

LOCATION: CELESTIAL COUNCIL   Timeline: A year after the main events of TRIALS OF AN AUTHOR A large empty conference like room could be seen as it emitted gold mystical energies from its golden walls. A large gold round table appeared with four gold chairs around it. Suddenly, an entity appeared on a chair. One after the other, the twin, red and blue entities appeared on the chairs. An elevated platform also appeared with a bigger chair endowed with both silver and gold. Different colour of energies began seeping out of the walls of the room to form a humanoid being who sat on the chair which levitated up. “We have all seen what has happened in the first verse and I am very pleased with our progress. Now, we need a different approach, a science based powerhouse I suppose,” the Supreme Emmanuel said as the other entities nodded. “Magic has a weakness, it consumes too much energy and is logic defying, but a science based powerhouse that can go toe to toe with a magic user is highly improbable without some kind of tragedy or a massive driving force,” the blue entity reasoned and everyone nodded in agreement. “Adrenaline can act as a driving force for the powerhouse,” the red entity spoke but the twin entities looked lost in thought. “Then the powerhouse would be a villain to its range but a hero in the long run?” the twin entities said concurrently. “Yes, we must procure change. Not everyone is a hero at the beginning and not everyone is a hero forever. So, do we agree on a villain as the powerhouse of the Particle Verse?” the Supreme Emmanuel asked but everywhere remained silent. “It would be more fitting for our reputation as a strong verse if a hero is our powerhouse but we can bring a villain as a powerhouse for now,” the blue entity reasoned and the other entities agreed this time. “So it is agreed, a villain will feature in our next event/story and this time it will be limited to 3 episodes in contrast to the fifteen episodes of TOAA. And the powerhouse shall be called, Crocodilo,” the Supreme Emmanuel said and one of the twin entities opened a portal which showed a 40 year old man walking on the road when he fell down with no explanation. “Sickness in the Particle verse increases the brains IQ but reduces life span. Now we watch as this story takes its course. Merry Christmas,” Supreme Emmanuel spoke as darkness encompassed the realm.

Emmy_Spark · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Crocodilo 3: Resurrection And Revenge Of Slash











Professor Donatus Stewart had been talking with Crocodilo for a long time as he was fascinated by how he had a sentient creature inside him. He raised his hand up and it turned green and reverted back.

"This is problematic," the professor said and sat down while ruffling his hair.

"So, what abilities do you possess?" he asked Crocodilo who he could surprisingly talk to him within his sub consciousness.

"From what I know, my main ability is indestructibility but considering yesterday was my first transformation, I was mostly weak. With one more transformations, I would be far stronger than anything those agents can throw at me," Crocodilo's voice spoke in his head.

Part of the things the professor gained from his relationship with Crocodilo was that his intelligence was getting increased. He also had a super healing factor which is automatically activated when he is not in Crocodilo's form. Apparently, Crocodilo does not have a super healing factor but instead has mild indestructibility.

"So when do I get to test my abilities?" the Professor asked and carried a knife which he used to stab himself. He removed the knife, throwing it away and the deep wound began to close up.

"Now, some agents attacked me but I took care of them. I was thinking of payback," Crocodilo replied with a higher tone and Donatus shaked his head.

"You know we don't kill humans' right," he said as he drank some water from a cup.

"Fine, but if I do see any pesky humans, I won't hesitate to chop their heads off," Crocodilo roared inwardly and Donatus chuckled as he switched on the television to football.

"Premier league action is back and one thing is for sure. Chelsea, I repeat, Chelsea will not, and cannot, qualify for Champions League this season. It is I, EMMY SPARK that says so," a handsome guy said as he was talking about possible teams to finish in the top four in the 2022/2023 Premier League Season.



The van where Slash was being taken away with was driving past the street where Ray and his brother Seth lived (They were mentioned in chapter 1). The van was actually remotely controlled to head into the demolition site.

Inside the van, Slash opened his eyes with his pupils completely red. He stood up and surprisingly, his leg had reverted back to its original position. His hand was also completely healed from its displacement.

"O my God. I'm alive," Slash yelled in excitement and kicked the doors of the van open. He leapt out of it and walked to the closest building which was a large two storey building.

"KNOCK KNOCK," Slash knocked on the gate even though there was a door bell. Ray opened the door and was surprised to see a stranger wearing a metallic suit in his front yard.

"Um, hello," Ray said as he shifted uncomfortably as he got ready for any movements.

"Hi, um, what street is this?" Slash asked while looking around. Ray was taken aback by the question but composed himself.

"Ask him," Ray said pointing to another house opposite theirs. Slash looked there and Ray immediately slammed the gate shut and ran away.

"Kids," Slash sighed and walked to the house which Ray pointed at. He pressed some buttons on his flexible tablet which was wrapped around his wrist. He knocked on the bungalow and an unlocking sound could be heard as the door opened.

"Hello," Donatus said but paused as images of Slash flashed into his head and his eyes turned bright green.

"You," Crocodilo spoke through Donatus as claws crept out of his fingers.

"Wait, I didn't come to fight," Slash shouted and the professor's claws retracted.

"Come in," Donatus said and gestured for him to enter inside which Slash did and he closed the door. They both sat on opposite seats waiting for the other to talk first.

"Well, my name is Slash. I work, sorry worked for the Hydra Guard. It's an organization tasked with the responsibility of exterminating or weaponizing all threats to the US government. One of those threats happened to be you. I was sent to study you for any weaknesses and to learn more about you through combat. Turns out the Hydra Guard were only using me to commit unauthorized crimes without getting their hands dirty," Slash explained as the professor listened with high concentration.

"Then why are you here," Donatus asked as he was very cautious after what happened to him.

"I need help to destroy the Hydra Guard and Crocodilo is the only powerhouse I know," Slash said and Donatus eyes glowed green.

"Let's do it. I want to show those agents whose boss," Crocodilo spoke through the professor and Slash nodded.

"Okay, we need two martial artists to perform the operation," Slash said and Donatus frowned in disbelief.

"What do we need two martial artists for? You have the skills, we have the firepower," Donatus reasoned and Slash shaked his head disapprovingly.

"We can't destroy the Hydra Guard by going full rage mode on them. It's an intellectual attack. If, and only, if there are some miscalculations or mishaps, we go rage mode," Slash explained as the Hydra Guard had full on Government backing.

"Well, if its intellectuals you're looking for, I know a guy. His name's Ray," Donatus told Slash who taught for a while.

"Alright, I'll call my sister. She's adept in archery and could provide cover in the shadows," Slash said and Donatus laughed.

"Hold up. You're bringing a female archer to what looks like a bullet fight?" he laughed again as the whole thing looked ridiculous. Guns vs Arrows.

"She's adept in archery doesn't mean she can't throw a punch. I'm very sure she'll win you in a no holds fight," Slash said a matter of factly.

"That'll be another day. For now, let's recruit them," the Professor finalized and Slash stood up.

"I'll convince Archer while you meet the dude," Slash went outside and a Black Aston Martin Vanquish parked right in front of him.

"We'll meet at the airport tomorrow. 4PM sharp. See you there," Slash said and entered the car, driving off speedily.

"Perfect time to test our abilities," the Professor soliloquized and headed to Ray's house.


LOCATION: Unknown Warehouse

The warehouse was filled with different crates as distant voices could be heard.

A group of kids sat on the floor with chains on their hands and legs as they sobbed silently. 10 men wearing black t-shirts gathered around a man

"Calling all these children to come here was the easy part. The hard part is trafficking them away from the city without getting noticed," a heavily built man said in his baritone voice as he opened a Box containing dozens of guns.

He gave each of the men an AK47 and they smiled as they pointed themselves playfully.

"This baby will do the rest," the man said and sat on a crate and another man came to meet him.

"Sir, the transport vehicle is arriving," the man told the boss who nodded and gestured the captured kids to stand up. Two men pointed guns at them threateningly as the children stood up in dread.

"Must you guys always pick the wrong time to move," a voice echoed in the shadows and all the traffickers immediately raised their guns up to see a teenage girl of about 18 years wearing a red archer like costume with black designs. She was wearing a red mask. She was holding a bow and ten red 6inch arrows were strapped to her back.

"Who are you?" the Boss asked as he stood up from the crate with a fearful look.

"That question's rhetorical. Everyone knows the Archer," the girl said smiling and the Boss immediately froze with fear as his mind became chaotic. Everyone in New York City knew about the skilled vigilante known as Archer. She once fought with 1000 gun men for almost a month and none survived but she was never heard from again. Some people thought she died in that battle but she suddenly resurfaced with more skills and weapons than before. This further frightened the Traffickers as they looked at themselves as dead men already.

"Well, enough talk. Light her up," the boss composed himself and his men immediately fired at her but Archer immediately leapt out of the bullets way and landed on another crate. Before they could turn to her new location, she had already sent an arrow through the head of one of the men. They fired at her but she leapt away and pressed a button on her watch. Thick black smoke seeped out of a hole in the watch speedily and not long after, everywhere was filled with smoke.

"Watch out," a man screamed but he was too late as an arrow sang into the head of two men close together. The remaining men screamed as arrows from different angles hit them on vital organs.

"Runnnnn," an arrow pierced a man on his heart with so much force it burst out of his chest.

All the men lay sprawled on the floor as blood dripped from their bodies. The smoke cleared out and Archer stood in front of the kids who were frightened by the gory scene.

"It's ok kids. You're safe now," she said and began to unchain them. They stood up and hugged her with smiles all over their faces.

"Are you Archer?" a girl asked with her glittering eyes and unique accent.


"Yes I am sweetheart," Archer replied caressing the girls face with her palm.

"Can I be like you someday?" the girl asked with her quizzical eyes and British accent.

"You can be anyone and anything you want to be," Archer stood up and peeped through a crack on the wall to see a large truck with only one driver parking at the door.

The driver stepped out of the truck and opened the door a little. He peeked his head inside but was welcomed by dead silence. He fully entered into the warehouse and fell as blood dripped from the arrow imbedded on his head. Archer came out of the shadows with the children behind her.

"Time to meet your parents," Archer said and opened the door of the warehouse as she directed them to the truck which they entered joyously. She entered the driver's seat and drove away into the sunset. HEHE.



Archer entered her mansion after following her protocols which included a finger print sensor at the gate, eye scan at the door, and blood scan at her room door. She entered her room and collapsed on the bed with her armor still on. The door flung open unannounced and she immediately drew her bow and fired at the intruder without knowing who.

"Seriously," Slash said as he caught the arrow which almost hit his skull.

"Bro," Archer jumped joyously and ran to him while hugging him tight.

Archer and Slash were both trained in their various fields and while Archer was a private vigilante, Slash was on a ten year contract with the Hydra Guard.

"It's been a while, what do you want," Archer's smile disappeared as she fell back on the bed and waited for her answer.

"Do you seriously think that I would only catch up on my sis when I needed help?" Slash asked rather rhetorically.

"Well, I need your help to do exactly what you said I should do a long time ago," Slash said and Archer sat upright.

"You mean you want to take down the Hydra?" Archer's eyes widened in joy and Slash smiled.

"Not me, we," he replied as he removed his weapons and placed them on the floor.

"Only the two of us?" Archer asked and Slash smiled.

"I found someone, a very powerful monster. He'll help us alongside a tech genius," Slash removed his suit and placed it on the floor as he was wearing a black t-shirt and black pants inside.

"Alright no problem. Time to finally end this Goddamn organization," Archer walked to her wardrobe which automatically opened to reveal a more sophisticated archer like suit with the same red and black colour. She went to a corner of her room and brought out a black and red suit which looked more masculine.

"Time to be the BAW (Best Assassin in the World)," Archer said and gave Slash who smiled back.


Professor Donatus had explained to Ray everything about the Hydra Guard including him being Crocodilo. Surprisingly, Seth and Ray were in total support.

"So, what's the plan?" Seth asked as he pressed his phone.

"When you guys come to the airport by 4PM, the plans will be made public," the professor said as Ray kept thinking silently.

"That means me and Seth will bring our offensive projects?" Ray asked and Donatus nodded.

"Since that is settled, we'll meet by 4:00PM sharp tomorrow. Have a good night's rest," the professor stood up and left to his house to make preparations of his own.




Different planes and jets were parked in the airport but only one particular jet stood out. It was a red fighter jet made with a super light and super durable metal. A lot of large boxes stood at the entrance of the jet as Archer who was wearing a new red and black costume and Slash who wore the same colour sat on one of them.

"Where are these heroes?" Archer asked but Slash remained mute. A red Bugatti Chiron parked in front of them and opened up as Professor Donatus Stewart who was wearing a suit and tie and the twin brothers stepped out with the twins wearing nanotech suits. Ray's suit had a green colour while Seth's suit was colored blue.

"Wow Crock. I didn't know you knew the Particle twins," Slash said surprised as Seth and Ray were well known as the Particle Brothers or Particle Twins. Their parents were the richest, most successful and most influential known particle scientists in the USA. They once had a short term contract with the Hydra Guard.

"Well, I taught them," Donatus said and looked at Archer who looked away speedily.

"WTF," Ray shouted and everyone apart from Slash looked at him quizzically.

"Surprised to see me right," Slash said smilingly as Ray frowned.

"You know each other?" Seth asked and Ray frowned.

"More or less," Ray replied and Donatus laughed.

"More less, or more more," Seth asked and Ray sighed.

"More less," Ray replied and Seth nodded.

"I thought you said you knew a monster. I'm seeing more humans than monsters," Archer whispered to her brother as Professor Donatus picked up some luggage from the car onto the jet.

"He's actually part beast part human," Slash whispered back as Donatus finished offloading their luggage onto the jet.

"I see," Archer nodded as everyone looked at themselves.

"Alright, into the plane," Slash announced and they all entered into the jet which closed up slowly.

"Fasten your seat belts passengers," the jet's A.I spoke and they all sat down on chairs which automatically fastened the seat belts to them.

The jet began moving slowly as its speed increased steadily.

"Boom," Sounded the jet as it shot into the air with supersonic speed thereby creating sonic booms which reverberate around the surroundings.

"So um, I brought something for Crocodilo. It's made with a very strong but very light metal," Archer said and pointed to a box which was very long. Donatus opened it and removed a large black axe with a green colored blade which was very sharp.

"Thanks," he said as he looked at her for some seconds.

"So, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Slash, I worked for the Hydra Guard but I've finally decided to step down and destroy them as they have caused pain to thousands of people through their operations," Slash said as the jet was already set to take them 100m directly above the Hydra Guard and did not need to be operated manually.

"Well, my name is Professor Donatus Stewart. I got my powers from a serum which healed me from a mutated strain of leukemia. I have an alter ego called Crocodilo," the Professor said and Archer cleared her voice unnecessarily.

"My name is Archer*silence* that's all you need to know," Archer spoke and Ray rolled his eyes. Ray and Seth looked at themselves and looked at Archer simultaneously.

"Our names are Seth and Ray but you can call us Beta and Gamma Ray. I (Seth) can increase the molecular bonds holding my suit thereby increasing durability greatly and I can also direct electric charges at targets while I (Ray) can shrink and regrow in seconds. We're Superheroes," the particle twins said concurrently and smiled simultaneously as their brain waves were connected at almost a molecular level.

Slash, Archer and the professor looked at themselves and faced the jet's front as "5MINUTES TO DESTINATION" was displayed on the window.

"Alright guys, the plan is a five phase plan. In the first phase, Gamma ray will be dropped at the centre of the roof of the dome to infiltrate the control system and shut down the dome's security system which would deactivate the force field and we can have access to the guard. Phase two, Archer and I will drop down at the side of the building and hide in the shadows while waiting for Phase three. Phase three, Since Crocodilo and Beta ray can take more hits than the rest of us; they'll land at the centre of the guard and draw the soldiers to themselves while I and Archer fight from the shadows. This will give Gamma ray enough time to carry out Phase four. Phase four is simple. Gamma ray plants five bombs in the five halls of the guard while the rest of us finish off the soldiers. We will communicate through each phase with these high tech gauntlets which retract and expand according to the bearer's size," Slash explained it extensively to them and gave each of them a red gauntlet which Ray and Seth connected to their suits while the professor wore in normally. Archer and Slash already had theirs on.

"I thought you said it was a five phase plan?" Ray asked and Slash snapped his fingers.

"Almost forgot. Phase five is, run immediately the timer for the bombs reaches 2mins as the operation is scheduled to finish 10mins after phase 4.understood?" Slash asked as the rest nodded in agreement. Slash handed five bombs in the shape of a spider to Ray who placed them in his pocket (yes, Ray's suit has pockets).

"I hope your helmets are cybernetically connected to your suits," Slash asked and the twin brothers nodded approvingly. The jet's screen showed, "ARRIVING DESTINATION" and Slash stood up alongside the others as the jet slowed down its speed directly under the Hydra Guard headquarters.

"Gamma Ray, show us what you got," Slash shouted as the door of the jet opened up. Gamma ray activated his helmet which was also green and jumped down from the jet without a parachute.

The wind rushed through Gamma Ray as he tried to maintain control airborne. There was a tiny hole at the centre of the force field which he tried to balance into. He cybernetically controlled the suit to shrink and green energies burst out of him in a dash of green light as he shrinked to the size of an ant and passed through the hole.

"Oww," Gamma said as he landed hard on the hard concrete (no puns intended) still in his shrunken form. He pressed some keys on the gauntlet and a holographic image of the Hydra Guard's structure was displayed. The Hydra Guard's structure looked like a cut in half giant star fish with five large legs which served as halls that led to the main meeting point which was called the confluence point. This confluence point was at the centre and was the place Ray was currently in. it was the only roofed part of the building. The control room was just a small tower on top the confluence point.

"Heading to the control base," Gamma ray said in a tiny voice as a result of his shrunken state. Gamma Ray looked up to see the small tower situated on top the confluence point. Thrusters came out of hidden compartments in his suit's feet and arms, propelling him onto the tower. He landed inside to see 3 soldiers talking and a nerd wearing glasses watching a video made my Emmy Spark. Ray peeped into the nerd's computer and laughed as Emmy Spark talked.

"It is I Emmy Spark and I have come with another banger. Even If Todd Boehly gives Chelsea 1billion dollars for transfers this January window, they can still not win any trophy. Even if they sign the likes of Kylian Mbappe, Rafael Leao, Joshua Kimmich and others, they can't win any trophy. Signing Mbappe will be a world record signing and will outclass Neymar as the world's most expensive striker. With this world class signings, especially Kylian Mbappe. An average of 24 goals will be achieved for the rest of the season with Kylian and Rafael but they would only manage to qualify for Champions League next season. All this Na play because we know they no fit spend that kind money. I remain Emmy Spark, your king of Vawulence," the famous reporter and writer spoke as his views clocked 2k.

"This writer is crazy. I expect Pegasus to sack him before Chelsea FC sues them to court," Ray said in his tiny voice and resumed business. He jumped straight at the soldiers and punched them with the speed of a moving bullet, throwing them away and sending them unconscious. The nerd was surprised and tried to run away but Gamma Ray enlarged in his front and punched him hard thereby also knocking him out. He went to the computer and plugged his gauntlet unto it, sending a computer virus to the computer. It showed 100% and the force field was deactivated.

"Phase one completed," he said and sat on a chair as he turned.

"Alright, phase two is a go," Slash said and Archer took two parachutes, gave one to Slash and jumped down from the jet. They landed carefully by the wall of one of the building's halls and hid behind an armored car.

"Gamma, I need you to connect me to the speakers," Slash whispered to his gauntlet and Ray nodded as he connected all the speakers in the building to Slash's gauntlet.

"Everyone should leave, Slash is back for revenge," Slash's voice rang through the building and everyone began murmuring. Slash had actually told every good agent and personnel in the Hydra Guard that if he ever changed his views about the Organization, he would say the exact same thing. Some workers began running away as they tried to leave the premises as quickly as possible. Slash counted exactly 1minute and still saw some soldiers patrolling and sighed. Some peeps don't value their lives.

"Phase 3," Slash shouted as he and Archer ran away from their hideout and unto the roofs.

"Are you really a monster," Seth asked and the professor laughed as he carried the axe.

"No I'm not, I'm a virus. Kill and destroy," Crocodilo spoke through the professor as his eyes turned green and he jumped from the jet. Seth followed suit and activated his helmet mid air.

"Thum," sounded the hard concrete as the professor had already transformed to Crocodilo in mid air with the large axe in his hand. The soldiers opened fire on him but the bullets bounced right off. He was now far bigger than his first transformation.

"Roarrrr," Crocodilo roared and raised the axe high and sent it down, sending shockwaves into the ground. He raised the axe back up and swung it in the midst of the soldiers sending their legs swinging one way and their chest the other way. Seth landed some inches away from him and blasted the other soldiers with high voltage electricity, shocking the hell out of them. The soldiers divided into two groups and one fired at Crocodilo while the others fired at Beta ray. Crocodilo roared loudly as he was visibly made angry by the pesky soldiers. He decapitated a soldier with the axe and stabbed another's eyes with his talons. Beta ray ran away from the soldiers as they fired bullets at him. Beta ray ran to a wall and bounced on it with his legs which propelled him to the soldier's center and he punched the ground with his electrically charged fist, causing electricity to spread all around them. The soldiers screamed in pain and fell down burnt from the inside.

Crocodilo grabbed a soldier and divided his legs from his body slowly as his intestines spilled out. He smashed the man's head on the blade of his axe and his head divided into two, releasing the man's brain from its prison. The remaining soldiers stood shooting and laid their weapons on the ground in surrender.

"It's a trap," Slash's voice rang from Crocodilo's gauntlet but it was too late as the soldiers exploded, spreading blood everywhere in a release of green gas which Crocodilo inhaled.

Mercurite is a metal which is very light and very strong. It is one of the few substances which can affect mutants like Crocodilo and Slash and exists naturally but can be and has been produced synthetically. This same Mercurite was disintegrated into gaseous form and put into the Soldiers body and they were forced to commit suicide. Mercurite does no harm to humans but negatively affects mutants greatly.

"Roarrrr," Crocodilo roared painfully as it was like his insides were being roasted with burning oil. Crocodilo groaned inwardly and started reverting back to his human form slowly and painfully. Some soldiers who were hiding immediately gathered him as he was now completely naked.

"Load up," a soldier said and the soldiers loaded their guns with Mercurite bullets.

An arrow flew straight at the soldier's chest and exploded, sending the rest falling down. They stood up swiftly but there was no sight of the attacker and the professor. Another arrow from a different direction penetrated a man's head from behind him and burst out of his open mouth as he spurted out blood and fell dead. Fatality.

"Run," all the soldiers started running as arrows and bullets from the darkness kept firing at them. Before they could reach 5metres, they were all dead. Slash brought out the unconscious professor from hiding and dropped him on the floor while wearing him the soldier uniform of one of the soldiers.

"How's phase 4 going Gamma ray?" Slash asked as he reloaded his gun and Archer walked out of the shadows while plucking her arrows from the dead mutilated bodies of the soldiers.


"Just started," Ray said as he installed the first spider bomb on the wall and ran to the next. He inserted the second spider bomb and as he turned to leave, a kick landed on his unprotected face and he crashed unto the wall groaning in pain.

"Is everything alright?" Slash asked from the other end but Ray only groaned in pain as he looked up and spun sideways avoiding a second kick which jammed the wall.

"Who are you," Gamma ray asked the heavily built man who looked ready to fight.

"Emmy Spark will just call you the man," Ray said and the man rushed to him with a punch which Ray dodged. The man threw a kick and Ray held his leg tightly, spinning it in the opposite direction. Ray ran to him and spun his leg 360°, hitting him squarely on the face and the man crashed on the wall. The man stood up again and brought out a vial containing a green liquid from his pocket. He drank it and the effects of the liquid immediately began showing. The man's muscles became X2 of what they were before and he laughed as Ray's face showed a slight change in countenance.

"Emmy Spark seriously wants someone to die in this series," Gamma ray said as the man rushed to him faster than before and punched him so hard, he was sent crashing into a chair. Ray yelped in pain and activated his helmet as he stood up.

"The real battle starts now," the man shouted and rushed to him again delivering a punched to his helmet which deactivated his cybernetic influence on his suit.

"Shit," Ray said and did a back flip while maintaining his distance from the man.

LOCATION: Confluence Point

"Can you hear that?" Archer asked as the ground vibrated so hard, it was like a giant was coming towards them.

"Take him to safety," Slash told Beta ray who lifted the professor on his shoulders and ran away.

The loud vibrations continued as the footsteps of whatever was coming echoed through the building.

"O my God," Slash exclaimed as the creature came into view. It was a giant robot replica of Crocodilo, made with a special alloy of titanium and mild Mercurite. The robot was holding a large Mercurite axe.

"Roarrrr," the robot roared loudly as it charged at them and Slash and Archer started running away as the robot kept pursuing them.

Archer fired an arrow at a container outside and Slash held unto her as she was propelled to the top of the container. The robot roared again and Slash fired some bullets at the robot with his gun but they all bounced off. Archer tried the same but her arrows had no effect. She fired an explosive arrow and the robot shifted a little as it exploded on its face.

The creature threw his axe at Archer but Slash dived towards it instead and the axe penetrated his shoulder and he fell down with blood on the floor and the wound healing very slowly.

"WTF is Beta ray doing," Archer shouted as she fired three explosive arrows at the robot at the same time, pushing the robot further away as Slash kept wasting rounds of bullets at the same spot in the robot's chest and groaned in pain. Archer fired an arrow with a drill at the tip and it drilled the robot but it removed it before the arrow could drill deeper.

"XS did this in the Flash, I should be able to do the same," Beta ray soliloquized and looked at his palms.

Beta ray rubbed his gloves together and they sparked with static electricity. He pressed his palms on the professor's chest and sent a mild shock to his heart. The professor's body jerked up but collapsed back. He tried it three more times and on the fourth one, the professor's eyes opened as he breathed heavily.

"We need your help," Beta ray said and professor Donatus' eyes glowed green. His teeth elongated into fangs at a faster pace than the first time. His fingers turned to talons and his toes to claws. His body sized expanded as the camouflage uniform he was wearing tore to shreds and his skin turned to a bright green scaly colored skin.

"Time to end this," Crocodilo said and ran to the confluence point with his size now significantly bigger than his first two transformations. He bulldozed the robot with so much force it was sent crashing into a plane. The fight had actually extended to outside the Hydra Guard and many people were recording the scene from a somewhat safe distance.

"Emmy Spark here and we have something nice for you. Two giants battle it out in what looks like a robot vs monster battle. In other news, Man City must qualify for Champion's league, Arsenal will win the title or finish 2nd, Newcastle can't finish in anything less than 5th. Remember, my predictions always come to pass. O right, lest I forget, Chelsea isn't winning any trophy this season, peace be unto you. I remain your king of vawulence," Emmy Spark said with a microphone in his hand as a lot of camera men recorded him as the battle between giants raged on.

Crocodilo picked his axe from the ground and wanted to strike the robot with it but the robot blocked it with its axe and head butted him, throwing him off balance and on the floor. The robot leapt up with the axe glittering in the sun and sent it landing on Crocodilo but he spun away and the axe crashed on the ground, stuck. The robot tried to remove the axe but it wouldn't budge and Crocodilo used the opportunity to bulldoze the robot into a container, disfiguring it. The robot raised the container up and threw it at Crocodilo who dodged it and the two giants dashed to each other with murderous intent.


The man kept punching Gamma ray's helmet until it shattered on his battered face. His suit was disfigured and all that remained of his helmet was broken shards on the floor. The man kicked Ray on his chest and he crashed on a steel table, snapping his spinal cord and Ray shouted in pain. The man was about to kick his unprotected face when he got shocked by 1000kilowatts of electricity and he fell down, dead.

"Are you alright," Beta ray asked and lifted his brother on the steel chair.

"NO, I'm not. The fucking writer doesn't want me to go uninjured," Ray said and tried to stand up but couldn't as his back hurt like hell.

"Have you planted the spider bombs," Beta ray asked and Ray nodded negatively.

"Don't worry, I'll do it," Beta ray said and carried the three remaining spider bombs to the remaining halls.


Crocodilo was on the floor and the robot had him pinned down with his hands being drawn strongly by it. Crocodilo roared loudly in pain as the robot tried to detach his hands from his body.

"We have to help," Archer said and loaded the tip of her last arrow with some Mercurite which lay on the ground and drew it with all her might on her bow.

"Roarrrr," the robot roared as the arrow pierced it from behind and burst out from its power source. It began sparking as it left Crocodilo and went to Archer who sat down exhausted. It didn't get far and Crocodilo's hand burst out of its back holding its engine in the shape of a heart very tight. The robot fell down as it shut down.

Everyone present began clapping and jumping with joy as they praised their new national heroes. Slash and Archer already activated their helmets to conceal their identities.

Beta ray held ray on his shoulder as he ran away from the last hall and into the midst of the crowd as he shouted for Slash.

"The bomb's about to explode," Beta ray shouted at the top of his voice and everyone began running away. The jet landed in Slash's front and Archer carried him up with the wound which stopped bleeding, Beta ray with his brother still on his shoulders and Crocodilo entered the jet and it shot into the sky at maximum speed. Everyone else began running away as the bomb's ticked loudly.

"Boom," sounded the bombs as they exploded, releasing a giant blast of fire which consumed the entire Hydra Guard and burned the already dead soldiers to ashes.


LOCATION: New York City, National Park.

The whole park was filled with tens of thousands of people who wore red and white outfits to celebrate Christmas and their new heroes. The mayor of New York stood on a podium as the citizens made joyful noises. Slash, whose wound had almost healed completely, Archer, Crocodilo and the particle twins with Gamma ray on a stretcher, all with their costumes stood on the podium beside the mayor as he prepared his speech.

"The past years have seen the Government funded, Hydra Guard; destroy all respect for our human rights as citizens of the US. Many talked about it while others just became lethargic to the topic but, these Citizens, stood up for what is right and destroyed the New York City Hydra Guard base, thereby crippling its finances and releasing their hold from this city. These citizens are now officially our Protectors and are being presented the key to the city," the mayor said and the audience cheered as he brought out a large golden key and presented it to Slash who walked to the microphone.

"Thank everyone, for the support, the motivation you've given us and for seeking the truth from every lie. It's a great honor to receive this key but we promise to continue what we've started. Well, I mean me and Archer as the rest have lives to live. Thank you once again," Slash finished talking and the people began shouting in joy as he walked to his place.


LOCATION: Ray's house

Ray sat on a chair with bandages wrapped around his body. The whole team was present in his heavily decorated house as they sat with sullen faces.

"Well, this team cannot continue. Archer and I can protect the city from any internal and external threat as the rest of you have lives to live. Especially you Ray," Slash said as the rest nodded.

"Try to forget about anything that has happened and live your normal lives," Archer finalized as they stood up to live.

"Slash, can I get your number," Ray asked with his weak voice and Slash gave him a small phone.

"My number is here. Till next time," Slash said and he, Archer and the professor left the house.

"So, what's next?" the professor asked as they sat on a bench outside waiting for their ride.

"Well, you go back to teaching, Archer and I will handle the city. There's actually no threat for now except if the Hydra Guard comes back for revenge but we can handle that," Slash assured the professor who nodded understandingly.

"Now that you've gotten your revenge, this is good bye. Can I talk to you for a sec, privately," Professor Donatus directed the question to Archer who looked at him quizzically but excused herself anyway to a corner of a building with the professor following behind her.

They came back after a minute and Slash looked at them exactly how Nigerian parents looked at their kids suspiciously.

"So, till we meet again," the professor said without looking at Slash and transformed to Crocodilo speedily and climbed a building as he ran away from sight.

"What did he say," Slash asked Archer who put her face down quietly.

"Nothing important," she said and Slash looked at her suspiciously but dismissed the thoughts in his ravaging mind as a red Lamborghini parked in their front and opened up by itself and Archer entered speedily. Slash sighed as he entered as well and the Lamborghini propelled itself far into the street.



Crocodilo landed inside the sewer and collapsed on the floor as his head kept giving simulations of being pounded with a pestle. Different flashes of how he was beaten by the robot kept replaying in his head in a collective manner. The pain was more than 4X the real experience and he roared loudly with his hands on his head. He began reverting back to his human form but far more painful than before as his body glowed with a green bright colour which died down with him in his human form.

"I control you now and you obey me," a baritone voice resounded in his head which was far different from Crocodilo's.

"Who are you?" the professor asked as he listened with dread as to how a human can communicate with someone like him through his mind.

"You can call me, the Director," the voice replied with authority.

"I am controlled by no one," the professor shouted as his voice echoed through the sewers.

"Well, you're controlled by someone now, me," the voice said and went silent as a sharp pain stung him on his head.

"Roarrrr," Crocodilo roared inside the professor as a very loud sound echoed in his brain, firing his synapses up. He forcefully transformed back to Crocodilo and roared so loud, the sewer walls vibrated.

"What do you want?" Crocodilo roared as the pain became unbearable.

"Control," the voice said and Crocodilo's eyes turned red and the nerves responsible for all voluntary motion were being controlled by wherever the voice was being broadcasted from.

"Crocodilo, you are now under my command," the voice said and Crocodilo growled silently.

"Yes director," Crocodilo said and its eyes glowed back to green and he reverted back to the professor.

"What's happening to me?" he soliloquized as he stood up weakly and climbed out of the sewer.


The screen which showed all the events of the Christmas special went blank and the celestial entities sat upright with different thoughts in their minds.

"Crocodilo is now controlled by the Hydra Guard and will now be depicted as a villain," the Supreme Emmanuel and the others nodded approvingly.

"Our next project won't be as long as this but would be far more interesting. It is either going to be the Trials Of An Author Season 2 which will be set in the Supreme Master Verse, Particles awakened Season 1 which will be set in the Particle Verse or short crossovers. This is our longest chapter and so will feature a long break before starting another project. Our next project is very likely to be Emmanuel related," Supreme Emmanuel said and the celestial entities nodded affirmatively and another screen appeared, displaying a white blur which flew across solar systems and galaxies at warping speed. The scene changed to a city and a green blur sped through its streets with super speed.