
Crooked Skies

Her entire life, Lyra, forever alone, had fended for herself. But, after a chance encounter, her world may become something more than stealing food and sleeping beneath leaky roofs.

bananamilk_cow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

CHAPTER 4 | The Insufferable Sirius

"And who is this?" Lyra inquired as she tied the robe's ribbon around her waist.

"That's Elantel, the goddess of magic," Rita replied with a proud smile, "she's mine and my people's patron."

"Ahh," Lyra nodded and took another look at the careful embroidery, "intriguing, I suppose."

"Why don't we get your hair brushed?" Rita suggested.

Rita sat Lyra by the vanity, and for the first time in a long time, she saw herself. Lyra had nearly forgotten what she had looked like beneath all that grime. She had forgotten that under her rough edges, careless exterior, and now, bandaged skin, lay a pretty girl, with dainty, elegant features.

"You have quite a few cuts and wounds," Rita spoke as she brushed through Lyra's hair, "but, the bandages seem sufficient enough for now. You shouldn't have to worry about the scars either… not too much, anyway."

"They weren't very severe were they?" the girl asked, still soaking in the image of her reflection.

"Mostly light cuts," the healer responded, "none of them are too deep, but there are quite a few of them," she tsked, "I have bandaged them, but I can only hope that the ointments I've used will be enough to fight that poison around your wounds."

"Thank you," Lyra said just loudly enough for Rita to hear. She smiled.

"Of course."

It was silent before the girl spoke again, "I never asked your name," she trailed off to prompt a response.

"Lyra," the name felt strange rolling off her tongue, and Lyra couldn't remember the last time she'd heard it. It felt foreign and familiar all at once, and it sent chills down her spine, "and you're Rita?"

She hummed out a yes, "pleasure to make your acquaintance Lyra."

"You as well…" she paused and her stomach growled aggressively, "now, you wouldn't happen to have any food… would you?"


"This should do," Rita let out as she brought Lyra a warm bowl of stew and set it on the table.

"Gods have mercy, I'm starving, and I haven't had a thing to eat in nearly three days," Lyra shook her head and licked her lips, "that smells incredible."

She handed the bowl to Lyra who dug in immediately. Rita lit the fire in the hearth, then lit some candles before Lyra spoke again.

"How old are you? I've been curious for a while now."

"I'm turning nineteen next month," she said as she ran a finger along one of the tables to check for dust. She frowned at the filth that now coated her fingertip. "And you?"

"Nineteen," Lyra replied with a mouthful of stew.

"I thought you were younger than me in all honesty," Rita giggled.

As a result of her stew-stuffed cheeks, Lyra could offer nothing but an amused smile in return.

The two fell quiet once more. Lyra finished her stew and she looked more refreshed than she had earlier. Still, lines of hot red scratches streaked across her face, flaming against her pale cheeks

"We'll see about getting you some more clothes tomorrow."

"It's fine; I can manage"

"Surely it's not," Rita said softly, "unless you'd like to spend the next week roaming the halls in that scanty robe, and gods don't let the prince catch you in that state."

"Too late," the prince grinned from the doorway, "and I must add that it's quite amazing what a little soap and water can do."

Rita groaned and Lyra flushed, "Y-Yes, actually, I think getting some more clothes is a grand idea," Lyra mumbled, unable to make eye contact with either of them.

"Good heavens Sirius, you always manage to have the worst timing," Rita huffed.

"Worst timing? I certainly wouldn't say so," the prince drawled. Lyra wanted to smack the smug look off of his face.

"I would," Lyra clipped.

The prince's brows rose, but his smile only widened.

"Anyway, aren't you supposed to be downstairs right now? Your mother certainly won't be pleased when she finds you with the likes of us instead of the court ladies," Rita voiced.

"It's much too stuffy in there," Sirius yawned, "and I'm much more intrigued by…" he paused, "what's her name?"

"Lyra," the two females answered in unison.

"Yes, Lyra, I'm more intrigued by Lyra than any of the court women."

Lyra rolled her eyes and pushed back from the table she'd been eating at, "well thank you for your input, but if you're quite done, you'd be better off flattering the said women downstairs who actually want it."

The prince pulled a chair from the table Lyra was still standing by and sprawled across it lazily, "but that, that's no fun at all," he slid his elbow onto the tabletop and rested his cheek in his palm, "this week should be quite entertaining," he purred, looking up at Lyra from between his stupidly long lashes. Instinctively, Lyra pulled the collar of her robe tighter shut and drew away from the prince.

Rita cleared her throat, "Alright Sirius, that's enough harassing her."

Sirius feigned offense, "You're just jealous that I'm flirting with her instead of you," he reached out a hand towards Lyra who slapped it away.

"Jealous?" Rita frowned, "in your dreams," she said dryly.

The prince offered them an innocent grin, "but of course."

"Leave it to you to be utterly ridiculous at every turn," Rita mumbled beneath her breath.

"I am astounded at the depth your insults continue to reach," Sirius joked, "you ought to be writing poetry, not serving stew."

"Your approval overwhelms me," Rita rolled her eyes, "now if you don't mind-"

"I'm staying," the prince interjected, "I quite like it in here, it's cozy."

"Sirius," Rita sighed, "have some decency," she snapped, "you have a whole court of women downstairs waiting to be charmed, but all you're doing is slouching around in here with Lyra."

Sirius laughed, "what's wrong Rita? Sure you aren't jealous?"

"This isn't about jealousy," Rita grumbled. "This is about you being inconsiderate," she snipped. "The court ladies... they aren't that bad you know." The prince gave her an incredulous look.

"Of course they're that bad. Why on earth would you suggest otherwise? Don't you remember what Lady Sarielle did when I turned eighteen? Or perhaps you've forgotten what Lord Arrington's daughter did at the ball last month," Sirius looked beyond annoyed as he went on. "I didn't come here to harass Lyra, I came here to escape, but her reaction is just so… amusing, that I can't help it."

"Well whatever the reason, you'd be much better off spending the time with them instead of here with us."

Sirius got up out of his chair like a child who hadn't gotten his way, and without another word finally left the room.

"I feel bad for him, but," Rita huffed the moment the door was shut.

"Hmm?" Lyra asked after the healer had paused.

"He's just… insufferable," Rita grumbled.

"Most princes are aren't they?"

"I suppose, but... you know what I mean. He's an even worse annoyance than the girls he flirts with down there. He wasn't as bad when we were children, and he's my closest friend but… how I want to just strangle him sometimes!"

Rita brushed through her dark updone hair and groaned before she leaned against the table Lyra was sitting at. "He wouldn't survive without me though," she chuckled, reminiscing. "Sirius and I have been best of friends since we were both six, it was always the two of us taking care of each other. His parents disapproved of our closeness, but it wasn as though I was trying to court the boy." She sighed, "I've always protected him like a sister, but now… how am I supposed to shut him up anymore when he's so crazy and has no sense of propriety?" she sighed.

"He's nineteen though, that's normal." Lyra bit back a laugh.

"That's true but... I suppose I'm just not used to it yet," Rita smiled sadly. It was quiet for a moment, "I wouldn't be surprised if those dramatic court ladies thought we had kidnapped him and were keeping him, hostage, here," she chuckled.

"Well," Rita began suddenly, "shall I bring you a few books to read before I leave?"

Lyra looked to her feet ashamedly, "I… never learned how to read."

"Oh…" Rita trailed off, "Well, perhaps while you're here, I can teach you the basics."

Lyra's eyes glittered with enthusiasm as she looked up, "Really? I've always wanted to learn to read," she smiled, "thank you again, Rita."

The dark-skinned girl smiled, "of course, well then, good evening Lyra."

Rita walked out of Lyra's room humming lightly to herself. And for the first time in a long time, Lyra didn't feel alone.