
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

14. Another Clues and Mosquito Repellent

in the morning, the trio began their activates, after good breakfast made by claudus, soon doctor moi prepares all the medical tools he needs and cleaning them with alcohol.

claudus were marveled on how meticulous the doctor's act, take a note that the current era was renaisance or older ones according to claudus observation.

but, the various medical tools used by the doctor and medical books he has, shown that the current healthcare in this world were much more advanced.

simply says claudus saw mercury blood pressure meter, stethoscope, proper medical grade alcohol and the others. it was all the 17th centuries or latest inventions.

not to mention there was also medical academy mentioned by doctor moi, he once had a chance to enters it, he learned medic there then graduate. doctor moi had also gotten his medical certificate from there.

all in all, claudus felt odd and curious about this, he once asked the doctor about it. now, he was 100% sure that a doctor from modern era were once transmigrated here and spread his medical knowledge to the masses. at least within 100 years back since now.

how come he reached this conclusions? simply because the doctor knew lots of modern medicine jargon, like vaccine, penicillin, even epidemic like bubonic plague were already treated here by penicillin in this era.

claudus knew about history, when it first appeared on earth bubonic plague treatment were very crude and unsophisticated. many even thought that the plague was simply divine punishment.

but not here, especially not in vannahar kingdom, the first case was from the other continent. they brought the plague toward great brushnia kingdom in middle-south of continent first by merchant ships then spreads.

when it reached vannahar 85 years ago, arthur arcdragon the 1st. king of vannahar at that time along with lady doctor luna vega implemented strict measures regarding the epidemic.

leading vannahar kingdom to fought the epidemic with blazzing trails ending the bubonic plague in vannahar kingdom within 2 years.

after epidemic ended, lady doctor luna vega founded vannahar medical academy and became its first dean, she was 30 years old at that time, the academy now were only 84 years old.

she then spreading the cure toward all over continent and finally within 9 years the pandemic had ended.

claudus now suspect this lady doctor were the ones from modern era. if doctor moi were to know about some place claudus mentioned like new york or london, claudus would suspect him being the one.

but doctor moi didn't know about the cities, he even asked claudus back where was he read those jargons and its meaning. claudus simply pretends he just knew from street and thought its as medical jargon.

doctor moi were not feeling odd about claudus question, after all he knew that claudus could read and he was also smart kid. so he never inquire about it again.

as for tasca, she was now wearing white dress with her blonde hair tied in ponytail, after everything that happened, she was much more cheerful and bright, she was happy with her current life, she would assists doctor moi treating the patient or cleaning up the clinic, sweeping, mopping, and cleaned medical instruments with doctor moi supervision.

after everyone doing their thing, now claudus entered the basement, it was quite well lit at day as several small window acted as ventilation. he usually concocted some medicines here according to the doctor requirements.

he adhered to it strictly, simply because the methods and material needed were carefully written down, he felt that he didn't need to modified it as he knew the current method was flawless.

there were also a scale and unsurprisingly also a tablet press machine in here, he could mixed some material, dried it under the sun, ground it to powder then he simply mold it using the machine and several tablets would formed.

claudus now gathered some leftover materials he needed, after completing his tasks for doctor's medicine, he began to concoct his 'mosquito repellent'.

'...weird, why the other "transmigrator" didn't make mosquito repellent here? is it unnecessary? or i just don't know about it?...' thought claudus while preparing all the left over. '...well, i'm quite curious with that lady dean, luna vega was it? maybe she's also transmigrated here? i wonder if she's still alive...'

claudus put flarse root, it looks like ginger with different aroma, gael leaves was simply aloe vera, thyme extract, the fluid that came from squeezing the juice of thyme fruit, it was not the same from earth's thyme, and its effect were also different.

he grounds it slowly until it became gel-like substance, it has clear green color with strong smell of flarse root, then claudus put small spoonful of white powder inside gradually, after he mixed it in the smell lessen up.

claudus then devide it by 2 bowl, then he pour the sweet smell extract of violet lavender and white gardenia which he extracted with alcohol before.

he mixed each bowls slowly for a while. medicine making were meticulous work, he need to know the details of every materials he used and how to handle each one of them. if not, it could be detrimental for those who use it in future.

upon completion, he pour each bowl inside palm sized ceramic container, then he labeled it by sticking some paper on it. after he satisfied with his work, he sealed the bottle then he began to clean up.


at lunch claudus presented both concoctions to doctor moi and tasca.

"whah ish ith broher?" asked tasca with mouthful of food.

"tasca, swalow your food first.." doctor moi reminded her, tasca only nodded in return.

"this is what i mentioned last night doctor, mosquito repellent..." claudus answered after finishing his meal.

doctor moi was startled for a while, he swalowed his food then asked in disbelief, "...what? you already made it?"

claudus starts his explanations toward doctor moi, "yes doctor, flarse root mixed with thyme extract, the aroma and tastes will drive mosquitoes away. gael leaves make the substance into gel so it will stick better to the skins, and it will also smoothen the skin refreshing it and brighten it, the flowers extract simply gives it some nice scent."

"how to use it?"

"just rub it on your skin doctor, just don't eat it, it tastes bitter."

doctor moi laughed and soon finished his meal and tasca seems interested in smothen the skin effect.

"it can drive away mosquitoes and smoothen the skin brother? quick! quick! give it to me...!"

"finish your meal first tasca..." reminded the doctor again, tasca pouted yet she listened to him.

their relationship grew closer day by day, now tasca often makes fun of the old doctor, or teases him. and the doctor simply smiled from her antics.

doctor moi picked up one of the container, he opens it then with his pencil he collect some, the gel was now had clear greenish-violet color, it was from lavender flower extract mixed with gael leaves.

he scrutinized the gel closely, he smells the aroma was pleasantly refreshing, soon he tried it in small area on his left palm.

"you use alcohol?" doctor moi asked, he felt cool sensation from the gel.

claudus nodded, "from the flower extract doctor, it could bind the concoction better."

"i see, it feels cool, but i need to test it first, in case of allergic reaction occured."

"i already tested it doctor, it was all right."

doctor moi nodded in satisfaction, after a while tasca was also wants to tries it, doctor moi was denying it at first, but the old doctor soon cave in after tasca put her ultimate pleading eyes on him.

claudus weren't worried. after all, everything had already been calculated inside his mind.

tasca put the gardenia aroma ones on her skins in glee, although she hadn't feels the effect yet, she still happy with the effect mentioned by claudus.


next day doctor moi woke up feeling so refreshed, due to the repellent he finally got to sleep well without disturbance, he saw the ceramic container on his nightstand with a smile, the gel were of success.

after changing his clothes he met tasca on stairway,

"good morning doctor!!!" she looks especially energetic, she was also happy with good night sleep.

"good morning tasca, where is claudus?" doctor moi rubbed her head gently with smile.

"brother claudus is already in kitchen, let's go doctor, breakfast!" tasca storming down toward the dining room with doctor moi in hand.

"good morning doctor moi, breakfast will soon ready." said claudus as he saw both doctor and tasca walked inside.

while cooking he asked about the gel efficacies, "how is it doctor? did you have a good night sleep?"

"it was good, your gel was really amazing..." said doctor moi while drinking a glass of warm water, he also gave one to tasca.

"yeah yeah! it was good brother, and its smells good! i love it." added tasca with brilliant smile.

claudus soon brought 3 plates with eggs, mashed potato and jerky toward the table, soon he asked, "i think it would sell well doctor, what do you think?"

doctor moi and tasca soon took their plate, he answered, "i think it will sell indeed, but how about the container? you can't possibly use the ceramic one right? it's expensive and i think, we don't have many of it?"

"about container, our neighbor mr. dill have some leftover solorus wood i think, i could asked for it first then pay for it when our product sold later, i can carves some small wooden jars to make the container, if it sealed properly, solorus wood properties is good for gel like substances."

doctor moi pondered for a while, soon he shook his head, "don't do it claudus, also you can ask our herbs supplier mr. rondo to increase the material you needed, you can get the money from me later. then pay for the woods."

"doctor...?" claudus was startled. after all he also didn't have 100% certainty if his product would sell.

doctor moi smiled while he began to eat, "don't worry about it claudus, i can't give you guys salary due to our financial situation, but if its only so much i can still afford it. now, now, lets eat."

tasca was already eating with gusto, while claudus now could make out more outline on doctor moi face, he was really touched with it.

soon the trio started their activates, while claudus commute to here and there preparing his product.

he began to make large amount of mosquito repellent and carving the jar using mana in order to quicken the process.

that's right, after rigorous experiments and training, claudus could finally use mana once again albeit a little, for carving the small jars it was conveniently enough.

as of now he had trained his body to absorbs the mana while using another part to release it, he released the mana with only his right hand while his whole body absorbs it simultaneously.

it wasn't really cost effective, he recons that he lost 9/10 of his absorbed mana in process, but he was stasfied as his previous theory proven to be right, he only need to perfected his finding. then he would be quite a monster with infinite mana in the future.

at noon, claudus completed his product, there were around 50 small jars of mosquito repellent, 25 for each scent, it couldn't be helped as the flower amount was limited, claudus knew doctor moi treasures his flowers so he didn't want to use it all and leaving doctor moi with nothing left.

claudus heard doctor moi footsteps down the stairs behind him, the old doctor approached him while checking his progression.

"finished? don't work to hard claudus you still need to rest." reminded doctor moi as he saw several small wooden jars already been sealed on the table.

"don't worry doctor, i'm not forcing myself." said claudus smiling.

"that's good, oh. why you don't take all the flowers? i saw some flowers were still there."

claudus turned toward the doctor, "huh? i don't want to take everything doctor, i know that sometimes you will pluck some of it, so i left it behind."

doctor moi slightly stunned from his reply, with melancholy expressions he said, "ah, you noticed? don't worry about me, beside having you making the flowers into gel and giving it to me made me happy you know? you can use it all...yes, dont worry."

doctor moi tried to hide his sad expression with smile, he stroke claudus black hair gently.

"anyway, how is it going?"

"its done doctor, we can put it on front desk and tasca can sells it. umm, about the price, how much is it do you think appropriate doctor?"

doctor moi pondered for a while, "with the jars this small, i think we could sell it by 7 copper. 4 copper for production costs and the rest you can have it."

"huh!? it's not appropriate right? if i get the rest, then you..." claudus were surprised from doctor moi suggestion, he knew how much the material cost, and he didn't think too much about labor costs, after all he did it himself.

if he follows doctor moi suggestion then he only need to spent 3 copper coins for materials. 2 for herbs and 1 for wooden jars and the rest was for him to decide.

"claudus, don't worry about me. beside, this is your product isn't it? just take the money from it, all of it..."

claudus shook his head, "how about this doctor, i get 2 and you get 1. i think it's good right?"

claudus stubbornly insisted, he just don't want to take doctor moi's kindness for granted.

doctor moi smiled in amusement, then he gave in holding both his hands up.

"okay, i should thank you then, i wish you good luck claudus.." he said as he went away from the basement, while claudus this time could see doctor moi's nose and mouth clearly.


today's chap...

hey, he's not alone...?

bubonic plague : black death 1346-1352

thx for reading...

Thousand_Stupacreators' thoughts