
Crimson Plains

Humanity has evolved alongside creatures which are classified as, Monsters. Humans have learned and researched these monsters, gaining more information and creating weapons that are capable of slaying the Monsters. And so, governments and kingdoms around the world have allayed, in an order to form the Elder Guild.

Destrominator · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

First Mission

When Reliot woke up, everyone had already gotten up or ready. Reliot already had some hand-me-down gear from his brother, and so when everyone got ready, they headed out to hunt a Glagivous. A Glagivous is a large berserker wyvern, with large brunt claws used for bashing. It almost looks like a rock, but way harder and it fights back. There are 3 elements a Glagivous can use, those are fire, ice, and blast. An ice Glagivous is a rare sight, but since it was starting to be winter, more will appear.

The leader of their party was Daniella Grouve, she is a B rank knight. She equips medieval era knight armor, modified with Flourin scales. The axe/sword hybrid user was Andrew Hiul, he sported thick heavy lightning wyvern armor. The archer was a woman named Rya Verd, with light and sleek armor, she was almost as fast as Reliot. The girl with the bowgun was Emilia Grouve, the sister of Daniella, she wore armor similar to Rya, but with more durability and was way heavier. Then there was Reliot, he had some fire iguana armor, it had high durability, and it was light. Reliot also had two Dragon talon blades.

The group headed into the Forest of Hunters, it is called that due to the weak to intermediate level monsters that roam there. The party had thought up a good plan, they would lure the Glagivous under a tall tree. And while it is under the tree, there will be a rock trap hanging from rope. Rya will shoot the rope to cause the rocks to stun the Glagivous, giving Daniella and Reliot enough time to start slicing the tail. Andrew would break the things skull, and Rya and Emilia would attack its legs. It was a full proof plan.

Reliot spotted the Glagivous, he runs in front of it to lure it to the trap. When they reached the trap, Rya shot the rope down stunning the Glagivous. Daniella jumps down from the tree and causes some fire damage. Daniella's weapon of choice was a European longsword forged from a fire rune. Runes are elemental metals and rocks that are used to make weapons and armor. It takes years of training to master a rune.


Reliot hops out from behind a tree and grapples onto the monster, he lands onto a tree and launches himself towards the monster. He activates the powers of the dragon talon blades and starts spinning down the creature's back whilst cutting it. Rya starts shooting explosion arrows to its feet and it falls over, then Andrew starts using the flat side of the axe mode to break its bones. Using this strategy greatly decreased the difficulty of the mission. Once they harvested the body, they started heading back. Once they got back, they sold the parts of the monster to the Guild.

"What should we do now? We did a mission, and we still have a few hours of sunlight left."

"Oh! I've always wanted to visit the hot springs!"

"Great Idea! Does anyone have any objections?"

Daniella raises her hand.

"Separate the boys from the girls."

"Sure will! Ok, let's go."

Everyone got ready and headed to the hot springs, with the missions and the weeks of testing, they felt like they deserved a break. When they got there, the boys had to go to a separate section of the hot springs.

"Hey Reliot."


"What's your preference for girls?"

Reliot is caught off guard by the question, and starts choking on his drink.

"*cough cough* What the hell, why?"

"I'm just curious."

"Well, if she has a good personality, if she's nice and loves me back. I guess that would be my preference, how about you?"

"I don't know, if she has a nice body, and a good personality. I would like someone like that."

"I wouldn't think boys would talk about this stuff."

Reliot and Andrew synchronized.

"Holy shit!"

They both release a deep sigh.

"Oh it's just you, wait why are you here?"

"Rya and Emilia were talking about stuff I didn't take interest in."

"Ok but why come here?"

"Because I can, and I'm the leader of the party."


Daniella gets in with the boys, she blinks slowly and starts feeling sleepy. She closes her eyes, and falls asleep on Reliot's shoulder.

"Uhhhhh, what should I do?"

"Just stay still, don't wake her up."


After a few hours, they decide to head back but Daniella was still asleep in her towel. So the girls had to change her. Reliot then had to carry her back to their quarters. Andrew carried the gear and the girls carried nothing, neither of them were strong enough to carry her. Reliot felt Daniella moving and then he was put into a choke hold.

"Why were you carrying me? Why'd it have to be you?"

"The girls weren't strong enough, and Andrew had to carry our stuff. And you fell asleep in the water, so we had to get you out without waking you. Trust me, the process was very awkward."


"Yeah, now will you please let me go?"


Daniella lets go of Reliot, Reliot sits up and starts breathing heavily. He gets up and catches up to the group.

The next day, their party was assigned a job from the guild, their job was to hunt down a Fire Wyvern.