
Crazy Noble Wife!!?

This is about a very beautiful young lady - Mo Deok who has the face of the innocent but is said to be both shameless and crazy!!. She is forcefully married the Soon To Be King - Prince Jang Uk. Her mother, Her brother's mother and Jang UK mother died at the same day, time and year. Will they be able to solve this mystery and find love on their way?. She also has to prove her rightful ownership of being Queen. Many people would despise and hate saying Jang UK made a grave mistake by marrying her.

Cutie_Bear · História
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 7 - Big Sister!

Sa Dol and Mu Deok entered their Headquarters and it was the perfect place for her to live in. She went to her room and it was absolutely 'Peterific'. It was so wide and big. The bed was beautiful but it was not black!, It was red. Her husband doesn't know her color yet so let's just leave it for now.

As soon as Dol opened the wardrobe, there were lots of clothes in there. Dol smiled - looks like His Highness already knows your size. Deok checked the clothes and they were absolutely beautiful. They were long robes(gowns), there were lots of flower designs on them, embroidery designs. Dol said His Highness is really wonderful. Deok sat on the bed and said ah!!, this bed is so soft. Dol immediately joined her as she nodded in pleasure.

Someone knocked on the door and Deok said come in. A maid in a very short dress that reaches half of her lap came in. The dress was black and white like what other maids always wear, It really brought out her curves but Dol was more curvy than her. She resembled Dol except for the fact that she was more mature and her hair was color red. With her red hair, she was more beautiful than Dol.

Dol said S-Sister!. The maid dropped the tray of food on the floor and she immediately ran to Dol. They hugged each other as they cried everything out. Dol said I taught you were dead!. The maid said I tried looking for you but I couldn't. They let go of each other as the maid - Sa Mil cleaned her sister's tears off her face. Dol said I missed you so much. Mil said me too. Deok who didn't understand a thing was also crying. They both looked at her as if she was being weird. Deok said oh sorry, it was just that I couldn't stop crying with the way you guys were hugging each other.

Dol said Sister Mil meet My Lady. Mu Deok said Hi I'm Mu Deok. Sa Mil bow her head and said sorry Lady Deok. I mistakenly fell the tray on the floor, please forgive me. Mu Deok said don't worry, I understand your feelings when you finally saw your sister again. Sa Mil smiled - thank you M'lady.

Dol said you're welcome. Sa Dol said there's a broom here, I'll help pack the food on the floor. Mil thanked her. Deok said so you two are sisters and my maids. Mil said yes. We'll be sleeping in the maid quarters which is also close to this place. His Highness didn't know you would bring Dol here, so there were no arranged clothes for her. But, I've lots of maid dress that doesn't fit me at all and I assure you, it would fit her.

Deok said okay then. I guess, I don't have to worry about anything for now. Mil said I'm very experienced with the Palace so I would like to take Her Highness everywhere. Deok said yes but I'll need to change. Mil said I'm very good with picking dresses, so I know the dress that would fit you perfectly. Tomorrow, there's going to be a feast. Why? Deok asked. Well, His Highness is announcing his marriage with you. Oh Deok smiled. Dol was done cleaning that place so the both of them helped her change. She was wearing a very long gown which shows her perfect lovely back. The front showed how perfect her slender waistline was. The neck side was shaped V which shows her smooth chest. Her breasts weren't that big but you can say moderate. The gown wasn't straight but it was a free gown. The colour of the gown was wine. She wore her black high heels which has black butterfly designs on the heels. Her hair were very long and curly reaching her waist. Some of the hair was arranged at the front and the rest at the back. A black butterfly hairpin was on her hair making her look wildly beautiful. The gown was off-shoulder so her snowy white skin could make people's eyes fall out.

When they were done, Dol said - whoa!!. You're so beautiful Your Highness. I've never seen you this beautiful before. You look like you're going for a ball right now. Even Deok couldn't stop opening her mouth. Mil said but Your Highness, have you seen His Highness sister?. She is the girl version of his Highness making her the most beautiful of this Kingdom followed by Princess Choi Ae. But since you're here, you should be in second place and Princess Choi Ae would be in last place. Deok said well I'm not jealous as long as she's not my husband ex. Mil said but Princess Choi Ae was His Highness ex. Deok smiled chill, I'm more pretty than her.

Dol said Her Highness, don't you know you lack courtesy?. As one of the royals, never lack courtesy. But you're too shameless to have any courtesy. Deok said don't worry, being shameless is better than having courtesy. Dol said how?. Deok said don't worry you won't understand. Now, take me outside. Mil smiled and they all went out.

They saw so many places that Both Dol and Deok were confused. Deok held her dress high so as to sit on the rock. When she sat down, Mil said Your Highness!. You can't let anyone see you, you're sitting on a dirty rock for God's sake. Then suddenly, Mil shouted so loudly Your Highness!!!!!. The Crown Princess and Prince are coming this way!. Deok said oh let them come. Mil said quick you've to stand up. Deok said I said let them come. The Princess and Prince with some maids and Enunchs at their back stopped in front of Deok. The Princess said who are you?. Why're you in the royal gown?. Deok smiled and said Hi, I'm Mu Deok. The Prince who was about the age of five to six years said Hi, I'm Jang Ul and she's my sister Jang soon.

Deok said you're such a cute boy but how come you don't resemble my love and sister in law?. Mil cleared her throat - sorry Crown Princess. She's married to His Highness. His Highness was planning to tell everyone tomorrow. Soon said does father knows about this?. Mil nodded. Soon smiled and said hi, I'm Jang Soon. Deok stood up from the dirty rock and said you're just so cute like my love. Soon said I see that you are really free minded. And I like it!. All the maids and Enunchs gasped in shock. Soon spread her hands and said friends?. Deok shook her hand and said we're also sisters. They both smiled at each other. Ul said Soon, let's go and meet Uk, I miss him. Soon said okay, let's go Your Highness. Deok said it's Mu Deok. If you want me to call you Soon, call me Deok. Soon nodded in agreement.

Dol said okay now let's go. An Enunch said how dare you talk to them like that?. Deok said please keep it. I told her to talk to me anyhow she likes, so is there a problem?. The Enunch bow his head and said Sorry.... Your Highness. Soon held her arms and said ooh I like you so much!. They all headed towards the Prince Quarters.