
Our first training exercise.

School during the first half of the day was rather tame as we were all just studying the basic subjects. English, Japanese, Math, History, hero law (not so basic but by UA standards it is) and sciences. What the anime and manga neglected to inform people is the studying of first aid. Something I always found confusing as they were professionals involved in search and rescue which typically requires some form of first aid training.

During these times I was bored out of my mind so I tried to sleep. Ojiros tail gave me plenty of cover, Mina is right next to me so she would alert me although I don't have faith in that as she is using aoyamas sparkling presence to do the same so I just rely on my observation haki. By turning my hands into sand I can shape them into the perfect pillow. Every lazy kids dream, shame I wasn't in the Naruto world as I could make a fortune with this to the nara clan.

Aizawa was our last teacher for the day and he spotted me sleeping as he was leaving so he tossed an eraser at me but I just shifted to logia and let it hit kirishima straight in the nose. Everyone in the class laughed while I continued to sleep. A joke could be made about the sandman and sleep but I'm too tired right now. I'm always hard working and usually sleep in on weekends when I reduce training time so being able to catch up on the rest my body needs here is a god send. Minas just lazy, although I don't blame her cause these lecturers are in the stuff I covered when I tutored her through school.

Being the good boyfriend I am she also got a sand pillow custom made for her. She smiled in her sleep when she felt the familiar sensation she felt all through junior high. Iida came to berate us but just like in middle and junior high our actions spoke louder than our words as we awoke and reminded him off our test scores. He froze like a glitch got into his system as we pointed out the facts and returned to sleep for our little break time.

After that all might stormed in being as melodramatic as he was in the show. We finally got to wear our hero costumes which got us to wake up. I patted ojiro on the shoulder as thanks for his hardwork and went to my suit case to get my suit design.

The costume is a classic under armour top in a crocodile skin pattern that is darkened along with workout bottoms in the same colour and pattern that is separated by a belt, the boots are a unique design as they resemble black combat boots with the scaly pattern externally while internally they are extremely comfortable as they are designed to be like Nike air maxes. The costume also has crocodiles classic fur coat for several purposes such as warmth and storing items with them. There are some hand cuffs in the inner pockets of the coat that are heavily restrained so as to reduce noise. There is also several gourds that can be seen in the inner lining of the coat that are removable.

These gourds are a nod of to gaara as I decided to pay homage to him in this method for stealing some of his moves. The gourds in the costume all have the kanji for different things. Love is more sand. Hate is water. Happy is iron sand. Sad is flash powder which can be used to make flash bangs if used correctly but can be used to make distractions. Proud is candy used for comforting kids and snacking while on patrol. Tired is sleeping powder which can be used as the move sandman. Neutral has a solution used to stop bleeding from wounds and lastly angry. Angry is a unique type of sand from the support department made by Mei, it is activated when placed on someone and works by hardening onto their clothing and can be tracked. It would resemble a dirt stain.

There is also an eye mask for the costume that Mina got me as she wanted to match. I couldn't turn her down as I also needed some method to hide my identity besides changing my hairstyle. My hair is very long so I usually tie it into a small pony tail like miyamoto musashi and I only undo it when relaxing and training as the hair band would be destroyed during my workout.

After changing I found Mina and enjoyed the changes she made to her costume. The one in canon didn't do much to improve her quirk usage so I showed her some designs and she quickly found them adorable thus we added them on. Some minor things like a reinforced mask, improved boots and some gloves. Simple things that made a vast difference especially with her massively improved quirk control. She can use her quirks in conjunction with her fighting style which she learned from muir and Naomi (pops wife)

{link to costume is: https://images.app.goo.gl/UiESqWYYiKx7eBQ29 }

While I was admiring my classes costumes and making small talk all might made the explanation towards the activity and the team work involved. I drew my ball and I guess Inanna is on my side yet again as I got Mina. I did a silent prayer to her.

[in heaven]. "Aww what a sweetheart, such a grateful boy. I'll reward him sometime later"

[back in class]

It was decided that me and Mina would be facing tooru and sato which I personally thought was all too easy. They were villains and we were heroes. They got five minutes to prepare and after their allotted time passed we walked towards the door of the 8 floored building. I told Mina to wait a minute and spread my arms and used Sable tranquille. This technique spreads a sandstorm thinly like dust in the air. Making the atmosphere seem dusty and unnoticeable. This technique is used to sense vibrations through the sand to determine locations but It is also used in conjunction with observation haki to feel the area around the sand. The only downside is I must focus on the area of sand to use my observation haki there.

We quickly found them on the sixth floor discussing their plan which was rather simple, tooru would strip and attack the first person through the door while sato would protect the bomb and rush if tooru was overwhelmed. Simple yet effective. I turned to Mina and relayed the information and she wasn't happy.

"Ne Ne Sa-kun, were you feeling up tooru with your sand" she asked with her eyes narrowed. I shuddered, scary, I had to respond "no way Mina I'd never do that when I have an amazing girlfriend like you. That ability only works to feel vibrations and tell me locations. I can't use that stuff to feel anything". Her eyes narrowed further as she stared me down. She broke the state "Ok I believe you but after today your taking me on a date cause we've been busy lately." Was this her plan all along I thought. Clever little minx.

I quickly ch aged gears and we walked out side the building. I carried her till the fifth floor and she gave me one of the ear pieces she keeps in her costume. Another smart addition. She was to enter through the fifth and cause a distraction by spraying the ceiling with acid. She made a puddle by the entrance of the floor so she could tell if someone entered.

Meanwhile I entered the seventh floor and felt presences beneath me. I relayed tooru location to her and she began lobbing her max acid blobs at the ceiling were she was located as they passed through the location around her with her narrowly dodging. She grew pissed and rushed down stairs while used desiccation on the floor of the seventh floor to make an opening to seep through.

I looked at sato with a pill filled with sugar so I decided to use my abilities. Did you know that salt and sugar qualify as sand because I didn't until pops explained this to me. I attempted to manipulate the stuff raw and low and behold I could. So I flicked my wrist and sent his pellet out of his and rolling away from the bomb he chased after it thinking it was a slip of the hand.

When he left the bomb unguarded I land behind him and whispered "boo" he yelped like a schoolgirl in surprise as I tossed a sand attack at him sticking his to the wall. Mina called and send she stuck tooru in place with her jelly. Her ability is more than just acid as she can control the viscosity of her acid meaning it can be thick like concrete or like water.

She can also control the acidity which improved by leaps and bounds after studying some chemistry. She learned she can make other stuff besides acid like a paralytic substance that paralyses who ever touches it for an hour. She can make water although not much of it but enough for a bucket to put out a fire and some aphrodisiacs which I decided to skin over as she gave me a strong stare and a grin when we discussed it. With the two villains incapacitated I touched the bomb signifying our victory.

We freed the other two and checked for injuries which their were none other than tooru having numb feet but that'll pass. We arrived back in the room with all might were are class congratulated us. I responded in kind while glancing at bakugo as he was shaken harshly by his fight and seeing other people's skills.

Momo rounded off our good points which all might confirmed. I looked at him with observation haki and got a little scared because I could sense the damage in his body. It was like when Arlong looked at zoros scars and decided to end him. All might shouldn't be standing let alone running around doing hero work. He earned my respect today.

I walked up to him and whispered in his ear that he was smoking a little to which he raised his eyebrows a little then wrapped up the class by saying he was visiting young midoriya. He's faster than I thought too. We all left to get changed and go home. Mina pinched my waist and said " 7 o'clock we're going out" I chuckled "yes dear, happy wife happy life" she blushed and punched me again which I thought was funny.

It was a good day and the exercise was fun. I'm glad she asked me for the date because I know USJ is tomorrow.