
Crimson Bonds: An Isekai Yandere Tale

An act of kindness in a bloody graveyard, that not even the devil itself would have come up with, such a tragedy. After dying to a soldier that he spared, Zenyph wakes up in an unknown medieval world, with supernatural beings and magic. One thing becomes apparent to him, the laws of earth do not count here. Love isn't a phenomenon that only exists between good and good. Obsessive love? Possessive love? Familial love? The lines haven't been drawn, it's all fair game. This story will focus on a yandere mc with yandere harem members, I will also be focusing on action because of course magic is cool. Hope you enjoy reading it, I'm mostly writing it for myself but it does help if others enjoy it and encourage me! Tags: Gore, Fantasy, Supernatural Races, Magic, Yandere, Isekai, Weak To Strong, Smart MC, Harem, R18

Synphomia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
85 Chs

Blooming Connections

A date? Hina's thoughts wandered aimlessly through her mind searching for answers, yet none were found. Her emotions were conflicted, uncertain about how to feel or what to say to him.

On one hand, she felt joyful, excited even. After all it wasn't often that she went outside the palace walls, except for official business, which meant this was a rare opportunity. On the other hand though she felt shy, nervous.

"W-wha..? When did you become such a flirt Zenyph Drakonhart?" exclaimed Hina unable to hide her embarrassment.

"Since yesterday." answered Zenyph grinning widely at her response, "So what do you say mother? Shall we go on a date later today?"

Hina blushed under his intense gaze, however she remained steadfast despite her racing heartbeat. She composed herself quickly regaining her composure before responding with confidence, "Fine, if that's what you wish but I have some conditions first."

Zenyph tilted his head inquisitively, curious about her demands.

"Number 1: No drinking alcohol, especially not around me. Number 2: You will treat me properly, meaning no inappropriate touching or comments whatsoever. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am, but what about when we're alone together?" teased Zenyph mischievously that earned him another glare from Hina.

"Good, now finish eating, I'll call for the carriage, and meet me outside in ten minutes." instructed Hina sternly before departing from the dining room leaving behind a dumbfounded Zenyph.

Although Hina sounded strict and demanding, Zenyph knew she truly cared for him, which brought a little warmth to his heart.

"Alright mother, let's go on a date." murmured Zenyph as he resumed eating.

After dinner Zenyph headed towards his room and took a bath cleaning himself before changing his clothes into something more appropriate for today.

"Mother do we need to wear these necklace?" Zenyph asked as he picked up the pink moon-shaped necklace.

"I didn't know my Aqualet wasn't manly enough to wear pink." teased Hina, trying to get back at her son.

"It's just that my outfit doesn't go too well with pink mother." 

"Just wear it, it will hide your face from prying eyes. Besides, it's a gift from your mother, so be grateful and keep it close." demanded Hina crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

"Okay okay, I'll put it on." relented Zenyph as he wore the necklace.

Afterwards, they headed towards the front gate of the Sylvarian palace and boarded the horse-drawn carriage that awaited them.

They stopped at what appeared to be a giant marketplace filled with various stalls selling everything imaginable from food, clothes, jewelry, weapons, armor, tools, books, furniture, potions, artifacts and many others.

People of different races and ages mingled around happily chatting amongst themselves while enjoying their purchases and browsing through the merchandise displayed.

There were dwarves selling dwarven beer, alongside humans selling their ale, elven women offering enchanted jewelry alongside beastkins hawking their own unique trinkets, Vampires peddling their exotic delicacies side-by-side.

"What is this place mother?" wondered Zenyph as he peered outside the window of their carriage trying to catch a glimpse of their surroundings.

"This is the city square, where merchants from all over gather to sell their goods. It's also a popular destination for tourists visiting the capital." explained Hina patiently while looking fondly at her son.

Zenyph gazed curiously at the crowd below observing each individual carefully examining their features. His eyes widened at the sight of magic being performed. A middle-aged elf dressed in expensive silk robes waved his hands in the air. Flames appeared dancing gracefully above his fingertips.

Zenyph watched fascinated as the fiery figure danced about captivating those watching intently. The spectacle lasted only a few minutes before ending abruptly leaving everyone speechless.

Suddenly, Hina grabbed hold of Zenyph's arm and dragged him out of the carriage. Without hesitating, Hina began walking ahead leaving Zenyph struggling to catch up.

"Hey wait for me mother!" yelled Zenyph as he struggled to follow, "Where are you taking us anyway?"

"We're going to visit a friend of mine, she runs a flower shop nearby, she's really nice."

Zenyph perked up, eager to learn more about Hina.

The streets were packed with people, some riding horses while others carried carts filled with supplies, goods and foodstuff.

Zenyph marveled at the bustling city, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer size of it. The buildings themselves varied greatly in height and width, some towering above everything else, while others remained below ground level hidden away beneath the earth.

Everywhere he turned, Zenyph saw signs advertising businesses, restaurants, taverns, inns, theaters, shops and brothels. In addition, there were numerous markets scattered throughout the district.

They arrrived at a big, two story building with several windows adorned by colorful curtains. Above the door hung a wooden sign depicting a rose surrounded by vines and leaves.

"Welcome to Flourishing Blossom, home of the finest flowers in Eldrithia," greeted a mature woman behind the counter cheerfully. She wore simple clothes consisting of a white blouse, brown pants and boots. Her hair was tied neatly behind her head leaving only a few strands dangling loose framing her face.

"Hello, Mrs. Florentine." greeted Hina as she stepped towards the woman who greeted them.

Mrs. Florentine smiled warmly before continuing, "How long has it been your majesty?"

"Too long, Flor. How's business?" inquired Hina casually as she leaned against the countertop.

"It's great. We've gotten quite a lot of customers lately, thanks to the festival season coming up. Speaking of which, who is this handsome young lad?"

Hina glanced back at Zenyph who stood silently behind her.

"My son, Zenyph." introduced Hina proudly placing her hand upon his shoulder.

"He's finally decided to go to the academy, so I thought I'd take him on a tour of the city. Show him what it looks like on the outside of those stuffy, boring, suffocating walls. Get some fresh air in his lungs for once in his life. Exhale some of that pent-up energy. That sort of thing."

"I see, so this must be the famous prince of the red light district."

Teased Florentine.

"Ouch, that hurts. Is that how you greet the emperor's son?"

Hina pouted indignantly as if she were offended by the remark.

Florentine laughed loudly and patted Hina's head affectionately.

"You always were such a sweet child, despite being royalty, Hina. Even after getting married off you kept coming here to buy flowers for yourself."

Hina sighed softly before speaking again, "Well, since I'm here why don't we chat a little bit? How's the family?"

"My daughter got engaged last month, she's marrying an Angelic nobleman. And my wife has been sick lately, so I've been running the shop alone. Although, my sister comes by every now and again to help out."

"Sounds tough Flor, but good for your daughter. I'm glad she found someone who makes her happy."

"Uh-um excuse me but how did you two meet?" interjected Zenyph.

"Hmm, your mother was student of mine long ago when I was taught at the royal academy. That was before you got married right Hina?"

Hina nodded, "Yes it was indeed. Those were the days when I was carefree, before Notos started to expand his heirs. Back then, he only had eyes for Freya."

"Oh, I see. Thank you for answering my question."

"Don't mention it kid. Anyways, what brings you to my store today? Is there anything particular you're looking for?"

"We're on a date." exclaimed Zenyph in hopes of teasing her mother.

"Zenyph, we've talked about this. This isn't a date." stated Hina firmly glancing sideways towards Zenyph before turning her attention back to Florentine, "Sorry about that, he's a handful sometimes."

Florentine chuckled lightly, "I see. So how can I help you today?"

Zenyph grinned innocently as if he were unaware of his mother's reaction earlier.

"How about we buy some flowers for each other?" suggested Zenyph as he looked straight at Hina.

Hina hesitated momentarily before replying, "Alright but nothing too fancy or expensive alright?"

Zenyph shrugged nonchalantly, "Sure, whatever you say mother."

"Kid, if you wanna get your mother something special, why not try picking out a bouquet of Azure Serpent Orchid for her? They're not exactly cheap but they're loved by water dragons everywhere. I have some upstairs, feel free to take a look."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." replied Zenyph gratefully.

With that, Florentine motioned Zenyph to the second floor, leaving the two women alone.

(After Zenyph leaves )

Hina watched quietly as Zenyph climbed the staircase leading up into the second floor, before returning her gaze back upon Florentine.

"That son of yours seems different somehow Hina. He's completely different from the gossips that surround him."

"Indeed. He's been acting odd lately, but maybe it's due to being cooped up within those palace walls. Who knows what goes through a dragon's mind? All I know is he's changed recently."

"When did it start, Hina? What caused it?"

"I don't know. Yesterday I caught him roaming around the palace late at night, he couldn't find his way back to his room. Then he started to act more affection towards me after we barely spoke for years. He even insisted on calling me, mother. I'm worried about him, Flor, but I'm also happy. Maybe, this is how it should be. Maybe, I shouldn't dwell on it. Perhaps, I should enjoy it, while it lasts."

"If that's how you feel, then I'll ignore it, but remember Hina if you're ever in trouble just call me okay? I can still give Notos a run for his money you know?"

Hina smiled, "Thank you, I appreciate that. I promise I'll come to you, if anything happens. Anyways let leave it at this."

Meanwhile, Zenyph approached a large glass cabinet containing dozens of different kinds of flowers. Some were bright orange, others light green, some purple and some yellow. They varied in sizes from tiny to huge, and shape from round, oval, star shaped to spiky.

One particular flower caught Zenyph's eye, it was a beautiful, bright green, trumpet shaped bloom. As Zenyph reached out towards it, a voice interrupted him, "Mister, you shouldn't touch that flower." 

Zenyph, startled by the sudden noise, spun around only to discover a small girl.

She had long silver hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone. She wore a simple white dress, with pink ribbons attached around her waist. Her feet were barefoot allowing Zenyph to see her delicate toes peeking out from underneath her skirt.

"Why not" questioned Zenyph surprised that he didn't notice her.

"She doesn't want you to, not yet."


"The flower." said the girl as if it were the most obvious thing.

"You can talk to flowers?"

"Uh-um, only that one." she replied, pointing toward the flower.

Zenyph turned around again staring intently at the beautiful flower. Its petals glowing an eerie shade of emerald.

"Does she have a name?"

The girl nodded, "Chaos".

Story's close to starting...

Synphomiacreators' thoughts