
Night changes

It was night and Cassie, a 16 year old girl was ready to go on her date when suddenly, her father grab her to tell her something.

"Cassie, why are you doing this. You know the time is late for you to go outside with a non forsaken man". Her father was not pleased with this dating stuff. This makes Cassie very unpleasant.

"Dad why do you always think that Roger is not suitable for me. Is it because his not that good for you !". Cassie rised her voice and that makes her father angry at her.

"Go to your room!, your not going to leave this place until morning". Cassie's father was so mad that night and it caused Cassie heartbroken.

She went to her room and lay on her bed miserable and thought for a while for what just happened. That night was something she can't forget and it changes everything.