
Creatures In The Shadows

After vanishing mysteriously (definitely not abducted, just misplaced for a bit), I make a grand comeback to my bewildered family after a whopping fourteen-year hiatus. But where on earth have I been all this time, one might ask? Well, I was casually "taken in" by a not-so-friendly gang that had a bone to pick with the government. You know, just your typical neighborhood welcoming committee. And what exactly was I up to during my extended vacation with the gang? Oh, you know, just brushing up on some "basic" survival skills. Nothing too fancy—just learning how to fend off government-concealed creatures and evade the watchful eye of a secret organization or two. Easy-peasy, right? Now that I'm back in the land of the living, what are my goals, you wonder? Don't have any. Unless I meet those 'government-concealed creatures.'

A_x_D · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

A warehouse stood as a looming sentinel amidst the desolation of the abandoned city street. Its once vibrant façade now weathered and worn, betrayed the passage of time and neglect.

Inside the warehouse, the air was thick with a suffocating stillness, broken only by the faint sound of sniffling echoing through the vast emptiness.

In a dimly lit corner, a man stood towering over a trembling child, his grip firm on the boy's shoulders. The child, frail and bruised, met the man's intense gaze with wide eyes filled with fear.

"Listen, brat!" the man's voice boomed, sending shivers down the boy's spine as he struggled to hold back tears.

"Y-yes?" the boy stammered, his voice barely above a whisper, his body tense with anticipation of what was to come.

With a determined look etched on his weathered face, the man leaned in closer, his voice low and serious. "There are things in this world hidden in the dark, in the shadows..."

The boy remained silent, his eyes locked with the man's, trying to comprehend the gravity of his words.

"You'll find ones that wear human skin, those who live among us," the man continued, his words weighted with solemnity. "They can never be trusted... don't ever let them near you or your family."

As the man paused, he gently patted the boy's shoulder, a rare moment of tenderness amidst the harshness of their surroundings.

"Do you have a family?" the man inquired, his gaze searching the child's face for signs of reassurance.

The boy hesitated before nodding slowly, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty.

Closing his eyes briefly, the man's expression softened, but his resolve remained unyielding. "They are not meant to be here. They do not belong in this world. They must be eradicated."

The boy listened intently, his mind swirling with confusion and fear. Yet, in the man's words, he found a glimmer of hope, a promise of protection amidst the chaos.

"We found you here in this abandoned place," the man continued, his tone gentler now, almost comforting. "You want to go back to your family, don't you? You must feel really unlucky that we discovered you instead."

The boy remained silent, his gaze fixed on the man before him, unsure of what awaited him beyond the walls of the warehouse.

"Come with me, little one," the man said, his voice softer now, tinged with a hint of warmth. "I'll always protect you. I'll never let them get their hands on you. They will never take you away from me again."


Edward stirred as the blaring alarm cut through the morning silence, signaling the start of another day.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he checked the time and groaned at the early hour. With a resigned sigh, he dragged himself out of bed and trudged to the bathroom.

In front of the mirror, Edward took stock of his appearance. His black hair fell messily around his face, a testament to his recent ill-fated encounter with his mother's scissors.

Despite the unfortunate haircut, his sharp jawline and piercing black eyes gave him a slightly above-average appeal.

Shrugging off his concerns about his hair, knowing it would grow back soon enough, Edward quickly washed up and made himself presentable for the day ahead.

Descending the stairs, he was greeted by the comforting aroma of breakfast wafting from the kitchen. His mother, already bustling about, greeted him with a warm smile, while his father tinkered away in the garage.

With a quick hello to his parents, Edward settled at the table, joining his little sister, who sat eagerly awaiting her meal.

Their morning banter was familiar and lighthearted, with Edward's mother teasing him about his appearance on how handsome he looks and could get any girl he wants.

His sister Emily took a good look at him and...


"What?...What's so funny?" I asked clearly confused at her sudden laughter.

"Ed, with that haircut, I am sure any girl will be willing to hand you a restraining order...Pffft Hahahaha!" 

This little...My hair cut isn't that bad, besides it'll grow back within 3...no 2 weeks! 

"Well at least I don't have a lemon on my fore.... no fivehead." I retorted and watched her glare at me trying to drill two holes on my face.


"Really? I mean it kinda looks like a lemo.." Before I could finish she yelled "Just wait! When I get rid of this curse, I'd definitely look like a movie star. Hmph." 

"Hahaha, You don't want to pop it right? I mean if you really like lemons on your fac-" 

"It's not a lemon!" Emily puffed her cheeks and sat on her chair before stuffing her mouth with toast. "I mish tha daysh when I wsh an only child." 

"Hey, finish before you speak!" My mom yelled.

"You were never an only child dumb dumb." I replied, which was completely ignored by my sister. 

As my mom packed Our lunches, I shared a brief moment with my father, a silent exchange of support and encouragement. With a reassuring squeeze of my shoulders, my dad wished me luck for the day ahead, with reminder to excel in my studies.