
Crimson Obsession

In the realm of shadows and secrets, Stygian Sanctum Academy beckons. When Estelle receives an enigmatic letter, her mundane existence is shattered. As she steps into the unknown, she discovers a school steeped in magic and mystery. Within its walls, Estelle encounters seven demon princes, each with a captivating allure. Amidst the ancient corridors and whispered secrets, she finds herself entangled in a web of romance and danger. Join Estelle as she unravels the secrets of Stygian Sanctum Academy, where love and magic intertwine, and where her destiny awaits in the shadows.

sakina_bosire · Fantasia
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9 Chs

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My story starts when I receive a letter from a prestigious school about a place that I have never heard about. The envelope was unmarked, its paper was soft and smooth like silk and seemed as if it had been hidden away for decades, waiting for just the right moment to emerge into the light. I turned it over in my hands, feeling the weight of anticipation settle in the pit of my stomach like a stone. I don't remember applying to a school called Stygian Sanctum Academy. 

Who and Why would a person name a school like this?

I brushed it off as I decided to read out the letter's content

Stygian Sanctum Academy

Dear Miss Thistle,

It is with great intrigue and anticipation that we extend to you an invitation to Stygian Sanctum Academy. While we understand that this letter may come as a surprise, rest assured that your selection was made with the utmost care and consideration.

Stygian Sanctum Academy is not like any other institution of learning. Nestled amidst the shadows, our academy exists beyond the realm of conventional understanding. We specialize in the dark arts, delving into the mysteries of magic and the darkness that lies beyond.

Though you may not have applied for admission, we believe that you possess a unique potential that cannot be ignored. There is a spark within you, a flicker of curiosity and hunger for knowledge that aligns perfectly with our ethos.

As a student of Stygian Sanctum, you will embark on a journey unlike any other. You will uncover ancient secrets, wield powerful magics, and confront the darkness that lurks within and without. But fear not, for you will not walk this path alone. Our faculty and fellow students will guide and support you every step of the way.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find further details regarding enrollment, curriculum, and the necessary preparations for your arrival. We urge you to review these documents carefully and reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have.

Welcome, Ms. Thistle, to Stygian Sanctum Academy. Embrace the darkness, and let it illuminate your path to greatness.


Headmaster, Hemlock Hellthorn

Stygian Sanctum Academy

What the frigging hell is this...no part of this letter makes sense, embrace the darkness?!, powerful magic, I don't understand what the hell is happening here. For a moment I thought it was a prank from my friend Lisa, but then she wouldn't go to extreme lengths to do all this.

I put the letter on my dressing table as I headed downstairs for a cup of coffee. As I was walking downstairs I wondered how the letter got into my room, I shivered at that thought.

"Morning Honey, how was your sleep" my mom said as she kissed me on my cheeks

"It was good, umm mom do you happen to put something in my room?" I asked hopefully to get an answer if she had something to do with all of this

"Oh yes, the yellow jacket I bought yesterday while I was shopping," She said happily

I felt dread all over me for a moment, who placed that letter on my desk.

"Is something wrong honey, you don't look good?" she said as she placed her cold fingers on my forehead

"I'll be fine, just a cup of coffee and I'll be alright" I said as I forced a smile

"Well umm, I'll be off to work see you soon honey."

"Take care Mom and come back safe"

I watched as the door closed and I went back thinking about it, the letter didn't state when I was to arrive and even if it stated where to then? I never heard of a school like that.

Take deep breaths, Estelle, it will be alright, I decided to push back the mysterious school at the back of my mind and enjoy my day.


Midfalls Creek was the new town we had moved in with my mother to forget our old place Oakville where a lot of stuff happened which I don't want to speak about right now. As I happened to stay in during the day who knew night would creep in so quickly?

Beneath the night's embrace, the world shimmered in a soft, silvery glow. Stars adorned the sky like diamonds, while the moon cast its gentle radiance upon the land. A gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the scent of earth and flowers. In this quiet moment, beauty enveloped everything, painting the world in hues of peace and serenity.

As I surrendered to sleep's embrace, little did I know that the night held secrets poised to alter my life's path, for better or for worse. Was my life going to be the same ever again?

That night as I slept I felt so restless as I felt as if I was been watched an unsettling feeling crept into me as I twisted and turned the whole night.

As the clock struck midnight, casting the world into a veil of darkness, I felt an inexplicable chill creep down my spine. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and a sudden gust of wind swept through my room, causing the curtains to billow and dance in its wake.

With wide eyes, I watched in astonishment as a shimmering portal materialized before me, its edges tinged with an eerie, pulsating light. Fear and curiosity warred within me as I hesitated at the threshold, uncertain of what lay beyond but before I could comprehend the gravity of the situation, a powerful force seized hold of me, pulling me inexorably into the heart of the swirling vortex. Colours blurred and twisted around me, and the sensation of falling engulfed my senses as I hurtled through the void.

When the tumultuous journey finally came to an end, and my vision started to be more clear I beheld the view in front of me and at that moment I knew I wasn't in my world anymore!


"Dear Beloved Readers,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for diving into the pages of my newest creation, "Crimson Obsession." Your support means the world to me, and I hope this journey through the crimson-tinted realms of passion and intrigue captivates your imagination.

While I strive to weave a tale that transports you to distant lands and stirs your emotions, I understand that perfection is a journey, not a destination. If you find any missteps along the way, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below. Your feedback is invaluable, guiding me to become a better storyteller with each tale spun.

A gentle reminder: the images accompanying this work are not of my own creation, but merely borrowed to enhance your reading experience.


Copyright © 2024 Sakina Bosire. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author."

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