
Crimsonforge Chronicles

"How can you be so sure you are capable enough to lead your people, when you can barely lead yourself?" Flare Edwen, was a princess of Cantor from the deceased previous king. Having no political connection, failing to flee out of the castle a number of times and put under house arrest by the current king whom she would be wed with soon, Flare's fate took a spiral turn when two mercenaries who claimed to be sent by her brother. Their mission; to rescue the princess and place her in asylum in another continent. Although grateful with her brother's timely offer, strands of ambition, and perhaps monarchic perception claim that she is the rightful ruler of the Whitefall Kingdom. But when her physical and mental are called into question by the very people around her, including the two mercenaries, Flare could not help but fall short. Thus, she has to leave her kingdom and strenghten herself so that one day, she could return and take back what she claims to be rightfully hers. Although, the people around her have different fates that could help her ascension, or be her downfall. Discord Server : https://discord.gg/vQwb4JEm

Lamenting_Emir · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs


The sounds of people yelling, the sea breeze and sailing ships can be heard. It is the day when Flare, Weiss, and Boyd depart from Echo Bay to Altlis, the Elven lands. According to the schedule, they'll land in Erythyl. That would be the true destination, but…

The sounds of people yelling are the loudest inside a certain inn.


"What do you mean you used the money?" Flare yelled at Weiss.


"Yes, I think you should answer that question, Weiss," Boyd uttered, sitting with arms crossed.

"Eh…hehehe…I-I spent it…" Weiss fidgeted.

"With this bear fur coat!" he pulled it out like a trophy.

"See, isn't it good? The smell, the feeling…it's just so…relaxing," Weiss moaned until Flare took the coat and slammed it inside the dumpster.

Weiss freaked out and jumped out the window to grab back the coat. He landed on his head, grabbed the coat, and dashed back up.

"That's not nice! I've used…"

Suddenly, he just stops. Flare and Boyd are looking at him…angrily.

"Guys, guys, calm down…"

"It's not about money!" Weiss answered while doing a pose.

"Is he this hopeless when he sees fur?" Flare sighed and turned to Boyd.

"Indeed, but at least he knows if the fur is fake or not, and now, it seems like the latter," Boyd laughed.

"How can you laugh? Our money is finished!" Flare muttered hopelessly.

"Do not worry, m'lady. I have some in my bag, for cases like this, but it won't be enough for us to reach Erythyl," Boyd stated.

"So, I offer you two choices."

Boyd made a 'peace' sign with his fingers.

"Remember, yesterday you told me that you wanted to become stronger, didn't you?"

Flare's body jolted a bit when she nodded.

"So, we can use the money to travel to Almbelle, a port that belongs to the Wood Elves if I'm not mistaken. There's also an alternative for us, but I would avoid that at all costs," Boyd suggested.

"Why is that?" Flare asked.

"Currently, there is an instability in Atlis among the Snow Elves who're holding the monarchy and the Sun Elves. The Sun Elves are rebelling, so since you are one of the Snow Elves' guests, I would recommend you follow the first alternative," Boyd explained.

"If I'm not mistaken, there are five elf races, right?" Weiss jumped in.

"Yes. Snow Elves, the current one holding the monarchy. Sun Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and Moon Elves. You can pinpoint which race there are in just by looking at their skin. Plus, I think the names are quite clear."

"Snow Elves have white colored skin. Yellow for Sun Elves. Brown for Wood Elves. Dark Elves have grey skin. The Moon Elves, well, they have white skin, but it kind of…glimmers during the night," Boyd explained briefly.

"What's the other elves' political standing?" Flare asked.

Boyd crossed his arms again to think.



"I've got to use my head and think," he said to himself.

The other two are just looking at him.

"Ah, oh-hoh!"

"I don't know the particulars since I haven't been there in a while. The last time I was there, the three other elves are still neutral. Oh, right. The dark elves have joined the sun elves. Moon and Wood Elves remain neutral," Boyd exclaimed.

"Well, at least we have something," Weiss chuckled.

Flare threw a slipper at his face.

"This still wouldn't happen if you just didn't buy the bear fur," Flare groans.

"…But, but…that old lady at the docks read my palm and said, "I'll sell this to you and only you!" And it is quality fur!" Weiss rubs his face on the bear's fur.

"She scammed you!" Flare howled in anger.

Then, Flare noticed something and turned to look back at Boyd.

"So, what's the second alternative?" she asked.

"Well, it depends on whether or not you want to become stronger, Your Highness," Boyd responds.

Flare just stood there, silent. She is gripping her hands tighter than a miser's purse. Weiss could see her veins taking shape underneath the skin on her hand. Her hands are shaking and her eyes are looking at Boyd with serious resolve. Boyd inspected her, looking for any hesitation on her part.

"Alright then, the other alternative is the Knight's Mausoleum," Boyd announced.

For some reason, Weiss choked once he heard that name.

"Knight's Mausoleum?" Flare tilted her head.


Suddenly, Weiss just throws the bear fur that he loved on the floor and left the room. He slammed the door shut without even caring.

"What's his problem?" Flare murmured.

"Well, it's best to not dawdle on that for now, Your Highness."

"Knight's Mausoleum is a fighting arena, like the old days in human history, fighting each other inside a coliseum. You can train to become stronger there and get money at the same time, it depends on your rank and how many times have you defeated your opponent. The higher your rank, the stronger your opponent, and the higher the pay is," Boyd explained briefly.

"Well, I think that covers it up, but the rule is you cannot lose more than three times, otherwise you'll have to start again from rock bottom. Although, that is not always the case…"


"…Because most fights are fights to the death," Boyd uttered.


That word lingers inside Flare's mind. It reminded her of how many times she wishes she was dead, how many times the faced it, and how powerless she is. She sat in front of Boyd with her hands still shaking. It is unknown to Boyd whether it is fear or excitement, or something else entirely.

"It is a lawless place ruled by the Underworld King."

"Underworld King?"

Boyd remained silent, thinking. Without a doubt, he is a bit worried.

"Listen to me, Flare. I can't guarantee that you won't face death, maybe a lot of it, but this is the only way I think you can get stronger. If you continue to just train with me and Weiss, you'll grow accustomed to us, and it will be hard for you to predict your enemy's moves. Tactically, this is the best solution…but morally…well…" Boyd's tone is a bit remorseful.

"If you are afraid, or feeling unprepared, I won't suggest this method," he added.

Flare remained silent. Her hands are still shaking.

"Uncle Boyd…without a doubt, I am scared. By your description, even if you tried to tone it down, it still terrifies me to no end," Flare confessed.

Boyd was bewildered for some reason.

"…But, if you say that it is the best alternative, then I'll follow it," Flare stated with resolve.

However, Boyd is still not answering.

"…Uncle Boyd?"

"…Y…Y…You just called me…Uncle…" Boyd perplexed.


"So you are into older men…" Boyd joked, and got a slipper to his helmet.

Flare blushed heavily until her face is beat red.

"No, no. I just…" Flare tried to explain.

"Ahahahaha…Ahahahaha…" Boyd laughed, which puzzled Flare.

"I'll accept whatever you'll call me, Your Highness. I am honored," he slightly bowed his head.

Flare couldn't even say anything. She just looked away with a red face.

"…But you are not into old men, right?" Boyd joked again, and this time a pillow smacked him.

Suddenly, Weiss came back up and opened the door, breathing heavily. He is slightly sweating, and his eyes are beaming at Flare.


"Flare, you have to come with me!" Weiss blurted and pulled Flare out without hesitation.

"W-W-Wait…What are you doing?" Flare flushed, holding the doorknob to stop him from pulling her.

"It's that thief Slag. He took my bear fur, and told me to call you…and I want my fur back!" Weiss answered, and then he felt something holding his wrist very tight.

He turned to look, and there, a female devil with a purple, sinister aura is angry at him.

"Oh…so, that's it…" Flare sassed with angry-looking eyes.

"Huh? Didn't I…" Weiss tried to remark, but he couldn't with so much hostility in front of him.


"Uh-huh, sorry about that Mr. Innkeeper, I'll pay for that broken window," Boyd apologized to the innkeeper.

"Don't make things weird, Weiss," Flare scolded him.

"Can you blame me? That bear fur was cool, I want it back," Weiss holds his knees and rolled back and forth on the ground.

"Are you a kid?"

Flare turned to face Boyd.

"How'd you face him every day?" she inquired, and Boyd just chuckled.

They walked around, following Weiss until finally, they met with Slag. Compared to how he was before, he looked a bit cleaner. He is still bald and all, but he is cleaner. His eyes have more life despite having traces of black circles around them. He is wearing simple clothing, like a trader, not rags. At first, when Slag saw them, he pretended to not know them. He is there, not as a thief, but as a trader. There are several trinkets on a mat that he prepared, all of them looked useful…and one of them is Weiss's bear fur coat. It is arranged closer to the standing Slag along with his other wares. Flare approached him without saying anything and looked at his wares.

"Ah, hello, you're back, and in one piece too. Come, take a look at my wares. Just…don't ask where I get them, okay?" Slag promoted his wares.

"You look a lot healthier, Slag," Flare smiled.

"I owe it to you, Your Highness. It seems you've worn that armor I kept, good isn't it," Slag replied, slightly bowing his head.

"Well, you can keep it. You've already given that necklace to Petra, right?" he added.

The thought then crossed Flare's mind, because…she'd completely forgotten about it. At that moment, she is feeling guilty for wearing the set of armor. However, before she could say anything, Boyd tapped on her back. She looked at him, and he signals her to take a few steps back with his head. Once both of them did, Weiss stepped forward, along with something in his hand, something that is wrapped with cloth. Flare recalls that she saw it when she was rescued, and when they were in the carriage together, but she was unaware of what it is.

Without hesitation, Weiss handed the wrapped object to Slag. At first, Slag was a bit puzzled, but once he opened it, his eyes looked…sad. Flare slowly approached Slag. Her curiosity peaked since she wants to know what Weiss gave to him. When she saw it, she too, was shocked. It…It's a bone…a human bone.

"S-S-So…she was already dead, eh?" Slag responds with a somber tone.

Flare's heart felt like falling apart when she heard his voice. It sounded so…depressing. She could see Slag's hands shaking, but he is holding them back.

"…T-Thank you, really, Your Highness…"

"I-I-I'm not surprised though…almost a relief really…heh…"

"You can keep the armor, Your Highness…"

"As…well, a trinket of thanks, I suppose…" Slag murmured with a disheartening tone.

In all honesty, Flare wanted to hug Slag and console him, but Boyd stopped her. When she looked at him with fiery eyes, his grip just became a bit tighter.

"…Leave him be, for now…It's the best we can do, Your Highness…" Boyd whispered.

Flare grips her hand until it's shaking hard. Her fists are shaking, and her eyes are teary. Not because of her weaknesses, but because Slag's depressing tone just puts her into motion. Boyd softly puts his hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle push. According to Boyd, they shouldn't do anything, for now at least. She cuts her voice, closed her eyes, and turned back, walking away from Slag. She didn't or tried to look back, but she could see Slag's reflection through a mirror. He…closed his stall, and curled himself on the ground. He breaks his composure and covers his face with his arms. However, what puzzled Flare the most is that…no one seems to look at him or give any sort of assistance. His stall is no doubt a place where a lot of people pass through, but all those who walk didn't even look at him. A little girl did approach her, but her father just pulled her away. That scene that played in front of her somehow gave her a new sense of…direction. Immediately, one sentence came out of her mouth.

"Uncle Boyd…make me stronger…please," Flare uttered, no, almost as if she is pleading.

Boyd didn't say anything, so the both of them just walked forward. Suddenly, Boyd's arm appeared in front of her, and his index finger is touching her neck. His movements were so sudden that she doesn't see it until she felt something touching her neck.

"Too slow. Give me 200 press-ups," Boyd ordered.

"Huh?' Flare blurted, still perplexed at what is happening.

"It's your punishment for not seeing through that attack. If it were any fighter from the Knight's Mausoleum, you would be dead before you even start," Boyd replies.

"Wha-Wait? No, that's so sudden!" Flare retorted.

Boyd just chuckled.

"If I may, Your Highness. Mind if I ask you a…personal question?" Boyd inquires, interrupting their training session.

Flare was about to perform the punishment he had given, but stops – with a sigh of relief.

"What might that be?" she asks, a bit curious.

"May I assume that you're seeking strength – to retake what is yours? The throne?" Boyd politely inquires, but then, all he gets in response is the sound of waves, along with Flare's silence.

The two of them stood at one of the docks that has no ship. Nobody is paying attention to them, so, Flare would feel a bit confident.

"Are you inquiring that you might block that attack if you were ready?" Boyd asked, changing the topic as soon as he sees a slight expression of doubt on Flare's face.

"Of course, you just took me by surprise, that's all!" Flare answered.

"Very well. And now I go! Don't be slow! Ahahahaha Ahahahah!" Boyd chuckled, but he still hasn't moved.

Flare prepared herself, thinking that Boyd might come any second, until…


However, before she could even do anything, Boyd's hand already reached her, but this time, he is poking her cheek with his index finger. Flare was shocked. It's not only because of Boyd's movements but what puzzled her the most is how can he move that fast, without her even seeing, with that suit of armor. She tried to remind herself, did she blink?

Did she turn her gaze elsewhere?

Did she drop her guard?

"Now, you owe me 400 push-ups," Boyd counts.

"Wha…?" Flare howled.



https://ibb.co/BZ1g9S0 - Flare's Training under Boyd's Tutelage


The night has come, and the moonlight is shining beautifully in the sky, but the same couldn't be said for Flare. Right now, she is wearing a standard shirt, and she is sweating hard. It could be said that her figure can be seen if someone peeps closer. In range, there's Boyd, sitting there drinking coffee. He has a lantern next to him, so he is partly visible. The two of them are in a field with no one around and they are not too far away from the harbor. Flare's arm is shaking hard, and she couldn't even control it despite already lying flat on the ground taking short breaths. Without a doubt, she is exhausted. Since morning, Boyd has kept her in a tight training schedule and decided to train her himself. Weiss is not around. Boyd told Flare that he decided to stay at the inn alone. At first, Flare was puzzled why Weiss wouldn't follow, but Boyd just told her to let it be for now. Something is interfering with Weiss's line of thought which affects his actions since morning.

"…I'm tired, can I get a bit of rest?" Flare breathed, and Boyd handed her a flash of water.

"You did well for today. You did 800 press-ups, 1500 swings, and ran for one kilometer, that is a bit impressive," Boyd praised.

"…But I still couldn't block your attack. What kind of magic are you using, Uncle Boyd?" Flare panted, sipping a lot of water from the flask.

Boyd just chuckled.

"No magic used, Your Highness," Boyd answered truthfully.

Flare couldn't even answer and began to deduce her theories.

"It's got to be that armor, it must have some trick to it," she said in her mind.

"For one, he couldn't move like he usually does with that steel armor. Steel is heavy, so he can't move like that," she continues.

She didn't realize that she muttering her thought.

"The armor possesses no magic whatsoever, Your Highness, but it does have a secret," Boyd chuckles.

Flare covers her face when she noticed what she just did.


Boyd's words caught her attention.

"What secret?" Flare asked.

"Well, it wouldn't be a secret if I told you, isn't it? You potato," Boyd answered.

"P…Potato?" Flare bumbled in confusion.

"Oh, pardon me, Your Highness. It's what I usually call the kids in my village back then. Forgive me," Boyd bowed his head slightly.

"No, no, there's nothing to apologize for," Flare flushed.

"There's something I want to talk about…"

This caught Boyd's attention, and Flare complained to him on and on about Weiss.


"I see. It seems Weiss is always the same!" Boyd laughed, crossing his arms together.

"Well, I wouldn't know if he was doing his job or just picking fights, but that is his way of caring. He's a real troublemaker. Ahahaha…Ahahaha," he laughs again.

"…But why? I thought that it would be nice for him to be a bit nicer to everyone, and I think it's about time he treats me a bit nicer," Flare responds.

"Don't worry about it. He's always like this, he'll loosen up to you sooner or later," Boyd assures Flare.

She didn't say anything. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You're not weak, Your Highness," Boyd comforts Flare.

"Where did that come from?" Flare suddenly blushed.

"If I weren't old, I would not notice, but you want him to treat you as an equal, do you not?" Boyd simplifies Flare's complaints.

Flare didn't say anything, but Boyd's warm hand is still not budging from her shoulder. It seems like, he is waiting for her to say something.

"…I'm sure the two of you are sick of me. I know the two of you would wish for me to go away. I know how you feel…" she suddenly laments.

"Back then, I was powerless to even fight against the Executioner, and I was blind to how Uncle Talbot was treated. I am sure I am powerless…" Flare laments more, but Boyd stopped her halfway.

"…Which is why, you will become stronger," Boyd concludes.

Flare was surprised with his answer.

"Those who gain victory only gain self-satisfaction, but you have gained something far more meaningful, experience…"

"Besides…Weiss is a special case…"

"To survive, that boy was forced to become strong," Boyd explains.

"Forced?" Flare asked.

Boyd turned silent for a while.

"Have you ever heard of the term 'Homo Ferox'?" Boyd asked Flare.

She shakes her head.

"It's an ancient language used in the Knight's Mausoleum, which translates to 'Savage Ones'."

"This term is used for slaves forced to fight in the Knight's Mausoleum. They fought everyone. Contenders from all ages. Young, old, even women, and each other."

"…Including him, the Savage Weiss…" Boyd reveals.

Flare remained silent and listened carefully.

"He was bad enough to make your father's actions during his reign turn to nothing."

"He would spend every day fighting other contenders regardless of age that battled against him in the arena. A foolish boy that decided to become a savage to live inside that hellhole."

"That Ferox must be the son of Devil himself. That's what they all used to say when they see him battle and triumph in each battle," Boyd reminisced.

"…But actually, it wasn't like that. He was no different than you. That was the only place he had to belong, along with his older brother."

"That's horrible…" Flare gasped inside her head.

"Weiss is a son of a mistress, and his father, a very wealthy aristocrat. Weiss was a secret that didn't pop out until his father died."

"As you know, a child born out of wedlock is a symbol of disgrace for a family. However, his father's youngest brother, William, was a very nice man."

"After losing his mother and home, William took him in and looked after him. Weiss was very fond of him, going as far as to call him an older brother that he never had, but…it didn't end very well," Boyd's tone turned somber.

"When he was eighteen, a group of slavers raided the village and kidnapped both him and William. Both of them were sold to the Knight's Mausoleum, as fighters."

"During their first fight, it was 5 against two of them. They tried to attack Weiss, but William protected him, and ended up losing an eye…"

"The next you know, all 5 of them are on the floor wailing for help, with their eyeballs in his hands and his 'older brother' looking at him in fear…"

"That is when the crowd labeled him as a Homo Ferox, a Savage One, and he could no longer talk to William like he always does after what he did," Boyd explained to Flare, who is putting her hand on her chest.

She did it as if her heart is about to drop.

"…Like I said, he wanted this job, because he knows how you feel, despite being less extreme."

"Having to endure the hate inside a family…"

"Being indebted to someone, be it, father or brother..."

"Not having a place where you could belong to…"

"Being an outsider…"

"Years they spent time there, not talking to anyone, not even his brother after that fight…"

"Until he broke out…and escaped…"

"However, even after he lost his way after he threw his mind to become a savage fighter, he never stopped moving forward to become stronger."

Flare didn't say anything. She just sat in front of Boyd, listening to his every word.

"We're the same, he and I. We're both failures in our own right, but we never stopped moving forward to become a respectable person, and eventually, you joined us and tagged along."

"That's how men find a place where they belong, but I am sure it also applies to women. The path of gaining respect is the same for both genders."

"We keep advancing, cutting our way through all our obstacles and leaving a trail. Eventually, you'll be joined by others, and the trail you leave becomes a path."

Boyd puts his hand on Flare's head and gently rubs it around like a father comforting his child.

"I can't tell you what to do now. I cannot deduce that your circumstances would be the same as mine or that other potato I have in my hands."

"You have to choose your path, my little potato."

"…But if you want a place to belong, if you want to get Weiss's respect, if you want anyone's respect, you can never stop moving forward."

"Even if you lose your way and become a Homo Ferox…"

"Never stop walking through your obstacles."

Welcome back to the Second Arc. Work related problems delayed me from posting this new chapter that was supposed to be published on July 1st 2023. From now on, the serilization will continue.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Lamenting_Emircreators' thoughts