
A Dose of Vibrancy

Alora had a heartwarming smile when Anne curtsied to her parents and then stood in front of her, "Sister Alora, you have come to the palace for the first time, haven't you? May I introduce everyone to you?" She asked and glanced around, "I know everyone here." She added.

Zander and Eugenie looked at each other in astonishment. They were surprised that Catherine would allow her youngest daughter to be with Alora. More than that, they were happy to know Alora got along with one person, even if she is the youngest and most innocent girl.

Alora might not have seen the royal household but she knew everyone's name. She didn't refuse the excited Anne. "Absolutely. It's my honor to follow the pretty princess." She glanced at her father who nodded, approving her decision.

Freya didn't like the idea. It wasn't safe for both Anne and Alora. "But Fa…"

Eugenie cut in, knowing the refusal of Freya. "Freya, why don't you join them?" They couldn't keep avoiding the problems for Alora's safety. Alora will have to face them, even if the situation could turn life-threatening. Only that way, Alora could know how the real royal family is. Then she will know the history books don't write every truth about the royal household.

Alora offered her hand to Anne, who happily held her hand and started speaking, "Sister Alora, Queen Grandmother had a younger sister who gave birth to two daughters…" Anne started from a far relative as she took them towards a small group.


A few seconds earlier, Charlotte's eyes widened as soon as she noticed Anne run towards the redhead lady. Her heart was thumping hard in her chest when she fearfully glanced at Catherine who signaled to a maid inconspicuously.

She could easily guess Catherine was going to do something to Anne and put the blame on Alora, that way Anne will hate or fear Alora and the rest would keep their distance from Alora.

Charlotte didn't care about Alora but Anne. Catherine was a coldhearted woman, she kills without humanity. Hence Charlotte went to Anne quickly.

Shaking in fear, she made her way to the two girls grabbing attention. Taking Anne away would appear rude in front of the crown princess. She didn't want to offend them. So she pretended to be stumbling and spilled wine on Anne's dress.

Marquis, Arthur Hamilton gritted his teeth, looking away from his wife. He was embarrassed and ashamed of his wife.

Everyone's eyes are glued to the mother and daughter. They could guess Charlotte was trying to take Anne away from Alora. So they watched curiously for some drama.

"Mother…" Anne looked at her beautiful peach dress stained in red wine. Her eyes moistened as they became red. She turned to her mother in disappointment.

Freya had appeared between Charlotte and Alora when she noticed Charlotte rushing towards Alora. She breathed in relief realizing the situation. She moved aside as if she was just passing by.

Alora, who was frozen for a moment, looked at Anne's dress. She gently tugged Anne's hand, "Anne, may I take you…"

Charlotte yanked Anne away from Alora. She behaved as if it was a coincidence and didn't hear Alora. "Anne, Mother was clumsy. I am sorry, daughter. Let's go and get you changed." She hurriedly said everything in a breath, as if she was left with no time.

Anne turned to Alora but Charlotte literally dragged her daughter away, leaving Alora in an awkward position.

Alora pressed her lips to a thin line, watching Charlotte who avoided looking at her.

Catherine: "…"

Catherine didn't expect Charlotte to become attentive so quickly. Now she has to change her plan. If Anne got hurt, everyone would guard up immediately by assuming that the witch, the dark soul, doesn't leave innocent kids either.

Charlotte glanced at Catherine from the side-eye when she ushered Anne out of the hall. She wouldn't let Catherine use her daughter as a pawn.

Anne's lady-in-waiting ran up to them when she noticed the two. Charlotte instructed her, "Bring Anne to her room immediately. Don't let her move out until I say so."

Anne retorted, unwilling to miss the banquet, "Mother, I would like to attend the banquet." Her plea went through from one ear and left from another.

Charlotte composed herself and returned to the hall ignoring Anne who was falling sad.

"Princess Anne, let me escort you to your room." The lady-in-waiting probed looking at Anne holding back her tears.

"Lady Caroline, just like I have silver, you have brown, Sister Alora has red hair. Why does everyone fear Sister Alora for her hair and eyes?" Anne asked, fathoming only that could be the solution for her mother's behavior.

The lady-in-waiting named Caroline was surprised by Anne's simple view of the situation. She smiled, finding Anne smarter than the rest of them.

She kneeled in front of Anne and patiently explained in simple words, "Princess Anne, why do maids of the palace, criminals, and commoners fear the royal members who have silver hair?"

Anne gave a thought before proudly responding to Caroline, "Because we are powerful and strong Roosevelts. We uphold the truth and bring justice. We protect the nation from every kind of harm." Thus people respect them and also fear them.

Caroline smiled hearing Anne being a prideful Roosevelt, "Maybe, Princess Alora is stronger with her red hair. Hence everyone fears her." After interacting with Alora, who cares about a servant like her, Caroline feared less and respected Alora more.

Anne retorted immediately, "I am not scared of Princess Alora. She is the sweetest sister of all." She found no reason to fear Alora.

Caroline's smile only widened with Anne's counter. "That's because our Princess Anne is very brave and never did anything wrong."

Anne accepted her lady-in-waiting's words. She took a last glance at the hall entrance and proceeded away.


Only if humans are as simple-minded and sinless as innocent kids.

Unlike the way academy students looked at her, Alora knew the attendees of the banquet were looking at her warily. Her every movement was being monitored. She felt like a criminal being judged.

She looked at her mother who showed no hint of emotions or offered any kind words to assure her. She turned to Zander who softly nodded with a faint smile.

Gaining back a dose of vibrancy, Alora smiled innocently. "Father, we will go and greet everyone."

Eugenie raised her brow when Alora didn't address it to her. Alora was a girl who kept everyone in her mind without neglecting another.

Alora caught her mother's eyes and grinned but hid it quickly, "Crown Princess, please excuse us." She addressed formally.

Eugenie: "…"

Zander let out a hearty chuckle. Their daughter was trying to be over-smart with Eugenie. The more they force Alora to follow the rules and etiquette, she was going to use it to make them grumpy.

Alora stepped to the right where a group of royals was eyeing her. Freya nodded her head in a bow to her parents and followed her sister.

Eugenie looked at her husband in displeasure. It wasn't a secret Alora was closest to Zander, sometimes she gets envious of their bond, "You are spoiling her." She bleated in a low voice, yet there was no change in her expression.

Zander heard his wife's tantrums and faintly smiled. There was a time, little Alora wasn't leaving Eugenie's side all day long. She had become a shadow of Eugenie. As she grew up, she sought him first for everything.

Anyway, he didn't tease his wife and encouraged her to pamper their daughter, "My dear, you could do the same."

Eugenie pouted looking away from him. She would love to pamper Alora as Freya wouldn't prefer to be affectionate, expressive, and close. But Orla was going to be mad if they spoiled Alora together.

Eugenie's eyes landed on their daughters who were blocked by Eleanor. Eugenie couldn't help but glance at Catherine and wonder what she might be planning.

'Is she conspiring against me or Alora?'

Although scheming against Alora is the same as planning against her, Eugenie was confident to tackle anything against her directly but Alora.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Much Love,


Munchkin_2creators' thoughts