Iris Sakamaki has always dreamed of becoming not only a top tier baker but also a top tier chef as well. She wants to fix her broken home due to her parents rivalry.
"She will be a Baker you pompous ass!"
"Are you kidding me she will be a Chef "
Growing up this is all I heard. My mother and father argued over my future. I did all I could to try and make them happy. I did as they said and never argued but that wasn't enough because when I was ten my father left. He stayed in contact with me. But I always felt it was my fault they fell out of love.
Flash back to ten year old Iris.
I remember I was in a white dress with sakura petals printed on it. I was playing in the garden when my father called me over. I ran to him as he knelt down taking me into his arms. He always smiled like spices. "Iris honey Daddy needs to leave. Be a good girl for your mommy daddy loves you very much. I will come for you soon ok." I remember seeing the tears in his blue eyes. He got up and walked away. I remember trying to run after him but my mother grabbed me. "No mama let me go. DADDY NO PLEASE COME BACK!" He stopped but didn't look back at me or mama. I didn't know at the time how hard it was for him. "Be a good girl Iris I will see you soon." He walked away to a waiting car driving off. From that point on I stayed with my mother learning how to be a Baker. I then stayed with my father half the year learning how to cook. That's where I met the Aldini twins. My father was their mentor. Takumi and I completed for my dad's approval.
End of flash back
It was threw both teachings I was able understand what I wanted to do. I wanted to be the first female to master both cooking and baking. I stood outside the administration waiting for my schedule. "I hope you know getting by was a fluke you won't make it threw the year. "Why don't you let fate decide that. Obviously she has skill if she passed right? So stop being a snob." I turned to see the transfer student...Oh gosh what was his name again. "I don't believe anyone was asking you Soma Yukihira. You also got by on dumb luck. You both are stains on this beautiful school. I look forward to seeing you both fail." Erina said before walking away. After she left Soma looked at me. "I guess she guess she is a tough one to crack." He had this goofy smile that was inviting. I laughed thinking it was true. "Yeah she kinda is but don't let what she says bother you. You see she is all bark and no bite. I am Iris Sakamaki it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said holding my hand out to him. He took it his amber eyes focused only on me. The intensity of his eyes was enough to make you weak. "Right back at ya Im Soma Yukihira." Why does that name sound familiar....Then it hit me...Yukihira that name went to....