
Crimson Knight : Beyond the blood oath

In the grey city that is Nile City, Callum was just a young lady trying to work his way through school so he could graduate and work his dream job when one night, everything changed! Upon being lured and attacked by some creature, he wakes up in Roux castle. There he comes face to face with his attacker, Viona Roux who informs him that she did it to him, not only that, she had "saved" his life using her blood, turning him into a blood slave. In a world where vampires control the free world behind the fourth wall, he's bound by a blood oath, forced to serve Viona, hunting rogue vampires and monsters to the end of his days, well, at first at least. She was quite cold but after the two warm up to each other a bond develops, one that goes beyond servant and mistress. However, as time goes by Callum, who was initially a humanitarian, one who inwardly shunned at the feeding practices of vampires began to change. It was his interactions with the humans after exposure to the supernatural world that gave him the spectacles he needed to view things from this perspective. Becoming indifferent and realizing that humans and vampires were two sides of the same coin, even they were once human, the exposure to power exposed the true monster inside them. Will the boy lose himself to this realization and world? Only time will tell.

Shinobi_Of_Nairobi · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4

"What the hell is a blood servant?" Callum asked Ostwald. The two seated in the kitchen. It looked both ancient and modern. It had a counter that had a view of the dinning table a walking distance from where Callum sat. They sat at a round wooden stylishly carved table. It had to be hardwood as it was dark. A metallic sink placed along a station full of cutlery and utensils. Cabinets stacked from end to end of the kitchen above the station underneath. Black pans and cooking pots in ascending order of size among other cooking equipment. To Callums right was window on the wall that allowed the moon's rays to illuminate the two as they conversate.

"You, by default, when a human is infused with vampire blood, usually what occurs is, they are cured of almost all ailments they may have suffered before or after the transfusion. However, there exists anomalies, humans who develop more than just your average healing factor. Their bodies experience changes, they develop special abilities. Which I assume you have since you're still alive," says Ostwald. Callum seemed to be more comfortable with him as compared to Viona. Why blame him though, Ostwald though diabolical-looking, seemed quite kind and empathetic. He didn't mind conversing with Callum and explaining what he needed to know about his new life. It was rather refreshing for him since Viona barely cared much, left him to fend and find out for himself.

"She was gonna kill me otherwise," said Callum in annoyance as he looked down at the space in between his muscular and vein rich forearms, down on the dark table.

"You have to understand dear boy, if she set you free you would've exposed the world of the supernatural to that of mankind. A butterfly effect powerful enough to bring the end of days. I wonder, what of the times I've flapped my wings, what did it cause? A black hole at the edge of the universe?" Asked Ostwald smiling. He very much enjoyed the conversation as Viona wasn't much of a talker, though their moods contradicted, beggars don't have the privilege of choice.

"What if I just ran away?" Asked Callum navigating in the wave of thoughts that bombarded his mind.

"You could, but then again, it's Viona we speak of. She obviously has a contingency plan just for that. You see, you do not become a blood servant just because you're granted these special abilities, you become one preceding a blood oath," said Ostwald geeking out. One could tell he had been waiting a long time to info dump onto someone, hard as he tried to hide it, a bit of excitement sipped out of him, maybe because all the other test monkeys never developed their powers.

"Of course there's more," said Callum wondering when it would all end. It all felt like a judge was reading his sentence, Oswald's jovial attitude didn't help at all.

Ostwald stared at him, empathized, maybe it was too much for the boy at that point, maybe he needed a rest," I shall stop."

"No! No. Continue, I should know the basics," said Callum reassuring Ostwald.

"Hmm, alright. Well, as I was saying, a blood oath is a contract, one that binds the blood servant to their vampire master through a set of rules. These rules must be followed otherwise calamity shall befall that who breaches the contract, these rules change from contract to contract, but I'm sure Viona will explain everything you need to know of yours," said Ostwald.

"So what you're saying is, I'm fucked?" Asked Callum.

"It comes down to perspective, give it a chance, you might like it," says Ostwald with a smile on his face, orange rays darting from the thin crevices in between his teeth that matched his fiery eyes. It looked nothing short of evil. Callum smiled awkwardly to express a mutual emotion of...well he wasn't sure what Ostwald was feeling.

Viona at that time was in her room conversing with some characters through a massive, enchanted mirror. It had imaginary cracks like longitudes and latitudes that divided it into even sized yet uneven shaped pieces and a black frame with spiral shaped decor. On each fraction was a face involved in the conversation. There were seven of them, each standing in as representatives of the vampiric divisions of the supernatural world.

They went by the name Council of Head Vampires. This consisted of old vampires of great physical, supernatural and military strength, who also had political power and control over what human beings believed to be the free world. It existed to ensure that vampires from all around the world are accounted for and the population of both humans and vampires is controlled. All political figures, all great and known financial giants were all puppets put in place to ensure that vampires had a constant supply of blood without human beings ever noticing that they ever existed in the first place. They manipulated all authority possessing bodies including the military and police all over the world such that majority of the cases that involved a vampire or monster murdering a human were swept under the rag preventing the oblivious species from ever suspecting of their existence.

"You failed," said a decrepit thing on the top left piece of the mirror condescendingly. He looked like an unironed shirt that had been spat out after hours of being chewed by a camel. Wrinkles that overlapped wrinkles on other wrinkles, like a fat and old bull dog. He wore a purple coat with a light blue shirt underneath. His head had snippets of what looked like hair, he had over oiled it pinning it on its sculp against it's will. A condescending look on his face as they all started at Viona, who in all honesty seemed a bit... anxious, just a little. His name was Paullo, head of the Barone dynasty.

"I..." Began Viona,she was about to begin explaining herself when she was interrupted by Paullo.

"Failed! Is this the heir of Roux family? Ohh, pardon me, there is no Roux family anymore. How far your "dynasty" has fallen. Your grandfather would be disappointed..." he went on. Paullo was an arrogant and contemptuous fellow. He wasted no time to step on any toes as he could, especially those that he knew couldn't do anything about it. A book that matched it's cover.

"That is enough Paullo. We're here to be updated on what's been taking place in Nile city. It is not your place to chastise her on matters that have passed. Remember, she bears the Roux name, she may not be a part of the council but she bears weight in the vampiric world," said a man in the center piece of the mirror. He seemed assertive and more reasonable. A calm, collected demeanor with authority regardless of the equality in status. He was handsome, he had black hair and a black beard with grey edges. A slightly wide but chiseled jawline. Black eyed and a relatively large nose. He looked like one of those sugar daddies from Wattpad. He wore a double buttoned trench coat and light brown shirt underneath, it was unbuttoned.

"She must know of her transgressions, realize the gravity of each mistake. One of her caliber can not lose to mere fanglings. At this rate, we cannot trust her to run Nile City, let alone grant a place at our table," said another vampire to the bottom right. They looked like a male Instagram model. Had white and long hair like that one wolf boy from Twilight before he got rabies and depression. His eyes were red and his skin was pale, he seemed slim as his chest and shoulders were for some reason visible . His name was Igor, head of the Petrov dynasty.

"How did you survive?" Asked another of the seven positioned to the bottom left. This one was a child, or at least he looked like one. A little boy, about twelve or at most thirteen years of age. He wore a school uniform, one that looked well soed and expensive. The kind only kids from prestigious schools wore. He had blue eyes with ginger hair, freckles scattered on his face and a gap between his front most incisors. His name was Connor, head of the Campbell dynasty.

"I hid in an alley," she answered. "Hmm," heaved Paullo audibly enough for everyone to hear his breath of disappointment.

"They sound like mediocre vampires, the scent of your blood should've easily led them to you. You have faired on relatively well, considering you lack an army behind you, not even a blood servant to help you guard your city. However this cannot reoccur, otherwise you will be forced to step down from your position as head vampire of Nile City. Get your act together and soon," said a chubby vampire in a green dress and long knotted hair and mirror piece positioned to the right. She had bulbous cheeks that mushed her face together forcing her lips into a constant state of pouting. The last two positioned to the left and too right consisted of; a quiet black man with moon white hair on the left and a muscular similarly quiet lady to the top right. Both seemed not too stressed about the whole issue. They kept to themselves and let the others pounce on Viona.

"I will," said Viona before they all ended the magic mirror call collectively. She stepped away from the mirror that positioned itself at the corner of her enormous room. She then took a deep breathe and let it out closing her eyes and detoxifying herself from all the rage she had built up over the span of that conversation. She felt like a child being after all that scolding. She was glad however, the conversation assured her that the council didn't know of her newest blood servant. It had to remain a secret as she suspected her grandfather, the previous Head of the Roux dynasty and part of the Council of Head Vampires had been murdered by one of them, him and his little army stood no chance against whoever calculated it all, whoever they were would probably rip Callum apart.

A couple of miles into the city, that same night, a man walks into a room in a warehouse to find another seated at a desk at the back end. It looked more like a receptionist's desk. There was barely much in there apart for a couple of papers on the desk and a tin with a few pens. The one on the desk seemed to be middle aged, while the one that came in was a lot younger. Neither had anything fancy on them, just tshirts and trousers to hide their naked. The older one went by the name Elvis while the younger man was called Ron.

"Ron, did you find 'em?" Asked Elvis.

"Yes, the boy has magic powers, I saw him kill some xulls at Nile Park," answered Ron.

"Is he a vampire?"

"I'm not sure, however, he seemed to struggle at first. I believe she's still teaching him as she was there chaperoning," he had to make it clear that Viona was present giving a clear reason as to why it would've been an uncalculated decision to approach.

"Everyone is always learning, we will not underestimate our foes. Keep watching them but do not engage unless I give the orders, "

"Understood," said Ron before jumping off the building.