
Crimson Tower

Daimon Crimson, a vampire who had lived for centuries in a modern world where vampires were considered legends, found himself bored to death with nothing to challenge him, despite his eternal life. As the strongest vampire, no one could match him in combat, leaving him unfulfilled until a momentous day arrived. World Towers suddenly materialized all over the world, interconnected structures that had to be conquered to save the world from destruction. Upon entering one of these towers and facing the monsters within, Daimon experienced an unparalleled thrill. He was ecstatic to discover that the monsters were remarkably powerful, finally providing the excitement he had been yearning for all this time.

HaozDancer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
213 Chs

The Awakening

The city of Eldoria was a vibrant metropolis, its bustling streets filled with the electric hum of modern life.

Towering skyscrapers pierced the sky, their facades adorned with neon lights that painted the sidewalks in a kaleidoscope of colors.

Amidst this sea of movement and light, Daimon Crimson moved with the grace of a phantom, his tall, commanding figure slipping through the crowds effortlessly.

His demeanor exuded an air of mystique, drawing fleeting gazes from curious passersby, though none could fathom the truth of his existence.

For centuries, Daimon had been a denizen of the shadows, carefully concealing his true nature as a vampire in a world that dismissed such beings as mere legends.

He had witnessed history unfold, its pages filled with tales of both triumph and tragedy.

Yet, despite the wealth of time, he had at his disposal, Daimon found himself yearning for something more, something that would shatter the monotony of his immortal existence.

He stood at a dimly lit street corner, his crimson eyes surveying the world around him with a mixture of ennui and curiosity.

A soft breeze ruffled his jet-black hair, and his finely tailored coat fluttered lightly around him.

In the midst of the city's ceaseless motion, he remained a still figure, an island of calm amid the storm.

A nearby clocktower chimed, marking the passing of another hour.

Daimon's lips curved into a faint smile, revealing a glimmer of his sharp fangs. "Ah, this life," he murmured, his voice like velvet, carrying the weight of untold memories.

"Endless nights, unending days... A paradoxical existence, coupling the desire for a company with the necessity of solitude."

With a languid grace, he lifted his hand, the moonlight glinting off his pale skin as his fingers traced an intricate pattern through the air.

It was a habit he had acquired over the centuries, a subtle gesture that expressed the internal symphony of emotions swirling within him.

He found comfort in these small, familiar movements, a dance of shadow and moonlight that mirrored the duality of his being.

As he moved through the city, his steps took him to a secluded park, where the laughter of children playing echoed faintly in the distance.

He leaned against the trunk of gnarled oak, its branches a stark contrast to his elegant posture.

His gaze turned skyward, and he watched as the stars emerged, one by one, painting the canvas of night above.

"How many lives have I witnessed?" Daimon pondered, his eyes reflecting the distant stars.

"How many faces have I known, only to watch them vanish like the morning mist?" His mind became a gallery of fleeting images, faces of long-lost friends and lovers intermingling with the ever-changing landscape of humanity.

Time passed unnoticed as he remained lost in his contemplations until a soft rumbling beneath his feet interrupted his reverie.

At first, Daimon dismissed it as an ordinary tremor, a minor quake common in modern cities. But the vibrations grew stronger, and the ground beneath him began to heave and shake.

The laughter of children ceased, replaced by gasps of surprise and fear from the nearby park-goers.

Eldoria had known peace for decades, and such seismic events were almost unheard of in this part of the world.

As the tremors intensified, buildings swayed, and car alarms blared in discordant harmony. Panic spread like wildfire, and people ran in every direction, seeking safety amid the chaos.

But Daimon remained rooted to the spot, his vampire senses attuned to the anomaly that gripped the city.

Suddenly, the ground before him split open with a thunderous roar, sending shockwaves through the air.

Out of the gaping chasm, an otherworldly glow emerged, bathing Daimon in an ethereal light. He shielded his eyes from the brilliance, his curiosity piqued and senses alert.

As the light intensified, the chasm widened, revealing a structure that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

It was a tower, majestic and ominous, rising from the depths below. Its surface was etched with ancient runes, and an aura of power emanated from it, causing Daimon's heart to quicken with excitement.

Around Eldoria, similar towers emerged, each one like a beacon of enigma and challenge.

People stared in awe and terror at the sudden appearance of these impossible structures, their thoughts mirroring the bewilderment that gnawed at Daimon's mind.

Daimon took a step closer to the tower that materialized before him, drawn by an inexplicable force.

The tower called to him, its presence resonating with the deepest recesses of his being.

His vampire instincts sensed a source of unparalleled power, and he knew that this was the key to breaking free from the monotony that plagued his existence.

As the last tremors subsided and the city regained a semblance of calm, Daimon made a decision.

He would embrace this unexpected turn of events, seize the opportunity to enter the tower, and uncover the mysteries that lay within.

"Curious, isn't it?" came a voice from behind him.

Daimon turned to find the young woman he had encountered earlier in the park. She approached with cautious steps, her eyes fixed on the tower.

He smiled, intrigued by her presence. "Indeed, it is. Have you ever seen anything like this before?"

The woman shook her head, a mix of wonder and concern in her expression. "Never. It's like something out of a fantastical tale. I can't believe this is happening."

"Fantastical tales sometimes carry a grain of truth," Daimon replied, his gaze never leaving the tower. "This tower holds a secret beyond comprehension."

She glanced at him, curiosity evident in her eyes. "And what do you make of it? Do you have any idea why it's here?"

"I have none," Daimon confessed, "but I sense an irresistible pull towards it. It's as though it's calling to me."

The woman's eyes widened. "Calling to you? That's a bit mysterious, don't you think?"

"Mystery has always been a part of my existence," Daimon said, his tone tinged with a touch of wistfulness. "But perhaps this is the adventure I've been seeking."

"Adventure?" she repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Are you planning to enter the tower?"

Daimon nodded. "I am. There's something inside that I need to uncover. And I feel that this tower is the answer to the longing I've felt for so long."

The woman looked thoughtful for a moment, then her expression softened. "If you're determined to explore this enigma, then I won't dissuade you. But please, be cautious. I can't shake the feeling that this is no ordinary occurrence."

"I will heed your advice," Daimon assured her, offering a small bow. "Thank you for your concern."

She smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes. "You're welcome. Just remember, not everything is as it seems."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Daimon alone to contemplate the towering structure before him.

As the night deepened, more people gathered around the tower, each one drawn by its mysterious allure. Whispers and

speculations filled the air, but no one dared to take the first step into the unknown.

Daimon took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. With every fiber of his being urging him forward, he stepped into the entrance of the tower, the darkness enveloping him.

Little did he know that this fateful decision would mark the beginning of a journey that would forever alter the course of his immortal life.