
Crazy Noble Wife!!?

This is about a very beautiful young lady - Mo Deok who has the face of the innocent but is said to be both shameless and crazy!!. She is forcefully married the Soon To Be King - Prince Jang Uk. Her mother, Her brother's mother and Jang UK mother died at the same day, time and year. Will they be able to solve this mystery and find love on their way?. She also has to prove her rightful ownership of being Queen. Many people would despise and hate saying Jang UK made a grave mistake by marrying her.

Cutie_Bear · História
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 8 - Your Step- Brother

When they got to the Prince Quarters, some Palce guards, maids and enunchs couldn't stop staring at Deok. Although Soon was prettier than her, she was still very beautiful. A woman with natural beauty and those skin of hers are really tempting. You feel like you want to touch it. An Enunch saw them and immediately shouted Your Highness, Crown Princess and Crown Prince are here!. Soon said don't forget to mention her his wife. The Enunch shouted again Your Highness, Her Highness is also with them!!!. Jang Uk said come in. They opened the door as they came in.

Jang Uk was sitting on a chair drinking wine. Ul immediately rushed towards Uk and hugged him. He said brother we missed you. Uk smiled and said I also missed you too. As soon as he looked at Deok, he went limp. Deok smiled and said what?, are you amazed by your wife's beauty. Uk chuckled lightly and said of course, why won't I?. Soon said brother, why didn't you tell us you were married and since when did you both get married?. Uk said well since she was 20 and I was 22. But now, she's 26 and I'm 28. Deok said what!!?. So, father didn't tell me. Uk said I thought he told you. Deok calmed herself down "Just forget it". Soon said brother, I also want to get married. Deok said tell me, who?.

Soon said I can't... Suddenly Ye Ze came in, Your Highness we've dealt with everyone of them. They would soon give up. Uk said great, you did a good job.

Jang Soon has a crush on Ye Ze but she hasn't told anyone, except from the fact that her maid knows. Ye Ze said Crown Princess, it's been a long time. It's an honor to meet you. Soon started to blush - Oh no need, it's not a problem. Ye Ze smiled.

Dol who was watching from the back when she came in, knew what was wrong with the princess. She has the ability to know if someone is blushing when their cheek or ear is red. She knew that the princess liked Ye Ze which hurts her heart really deeply. She cleared her throat so as to make everyone hear. Sorry to disturb you guys but I just want to tell Her Highness that I and Mil are leaving for the maid quarters. Deok smiled " Of course you can leave if you want to ". Dol nodded. But Ye Ze follow her, incase both of them end up in trouble said Deok. Ye Ze said okay then, I'll go. Dol nodded again. Soon said brother we came to play with you, so do you've any game to play with us?. Uk said oh sorry you two, but I'm very busy. I've work to do. Ul said but brother, this is the second time. I'm sorry was all Uk could say. Ul said then we aren't leaving!. Soon said yes bother!, we won't leave. Uk said I promise you that next time, we would play. Soon said then tomorrow. Uk said I'm also busy tomorrow but I promise when I'm free we would play. Ul started to cry, brother why aren't you even agreeing?. Uk said please don't cry.

Deok said you know, your brother is right. Soon said how?. Ul said yes, how?. Deok said because he's very busy. You don't want your brother to be scolded by the King because he messed up his work after playing with you two. And Soon, you're a grown up. You should still help your brother even though you're angry. Ul stopped crying - you're right. Soon said sorry brother, we just wanted to play with you since it's been days we've done that. Uk was fascinated with the way she did it. Deok said I promise you two that when your brother is free, we'll go outside this Palace. Ul said really?. Deok said yes!. A promise is a promise I don't and I do break them. Ul said you break them?. Deok said but I won't break it this time. Ul said really?. Soon said Is brother Ye Ze going to be there?. Though Deok didn't know why she asked that but she said yes. Soon smiled and said Ul let's go, when they're ready, they will surely come. Ul nodded and just left with her.

When they left, Uk said so you're really good at making people listen to you. Deok said of course, after all I'm Mu Deok. Uk said okay then sweetheart. Deok's heart almost jumped out of its position as soon as she heard the word. She didn't know why after all she was used to annoying men calling her that but this time, it was like as if she has been longing to hear this word from someone. Uk smirked "You know, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life. Right now, I want to touch you, every single part of your body. They're really attractive." Oh shit!, I was planning on flirting with him not him doing that. I don't know why but I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach. I've never been this shy before! She said in mind. Uk said but I'll be patient till tomorrow night darling. Damn!, this Prince. Why's he so good at it??.

Uk came so close to her that their nose were even touching each other. He said I haven't even started wearing the new clothes they brought out but you're wearing them?. Deok could only stare at those beautiful silver eyes. He was so breathtaking. He said no need to hold your breathe. She didn't even know when she started to hold her breathe but she stopped. UK chuckled lightly- I've never seen you blush this hard before. She knew she couldn't go dumb forever so she mustered all her courage to say - Honestly, I've never met anyone as alluring as you. I haven't even started to make you bl....

What? He said. Deok said bl-blush, her cheeks were already pure red. Uk said my dear, I'm Jang Uk. I'm born to make any girl cry for love before they do. Deok said well I won't. I'm not like the other girls. He smiled as he moves away from her. Deok cleared her throat - so, who is Jang Ul?. Uk said my step brother. My mother died so my father re married. Deok said oh. Jang Uk said why did you ask?. Deok said well I was confused. Uk said many Politicians wants to remove me and put Ul but I'll never allow it because they would want to use it to control the Kingdom. Deok said don't worry, I'm crazy enough to be by your side and make you King. Uk said I'll be waiting. Deok said can i touch your cheek?. Uk asked why?. Deok said those dimples. Uk smiled and nodded as those dimples showed. Deok pressed it with joy till she was satisfied.

Ye Ze accompanied them to their place. When they got there, Mil and Dol thanked him as he left. They got inside the Quarters and there were lots of maids in there. Mil took her to the last room and they both entered inside. Mil said you really like him don't you?. Dol said who?. Mil said don't tell me that, I know you like that guard. Dol said oh. Mil said stop being naive and be strong. Dol sighed don't worry, you won't understand. Mil said how will I understand when you didn't even tell me anything?. Dol said okay, he doesn't likes me. Mil said and how did you know?. Dol said because he only cares for me, he doesn't show me love. Mil held her forehead as she shaked it in disappointment. Dol said look, I don't want to talk about it. Mil sighed heavily as she said I will bring the maid dresses for you. My room is in the next door.

Dol said wait, you're not staying here?. Mil said of course, the others might be sharing a room but these are the two last room and with only a bed so...?. Dol said okay then, bring in the clothes. Mil said you're very sleepy so let me bring it in the morning. Dol said okay then. When Mil left, all she could do was lay on the bed and fall asleep.