. The German physician, Wilhelm, asked for a generous amount of soup and beer.

Suddenly, a laugh came from the alley outside. Fear-filled shouts pierced the din of the tavern.

"You bastard, untie me," said a little fairy called Buck

"I'll shut up your fucking mouth myself," said a fat guy, holding a knife and trying to speak Spanish at Buck, and puck was trying to dodge.

This was followed by the shattering of a piece of metal, sending Jermain's Jordan Club twitching. Guts' hand instinctively flew to the hilt of his sword.

I looked warily out the window. In the narrow alley, a group of powerful thugs surrounded a young gozum with pointed ears, green eyes, and a smile. The dwarf, Puck, was bound with a rope, his courage replaced by those. The body's eyes caught fire. The Belgians, who wore casual leather armor, jeered and brandished swords. Cruel amusement twisted their features.

Guts didn't hesitate. With a roar, he caused the door to be imprisoned and thrust into war. The gehrman followed, his puns a blur of rapid jabs. The stainless steel crash echoed through the alley. Guts's brutal aptitude was such a stark contrast to the German's graceful grace and legendary use of a vice that whenever the woman Guts wondered what had happened to her, she would become so powerful.

A powerful aura was emanating from gehrman, full of blood, wisdom, and sadness. In a whirlwind of violence, the thugs were quickly killed and subdued.

Guts spared the life of one of the thugs and then the Black Panther grabbed him by the neck. "Deliver this message to the lord of koka Castle," Guts snarled, his voice full of melancholy satisfaction. "The Black Swordsman has come."

The freed Puck, shaken but unharmed by the workers, approached Guts, his eyes wide with surprise. this

Freed from his electronics, he dusted himself off, and his Nigerian courage returned. Because of the wide smile on his face and his hand is outstretched. "Well, determined again, stranger! I didn't recognize you in that suit of armor."

Guts' hand instinctively went to the dragon slayer, but Puck's friendly but eyes decided him. "Wait, it's me puck! Your friend from the forest, remember?"

Realization dawned on Guts's face, but he was overshadowed by doubt. He lowered his sword carefully, looking at puck's outstretched hand with a grimace. "what are you doing here?"

Are you smiling? Dib shrugged his hand. "Oh, that? Just a misunderstanding. The evil fellows thought I was someone else. I just sent them somehow!"

"You also feel something strange in your fighting style, and what is this strange weapon? Is this a machete?" Buck looks at gehrman wondering.

Guts ignored Puck's compliments and Gehrman smiled and remembered the old days when he was babysitting Mariah

Puck tried to set on Guts shoulder put Guts pushed him away with his hands.

"Don't touch me, I smash you" Guts said with a hint of anger on his face

"What's wrong with you? You didn't do this despite my worry," Puck said, a little angry

"Don't be sad, he has a small problem with the touching, Just try not to touch it."

The three continued their way through the city, puck often with them, and soon they approached Koka Castle

In front of Macau there were hundreds of soldiers pointing their weapons at the guts and the Germans

Gehrman was about to reach for hisscythe and kill them all, but Guts stopped him and the two entered the castle