
Cripple Lab-rat Journey to Apex

in his past live he was named subject no.1452 , he was poor orphan beggar which got caught by shaddy science organization, his body has been modified with ehancement serum, he learned everything from math, science, social, economy, everyrthing. he was also proficient with all kind of martial arts and skill be it close combat or ranged ones. he thought he could finally be free as he planed to break out from the facility given his imense knowledge, yet he failed. not because he was caught but because his body finally succumb to its very limit after aborbing immense knowledge. now, he became another child beggar but heaven doesn't close its window as he brought all of his immense knowledge and body constitution to the new world, the world with sword and magic. how our protagonist break out from his predicament and what lies ahead of his journey?

Thousand_Stupa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

09. Master Mordoc and 2 Stars Magician

the old magician with his teenage girl disciple observed the battle commencing bellow, both of them were covered by some sort of flimsy layer protecting them from wind and rain.

the two men bellow were one with bloated figure with ugly bald face and the other was dead-pan face man facing each other, the atmosphere turned more intense by each second passed, as the two man keep assessing their opponent concurent action.


"did you see your senior spell before edna?" stroking his long white beard the old magician spoke.

"humpf, the one that hit the poor boy?" replied edna in dissatisfaction.

the old man turns speechless while amused at the same time, "...so? what do you think?"

"that was only simple spell of wind nature right? it was fast but the power was too lousy..." edna widen her eyes as she finally realized that the spell wasn't enough to dealt fatal damage toward the boy's back before.

she let of sigh of relief as she knew that the boy would most likely survive, "...i see, but master, weren't you too careless? what if the boy didn't survive?"

the old man chuckled, "...edna, sometimes what your eyes can't see doesn't mean it didn't exist. as magician, you should strive for the essence of the truth by using anything you have, be it ears, feeling, and even your brain. it will help you in the future, but now just keep watching."

edna slowly nodded hearing her master profound words, yet again she glares at her master, "...does it mean that i'm heartless, deaf, and stupid?"

with calm and collected countenance her master only replied with a smile. a teasing smile actually.

"mas! ter!!! !^#&%@%! !&&$*(@^#....!" she grumbled full of grievance.


on the ground, after throwing cripple body. master mordoc began to think, now it was clear to him, this rat has somehow stole a technique scroll from this man ahead of him, and it was such precious scroll too!

at first he just want to get out of here after he learned that the magician that had comes was from enforcer division of witchcraft tower.

witchcraft tower was newly built magician society, it was founded 89 years ago with 7 elder magicians at its core.

its main job was to integrate most of magicians in vannahar kingdom in a system, making them much more organized by establishing magicians in accordance to their rank.

even though they didn't dable in politics, they were the decision maker for mostly any magic related subjects across the kingdom, including dealing with magician that had becomes a criminal.

master mordoc was also one of the fugitive whom had been looking for by witchcraft tower, he was safe for nearly 10 years in maron city, hiding here and build up his power.

he was clear of what would happened if he got captured, as he aware that witchcraft tower put the bounty on his head for great amount of 500 vannes.

take a note that 1 vannes was equivalent with 5 gold coins, with 1 gold coin most peasants could afford their necessities for around a month without worrying about 3 human basic needs.

yet, master mordoc also felt conflicted, after hearing what kind of scroll the rat stole, hesitation filled his mind, it was supreme mana absorption technique!

in the past, because of his identity as fugitive he couldn't get any noteworthy mana technique easily due pressure from witchcraft tower, but now there was such a golden chance right in front of him! it was 'nine revolutions mana absorption technique' to boot! with it he could increase his power rapidly in short time!

in just a moment he finally made his choice! the surrounding mana surging violently toward master mordoc as he chants the spell.

"...i'm the sovereign of elemental, adam's ale is my body, bow in my command!..." master mordoc murmured the chant rapidly, it could only be heard as incoherent mumble by cripple beside him.

5 circles of blue hexagram with indescribable runes on its rings appear arround his fat body,


cripple witnessed how master mordoc casted his spell, although the magic circles appeared around his fat body from his left side, top head until his right side, the spell cripple anticipated would coming wasn't actually from the magic circles!

surprisingly the ice spears encircled his opponent from ground. it stabbed aiming towards his feet and chest, the speed from the start of chant till the attack occured was ridiculously fast, it was no more than 1.5 seconds! displaying how powerful the full-fledged magician actually are.

noticing the attack, the 2 stars magician immediately jumping high, cripple thought he would fall in a short while, yet he was again surprised! the 2 stars magician boots flashed with green colored light, it made him stays afloat in midair avoiding the icy spears from ground.

"tsk* artifact?" mumbled master mordoc, soon he criss-crossing his fingers forward making a pattern by his hand,

"...goddess laments of mortal destiny, her tears form a prison...." the 5 bluish circles behind him starts rotating steadily.

"...ice maiden!!!" master mordoc exclaimed loudly, his magic circles glowing up, making it brighter and brighter.

after master mordoc chanted another spell, falling rain water surrounding the 2 stars magician stopped all of sudden! as soon as it stops, the water froze creating thousand of ice needles with 1m in length surrounding him!


the ice needles crushed toward the 2 stars magician spot, yet cripple could barely noticed just before it connects, the mana around the dead-pan face man fluctuate differently from master mordoc's spell.

sure enough, the now porcupine-like needles ball were hitting an empty spot! the 2 stars magician was now gone.

shortly after cripple could hear murmured sound coming just right above the needles ball.

"....king of wind heed my call, thirty six wind crescent blades!" the 2 stars magician was now floating atop of his last spot, after he finished his chant. there were 3 green colored hexagram lined up perpendicular to his finger which now pointed at the sky.


the unsuspecting master mordoc could heard something dangerous were coming from the sky direction, with some strange agility which was unfit for his fat body, he somersaults several times back from his current position!

there were exactly sharp crescent-shaped wind blades barraging him from the sky! each blades focused on his landing spot! yet, no blades could lay onto his fat body.

the 2 stars magician didn't stop, he keeps chanting his next spell,

"..king of wind decree, crescent wind of judgement..."

this time, there were huge green circle of hexagram with diameter of 10 meters on the sky! from within it launched 3 huge wind blades sweeping down through the street,

master mordoc finished jumping around. then he gritted his teeth, his previous intention to fly was now dashed! from the sky there were 3 huge wind blades with 10m length slashed towards him, he realized those spell would be fatal to him! with no other choice he could only form an ice shield.

".....i'm the sovereign of elemental, adam's ale is my body, bow in my command...ICE SHIELD!!!" the water from his surrounding were now gathered and form a huge icy dome. it covered every parts of his fat body.


the impact create a shockwave on its wake, several parts of the ice dome fell apart with crisps sound.


the two observing master and disciple on the rooftop couldn't help but gasp in surprise.

"well, edna? how'd you explain the battle below?" questined the old magician.

edna seems to think for a while trying to analyze the ongoing battle from the start,

"umm, it can be seen that senior brother has the upper hand, he knew that the pig isn't allowed to take flight in this kind of environments, so he forced him to stays on the ground and now the fat pig turned passive with ice shield, actually he had advantage due to his water aptitude but senior brother combat experience beat him by miles. hah! take that you pig!"

"language edna...! besides you should've seen the big man abilities, as magician you should give respect when its due..." the old magician knocked gently at edna's head.

"au! master!" she grumbled while rubbing her head, "...uuuh master!, the pi... i mean the fa..., the big man seems had mastered 'water commander' set spells and 'water goddess' spells, impeccably...his aiming and timing were both perfect, yet senior brother still bested him..."

"...well, your senior brother had also mastered 'wind king 3 spells' quite perfectly, and also...he's already can use 23 derivatives forms of it."

edna was surprised while she stares at her master in disbelief, "...23? hows that possible?"

the old man could only smile, "well, thats why he was unique, do you remember what the other spells from 'water goddes spells set' edna?" he questioned.

"nod*, umm, other than ice maiden, there are quite a few, but if it was me, i would use the water goddess domain immediately."

the old magician nodded in satisfaction from edna's answers, he recalled once again why he took her as disciple.

".....hmppf*, but that fat pig was so disgusting! how dare he use such elegant spell as his magic? senior brother must kill him immediately! this kind of iritating pig must not be existed!" mumbled edna in annoyance.

"..." the old magician was now considering if he was sane and healthy back then? when he took her as disciple what was he thinking?

both of them continued to observes without words.


right now there were few squalls with cone-shaped surrounding the ice shield. its tip trying to drill into it and destroys the shield,

'....cursed! cursed everything...' master mordoc eyes were now bloodshot, fierceness and cruelty could be seen from his bloated face. right now he couldn't move at all, as he knew that once the shield destroyed, the squalls drilling outside would turned him to a sieve.

master mordoc realized that he doesn't have much time now, the storm was getting subsided, their confrontation will sure attract other forces to come, he didn't want that! yet he was also unwilling to leave! the scroll was too precious for him to ignore.

finally under the bombardment of the fierce squalls he chanted inside the protection of the shiled,

"...goddess laments of deity's destiny, her wills turns etiolate..."

in an instant master mordoc undoing his ice shield! yet as he was about to be pierced by the squalls, he vanished! along with a mist that suddenly covered the surrounding area.

"....domain! goddess abode...!" his voice trails behind the ever spreading hazzy mist.

in a matter of seconds, the hazzy mist covered the whole street, it didn't stop! it even spreading towards the other residence blocks, 1 block, 2 blocks then it stopped at 5th block!


thx for reading...

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