
Crimson God's New Heir

The focus centers on the god king of unparalleled might. After engaging in a climactic battle against both demonic forces and celestial entities, he makes a monumental decision. Abdicating his throne, the god king bequeaths his divine legacy to a son long lost in the human world. As the story unfolds, it delves into the aftermath of this celestial conflict, exploring themes of sacrifice, inheritance, and the profound impact of a god's choice to pass the torch to a descendant in the mortal realm.

KamiNoZero · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

The Dawn of the Crimson Sovereign

Gerald's arrival sent a ripple of tension through the throne room. Meliodus, his emerald eyes ablaze, positioned himself protectively in front of Aetherius and the other lieutenants. "Remain where you are and don't come any closer," he warned, his voice carrying the weight of command.

Gerald, undeterred, cast a disdainful gaze upon Meliodus and the lieutenants, a reminder of his longstanding influence in the Crimson domain. "Remember, this place is still my dominion," he asserted, his words echoing with a subtle threat.

Lady Seraphina, her countenance unwavering, stepped forward to address Gerald directly. "Do not miscalculate your influence in the Crimson domain. Your authority is limited, merely a reflection of your relation to the ex-God King. We now have a new ruler. Show your regards or be on your way!"

Gerald, his expression contorted with rage, advanced further, challenging the newfound order. "Do you dare defy my authority?" he seethed, his voice a low growl that reverberated through the grand chamber.

Meliodus, unyielding, stood his ground. "Gerald, the threads of fate have woven a new destiny for the Crimson Realm. Aetherius is the legitimate heir, the Crimson King chosen by cosmic forces. Your claims of authority hold no sway here."

Gerald's eyes narrowed, a storm of anger brewing within. "Chosen by cosmic forces or not, he is still a mortal, and mortals are prone to weakness and folly. I will not stand by and witness the Crimson Throne being tarnished by the rule of an untested king."

Aetherius, seated upon the Crimson Throne, felt the weight of the confrontation. Uncertainty loomed, and the clash of opposing forces echoed in the throne room. Yet, the lieutenants, loyal to their newfound sovereign, stood resolute.

Angelica, sensing the tension, spoke with a calm yet assertive tone, "Gerald, we seek harmony, not discord. Aetherius is here to fulfill a destiny that transcends mortal limitations. Your resistance only threatens the delicate balance we aim to restore."

Gerald, however, remained obstinate. "Harmony, you say? This is nothing but a misguided attempt to alter the course of destiny. The Crimson Gods will not stand for this."

As the words left Gerald's lips, a rumble shook the throne room, and the air itself seemed to quiver with an otherworldly power. Aetherius, guided by an inner resolve, rose from the Crimson Throne.

"I did not seek this role, but destiny has thrust it upon me," Aetherius declared, his voice steady. "I am here to bridge the realms, to bring balance. Gerald, I implore you to see beyond your grievances and embrace the cosmic tapestry that binds us all."

Gerald, though visibly enraged, hesitated for a moment. The lieutenants, Meliodus, Lady Seraphina, and the others, watched with bated breath as the fate of the Crimson Realm hung in the balance.

It was then that a voice, ancient and resonant, echoed through the chamber. "Enough!"

From the shadows emerged a figure, draped in ethereal robes, wielding a staff adorned with cosmic symbols. The air seemed to still as the mysterious presence made itself known.

"Enough of this discord," the figure declared, its voice carrying the weight of eons. "Gerald, Aetherius is the chosen sovereign, recognized by the cosmic forces that govern our existence. The time for contention has passed."

The ancient figure, revealed to be one of the four ancient titans, spoke with a voice that echoed through the ages. "I am Titanus, the Keeper of Cosmic Harmony. I have observed the unfolding events in the Crimson Realm, and the time has come to guide it towards its true destiny."

Gerald, though still defiant, remained respectful in the presence of the ancient titan. "Why intervene now, Titanus? Aetherius may be chosen by cosmic forces, but the stability of the Crimson Realm is at stake."

Titanus regarded Gerald with a solemn gaze. "The balance has been disrupted for far too long. Aetherius's ascension is not a threat but a necessity. The threads of fate have woven a path that transcends mortal comprehension."

As Titanus spoke, the tension in the throne room began to ease. The lieutenants, Lady Seraphina, and the others rose from their bowed positions, their eyes fixed on the ancient titan.

Gerald, sensing the gravity of the situation, asked, "What role does Aetherius play in this cosmic tapestry, and why is his rule crucial for the Crimson Realm?"

Titanus turned his attention to Aetherius, his eyes radiating cosmic wisdom. "Aetherius, you are the key to bridging the realms, a living conduit of cosmic energy. Your rule is not just about sovereignty; it is about restoring the equilibrium between the realms and preventing the impending cosmic imbalance."

Aetherius, absorbing the weight of his destiny, nodded in understanding. "But what of Gerald's concerns? How can we ensure that my rule does not lead to discord within the Crimson Realm? 

Titanus, the ancient titan, responded to Aetherius's inquiry with a profound gaze. "Discord is inevitable when change is afoot, but the cosmic forces have aligned to guide you, Aetherius, towards a destiny that transcends individual concerns. Gerald's apprehensions, though valid, will be soothed by the passage of time and the revelation of the cosmic design."

Gerald, still simmering with defiance, voiced his skepticism. "How can we trust that this so-called cosmic design won't lead us astray? Mortals and cosmic beings alike are fallible."

Titanus, with a wisdom that seemed to surpass time itself, replied, "Trust is earned through actions, not words alone. Aetherius, your journey is one of trials and tests. Through your actions, you shall demonstrate the strength and wisdom required to lead the Crimson Realm into an era of harmony."

Aetherius, determined, looked towards Gerald. "Gerald, I understand your concerns. I did not seek this role, but I am committed to understanding and addressing the challenges that lie ahead. Your perspective is valuable, and I ask for your guidance as we navigate this cosmic path together."

Gerald, though still harboring doubts, nodded begrudgingly. "I'll be watching, Aetherius. The Crimson Realm has weathered many storms, and I won't stand idly by if its foundations are threatened." He strode away, his words lingering in the air.