
Class 2-A

With a pop noise and confetti raining down nezu appeared from a hamster ball type construct "hello everyone~ I'm happy to declare that you ten will be next years class A. As you know U.A is one of the hardest schools to enter for the hero course but also one of the hardest to remain on. Several classmates may lose their position in a higher class so ones better suited may rise. Due to the mass increase in talented students next year we will have 3 hero classes based on the results today with some students from 1-C rising and some from classes A and B lowering. Congratulations" and then he blew a whistle that shot out and made a funny noise.

So it's me, Mina, Momo, todoroki, tokoyami, sato, tokage, ibara, Kendo and pony as class 2-A huh. Not a bad line up but I can't wait to hear from the others. *boom* speak of the devil and he shall appear. Mina tugged my sleeve and showed an expression that screamed "lets go watch the show". I nodded and followed her to the runner up area with the others of my new class still processing their situation.

Mina and I burst out laughing from the railing as we saw bakugo, his hair has been styled into a bowl cut so he looks like an angry friar. He seemed to hear us "YOU ASSHOLES!!!!! ILL CRUSH YOU AND TAKE BACK MY SPOT" so I replied "it's hard to hear that Pomeranian barking with that cone on it's head" "that's it's hair honey, they style it like that because he keeps biting himself". Bakugo I Developed veins on areas that shouldn't be possible.

Knowing that bakugo was going to blow I signalled you follow my lead. "Bye everyone~ hey Mina can you believe that bomber man idiot, he wants to be number 1 yet he isn't even in the top ten anymore haha haha". "RAH!!!!!!!!!" And that was how I ended my day.

The new class 2-A has a two month rest period before the next semester starts so we decided to celebrate as a class. Momo had to disguise todoroki again because of the endeavour scandals he gets mobbed with reporters every time he appears.

Surprisingly tokage was making moves on sato, the bing banana has no idea how to process this situation and tokoyami'S chunni advice did not help so he asked the only person he felt he could trust.... Momo. I felt offended and was considering pouring sand down his pants but I let it go.

We all went bowling and everyone was a damn cheated, tokage split parts of herself and used them to manipulate the ball, sato decided to take a drink of soda every time he was up to bowl so he could smash the pins, Momo somehow got drunk so used a makeshift ball dispenser to fire the ball at the pins. Todoroki was the cause, he froze a bottle of what he assumed to be water and put it in the drinks because the place was scorching. It was vodka!

Half the people her got freaked out when they were drunk, tokoyami let dark shadow behave like a wacky inflatable tube man while he was hammered. Todoroki fell asleep and Momo kept producing gold while giggling. Tokage turned her body to bumper cars as she called it and started flying around. Ibara... went on a rant about how religious her parents are and how they want her to be the next face of religion but she doesn't give a shit, kendo tried using her hands to fan herself and got knocked the fuck out.

Pony was surprisingly fine? She was just less hyper and even asked for more. Me and Mina were ok so we had to call for their parents. That was not a fun phone call let me tell you. "Hey Mr ###### sorry to inform you that your daughter has been intoxicated while at our class celebration. Could you please come pick her up". Then I'm greeted with the angry rant about how I am to blame. Most assumed I was their daughters boyfriends, I could hear a shotgun being loaded in the background.

My girlfriend just laughed at my suffering, while we waited Mina decided to message the 1-A people to see where they ended up. The ones with personality issues like bakugo And deku were sent to 1-C so that they could receive counselling. This just reminded me about how mineta and bakugo got in normally to 1-A. It was to correct their personalities. I guess nezu wants that nail hammered down.

Monoma was almost out out of the course but Vlad argues for him so he was placed in 1-C. Shinso surprisingly got into 1-B, after I knocked him out he woke up and continued as far as he could which impressed the teachers.

As I was thinking about the others I noticed Mina develop a scowl. "What's wrong" "Midoriya beat up ochaco pretty badly according to toru as she had to be rushed to recovery girl. Then deku came to apologise but really just said it was because he wanted to be a hero or something. Then she got annoyed at him and had recovery girl escort him out. Hah I guess that relationship is over" "it wouldn't have worked anyway" "true though now she seems to like shinso who found her and helped her during the exam" "oh? That's nice he's a decent guy. A little gloomy but not bad". Then Mina cheered up "I'm going to set them up for a date over the break".

A few hours later me and Mina were on the train home after the others parents collected them. I got to meet todoroki'S mother which was cool, after she had to testify in court about Endeavor she became like a woman's idol or something. She's also surprisingly tough being able to hoist shoto over her shoulders like he weighs nothing.

After being threatened by several girls fathers I returned home. I was greeted with a banana wani tackle followed by a triple kitty body slam. These guys are getting stronger every time I see them, wtf to my parents feed the dogs?!?