

"If my purpose is to be a war weapon, I'll gladly be so. Why do you bother teaching me about humanity?" A lost child brought upon this world by the greed of humankind. "What am I exactly made out of? Humans arrogantly claim that they created an artificial human like me inside a lab, but... They aren't capable of creating me. Their technology can't create true life." Was it purely by human effort that a miracle like him was possible? "So the multiverse really does exist... I can satisfy my hunger for knowledge, and the mysteries behind my existence might finally be solved..." Is he really ready to bear the weight he is destined to bear? "These damn humans, they just want to use me for war! They don't care about me, they don't even see me as a human! For them, I am just a tool to be used and disposed of on their whims!" What happens when something which isn't supposed to exist, does? What will happen to the esoteric strings of fate when a being outside of its chains roams free? And what happens if this supposed being possesses talents and abilities considered impossible by the world itself? It's just Chaos. Discord- https://discord.gg/GkVmSkr8

Audatic · Fantasia
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92 Chs

Alchemist Havien

The two old men made their way to the place which the passerby mentioned. There were no discussions between them, their minds baffled by the news they just heard.

'Havien, I knew that lad was incredible, but till what extent? Can I even fathom what he is capable of?' Zhuang Xiao was in deep thought, he knew that Havien was a special existence, but he was clueless as to exactly what made him so special. Was it just talents, abilities, luck, or something more?

Soon, they arrived at the place where Havien was giving his lecture.

"Remember, rather than the recipe, try to learn what the recipe's intent is. An ingredient may not be as effective as other ingredients due to local factors. You need to master improvisation..."