
Crazy Noble Wife!!?

This is about a very beautiful young lady - Mo Deok who has the face of the innocent but is said to be both shameless and crazy!!. She is forcefully married the Soon To Be King - Prince Jang Uk. Her mother, Her brother's mother and Jang UK mother died at the same day, time and year. Will they be able to solve this mystery and find love on their way?. She also has to prove her rightful ownership of being Queen. Many people would despise and hate saying Jang UK made a grave mistake by marrying her.

Cutie_Bear · História
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Beautiful

It was morning when someone was knocking on Dol's door. She woke up as she went for the door. When she opened it, she saw Mil holding a luggage on her hand. Dol collected it and asked what's inside?. Mil smiled your dresses. Now go ang get ready, you'll meet me in Her Highness room. We must get her ready for the announcement. Dol could only nod as she closed the door. She immediately opened it and said please wait for me!. I'm new here so I'm not really familiar with this place. Mil could only nod. Dol immediately went to take a shower. When Dol was done with showering, she opened the luggage and what she saw there were shorts dresses in the same black and white colour. She took one and when she wore it, her big breasts were showing with her very curvy body and big ass. She was tempting. She wore a black transparent long socks and shoes. She left her straight ligh brown hair making her very beautiful. She was another version for today.

She opened the door and when Mil saw her, she couldn't help but stare at her with awe. Dol said though this dress really fits me and it shows how big my everything are, I don't think I can wear it. Mil said wow!. Even if I'm prettier than you, your body are so big!!. Dol said just give me any of your big dresses. Mil said they won't fit you. This is appropriate. Dol said are you trying to make me attractive?. Mil said we've no time!. Let's go. She drags Dol out of the Quarters and they went to meet Deok. When they were there,Mil knocked on the door. They heard come in and they entered inside.

They were so shocked because they thought Deok had showered but unfortunately, she was laying on the bed comfortably. Deok raised her head up and looked at Mil - what do you need?. When she saw Dol, she immediately stood up from the bed and said who is this?. Why does this person looks like Dol?. Dol cleared her throat - it's me Your Highness. Deok fell on the bed as she gasped in shock. Mil said what happened?. Deok said you're so beautiful and your things are...are so big!. Dol said I know I know, I told Sister but she refused. Deok said I'm just saying that you're enchanting, no need to change. Dol smiled are you sure?. Deok said I'm 100 percent sure!.

Mil said no time for talking, let's dress you up. Deok agreed and she went to take a shower.

Uk had just finished taking a bathe when someone knocked on the door. He opened it and he saw his ex girlfriend Choi Ae. Choi Ae was in her beautiful long red straight curvy gown showing all her curves but not matchable with Dol's own. Her breast were moderate but Deok own was more moderate than hers. The gown showed half of her breasts and she was in a very big red high heels. Her hair was red, matching everything she wore. She was also in a red lipstick making her look extremely sexy and attractive. Uk said what're you doing here?. Ae said babe do you miss me?. I heard you wanted to announce something for today during the feasts. Uk said yes. Ae said okay then, won't you kiss me?. Uk said why should I kiss you?. Ae said aren't we going to marry?.

Uk said why do you keep asking foolish questions at a time?. You'll know everything during the feast. Ae bit her lip really hard that it almost bleed. She said okay then. Uk slammed the door hard as he went to dry his hair. Ae said why's he so rude?. Isn't he going to announce our marriage?. I can't believe this!. She stormed off angrily.

Three maids knocked on the door and Uk said come in. They dropped everything he needed to change and he waved his finger indicating them to leave. The three maids bow their head as they left.

Princess Jang soon was in her white long royal gown. She put on a light pink lipstick matching the colour of her lips. Her silver hair was packed into a sleek ponytail with bangs at the front. She was really beautiful as she looked like the girl version of Uk.

Mu Deok was dressed into a creamy royal free gown, showing how perfect her slender waist was and how moderate her breast was. She wore a sky blue shoe with a bow on it front. She left her curly black hair to the front with a creamy bow clip at the back of her hair. She wore a pearl necklace showing how much of a diamond she was. She was more than beautiful for today too. She was as always exquisitely beautiful.

Dol said Your Highness how come you're more beautiful by the day?. Deok smiled looking proudly at herself in the mirror. She said oh, I can't wait to see this Choi Ae. She stood up and said let's go, I don't want to be late. Dol said Yes Your Highness but I need to arrange gifts for the feast. Deok said why do we need to do that?, when I'm the one supposed to be the one receiving gifts. Dol said actually you know to keep your status clean. Deok sighed - you still don't trust me, do you?. Dol smiled "Of course I trust you, it's just that incase." Deok rolled her eyes to the left, whatever!, the only gift I want you to prepare is a ring I'll give to my beloved. Dol said isn't that suppose to be the Prince's job?. Deok said I don't care. Get the ring ready. Deok said okay then. Mil said I'll tell Ye Ze to guard you outside. Dol said No!. Don't worry, I'm fine.

Mil said with that tempting body of yours? Never!!. Deok said how about she send someone?. Dol said but I don't know anyone from here!. Mil said go to the maid headquarters, there's this first room you'll see when you enter inside. Enter there and you shall see this green hair weirdo, tell her I'm the one. She'll help. Dol said what if she doesn't believe it?. Mil said I know that she'll be too dumb to believe everything a kidnapper says so just tell her that. Dol said okay then. Deok said be safe!!.

When Deok and Mil were walking, someone bumped heads with Deok's head. Ouch! They both shouted in unison. The person who was Choi Ae shouted You Bastard!!!. Deok said hey girl, calm down. Ae said don't you've respect?. That was when someone shouted My Lady!. Ae looked back and she saw it was her servant Louring. Ae stomped her foot angrily on the floor as she tried to walk faster with the straight gown of hers.

Deok looked back but she couldn't see Ae's face very well. She asked who was that?. Mil said that was Choi Ae. Deok said too bad, I didn't see that face. Then Ye Ze came, he was in a white shirt with brown trousers and long brown jacket. His long black hair was now trimmed into a short black hair. With the new cut, he was very handsome and unique. Deok said hmmm, who did brother dress for today that he finally trimmed his long hair into a side parted style. Ye Ze said I'd to since you'll be announcing your marriage with His Highness and also the new styles are out. Mil said ehm Sir, please can you help me check my sister in the maid Quarters?. Ye Ze asked why?. Deok said yes why?. Mil said she's not really familiar here, so I'm worried. Ye Ze said okay then, I'll go and check on her just in case. Mil thanked him.

Mil said come on, let's go to the royal feast party. Deok nodded. While they reached the Eastern Palace, they saw Soon in her white gown indicating how undefeated she can be in being beautiful. Deok said Princess, you're so beautiful!. Soon said really? thank you. You're also very pleasant and tempting to the eyes. Deok showed a pleasant smile full of gratitude. Soon said I wonder why you're looking more beautiful, now I know that you're second in place of the most beautiful ladies in the whole Kingdom. Deok smiled indicating all her gratitude towards her. They followed Soon to the Palace Feast Area.

Sa Dol got to the maid Quarters. She went into the Quarters and the room her sister told her. She knocked on the door and the person that opened the door, was so damn weird and scary. She had a dyed light green hair with a very black lipstick. There seemed to be a black dot on her cheek. It was very big. The maid was very fat and short. Her mouth was very big with the black lipstick. She had a burnt face. And there were ketchup moisture all around those ugly big mouth. She spoke yes?. When Dol saw her teeth, they were deep brown and yellow. Her teeth were in disorder. Dol stepped back with a step. The girl said yes what do you need?.

Dol thought to herself " It's okay Dol. Even if she's very ugly and scary, don't be too harsh. I would have been ugly like her if not for my amazing beautiful curvy mother giving birth to me". The girl said hi my name is Shin Yeong Me, call me Yeong Me." Dol said my name is Sa Dol, I'm Sa Mil younger sister. Yeong Me said though I'm not sure if I can allow you in, but enter. Dol said thanks. As she entered, Yeong Me was about to close the door but Sa Dol said no need to close it, leave it open. Yeong Me nodded Hmm.

Dol said I came here on behalf of my sister to tell you to send someone to buy Palace beautiful rings for Next King and Queen. Yeong Me said okay but why should I buy it?. Dol said it's an order from the Next Queen. Yeong Me said who is next Queen? and why's Next Queen asking me this?. Dol was already annoyed but she kept in within herself," You don't need to know, just do what you're ordered to do." Yeong Me said why do I need to do that?. Dol clenched her fist tightly and said because she's the Queen. Yeong Me said why's she the Queen?. Dol said why do you keep asking these questions?. Just do what you're told. Yeong Me didn't notice that Dol was both annoyed and angry so she said No need to be happy I'm asking questions but what's your relationship with Mil?. You two look alike and why's the next Queen asking me this?. Dol smiled - You know I've noticed one thing ugly freak!, Were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?. Yeong Me looked back and said Where's the ugly freak and who's the stupid person?.

Dol felt like crying now. She said What's the use of being a maid when you keep asking foolish questions. I'm really annoyed. Who's annoying you and why am I asking questions? Yeong Me said with an innocent face. Dol hit the table so hard that there was an art of cobwebs on it. Yeong Me said hey, why're you so angry?. Dol said You this... Yeong Me suddenly said Okay I've understood, when she interrupted Dol in what she was about to say. Dol said Okay then, since you finally don't lack a brain, I'll leave. Yeong Me said why leave?.

Ye Ze came in and when he saw Dol, he couldn't help but stare at those big boobs and ass. He was a very decent man but now?!, this maid was making him an indecent man. Sa Dol saw him and when she noticed he was looking at her very big h cup breasts and big curves, she couldn't help but be embarrassed. Yeong Me said Mister who're you?. Ye Ze came out of his senses and cleared his throat - Sorry, ehm I came to pick Sa Dol. Yeong Me picked the dirty from her nose and licked it. She said whatever! I'm sleepy.

Dol was disgusted as Ye Ze. She later saw that Ye Ze trimmed his hair and he was amazingly superb!. She removed her eyes from him and murmured to herself - That Mil!!. She knew I really don't want to stay with him much. Ye Ze said let's go or else we're going to be late. Dol nodded and when she came close to him, he was beautiful and Ye Ze shouted to himself in mind - "Shit Ye Ze!!, the breasts has gotten bigger and those curves." Ye Ze said why am I thinking of those naughty things?!!. Sa Dol heard what he said and became embarrassed.

She said with a blushing smile, what're you saying?. Ye Ze said ehm sorry, I... Let's just go. They left the Quarters and on their way, Dol seemed to step on something slippery and as she was about to fall, Dol gasped in fear to hold Ye Ze's shirt and he caught her with his two hands. It was a very romantic posture of both of them. Dol was holding his shirt and Ye Ze was holding her waist with his hands. He made sure she was standing well before letting her go and when he did that, Dol was just looking at his beautiful eyes like as if An Angel was in front of her. Ye Ze said if you keep staring at me like that, I would've no choice but to do something I don't want to do yo you.

Dol came out of her senses when she heard what he'd said. She said thanks for saving me. Ye Ze thought to himself - She has such a very soft Curvy waist. Dol said you see, you're also thinking. Ye Ze said no I wasn't and to not forget, you're looking very beautiful. Dol told him the same thing and smiled. Ye Ze looked at the floor and he saw a banana pill. He said who's this foolish to eat a banana and drop the pill on the floor. Dol said no need, let's just go. Ye Ze said how can I let go when my beautiful maid was almost injured. Dol smiled with filled happiness. She pointed to herself - Look I'm fine. Let's just go. Ye Ze nodded and they went straight ahead to where the feast was.

When Jang Soon and Mu Deok got there, they saw Jang UK in a white shirt and silver long coat with a silver trouser. His hair was trimmed which made him cute and at the same time beautiful. Deok couldn't stop staring at those beautiful long legs that are covered in trousers. UK came to her and said wow!, you're looking beautiful than yesterday. Deok smiled and pecked him in front of the crowds and said you're such a sweet husband. Everyone looked at her and they whispered to each other - Who's this girl?, I haven't seen her anywhere and how dare she kiss the Prince in the cheek?. She's in a lot of trouble now especially with Madame Choi Ae.