
Crazy Noble Wife!!?

This is about a very beautiful young lady - Mo Deok who has the face of the innocent but is said to be both shameless and crazy!!. She is forcefully married the Soon To Be King - Prince Jang Uk. Her mother, Her brother's mother and Jang UK mother died at the same day, time and year. Will they be able to solve this mystery and find love on their way?. She also has to prove her rightful ownership of being Queen. Many people would despise and hate saying Jang UK made a grave mistake by marrying her.

Cutie_Bear · História
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 11 - First Night With You.

Ye Ze and Soon had just reached the Quarters. Ye Ze said I guess see ya later. Jang Soon then purposely did as if she wanted to fall down making Ye Ze catch her. Jang Soon then kissed him. Ye Ze pushed her really hard that she fell on the floor. He said what're you doing?. Jang Soon said I'm so sorry. I accidentally slip and when I saw something scary, I wanted to hug you but accidentally kissed you.

Ye Ze said please stay away from me. He went away leaving her on the floor. Jang Soon then smiled - This is just the beginning my dear.

Ye Ze rubbed his mouth so many times that it started bleeding badly. He was disgusted. He hated kisses from women and that's why he never touched them even when his father forces him on a date.

Dol had just finished showering. She went outside to receive fresh air and process all that is happening. Then she saw Ye Ze walking with his mouth filled with blood. He was all messy.


Back to Deok and Uk

It was only Deok and Uk remaining. Uk said we can't stay here any longer. Deok said you're right, this place isn't private. Uk smirked trying to tease her - What're you thinking of that you uttered private. Deok began blushing. She tried to calm down and mustered the courage to say - Yes, how can we be alone together when people can pass everywhere, Let's go back to the Western Palace. I'm really exhausted from all the troubles your ex caused me. Uk said I'm sorry for what she did, if you want I can sentence her to prison. Deok said nah!, it's all too much and don't be too rude. Uk said are you sure?. Deok smiled - Babe don't you worry, I'm not dumb. I'll never fall into the trap of that narcissistic bitch. Uk said I never said you're dumb.

Deok smiled - I know, and you know isn't it weird?. Uk said what?. Deok said we just met yesterday and everything is so fast. Uk understood what she meant "I know, we're married since and I've always been impressed and amazed by you. You're really special." Deok smiled cutely - Awwnnnn, that's so sweet, it's also the same for me. I've met lots of men and I'm always bored by them but when I saw you, I couldn't help but want to abduct you.

Uk wasn't surprised but was really satisfied with what she said. Deok said come on let's go babe. I'm really exhausted. Uk said okay but Ye Ze isn't here. Deok said oh are you scared?, don't worry I'm a crazy girl I'll help you. Uk said I'm good in swordsmanship and fighting skills, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to protect you. Deok said you're enough to protect me.

Uk held her hand and said Just stay by my side okay?. Deok nodded - hmm.

They got back to the Western Palace and head to Uk's headquarters. When they got there, there were six guards guarding the door. The guards bow their heads and formed two lines to allow them enter. They both entered and locked the door.

Uk took her to a beautiful room with Rose's on the bed and on the floor. The room was decorated red, beautifully making everywhere look sexy. Deok immediately unzip her dress and remove it. It fell on the floor and she was in a lacy bra and pant making her look sexy with those white skin of hers.

Uk couldn't help but stare at those perfectly made moderate boobs and ass. Deok said finally, I'm not really used to royal gowns. She looked at those Rose's and picked one up. She smelled it and said these roses are beautiful, how do you know I love them?. She looked at Uk and then she finally realised that when she was removing her gown, she totally forgot he was there. She blushed - sorry I... I didn't know.

Uk said it's okay, we're married after all. Deok nodded and immediately dashed of to the the bathroom. Uk smirked as he was removing his clothes.

In the bathroom, Deok almost pulled her hair off in front of the mirror in the bathroom to avoid screaming. She shouted, God, I think I'll soon die of blushing!!!. She breathes in and out to calm herself down - Okay let's show him!, you can do it!!.

When she came out, Uk was only in a towel tied around his waist. He was a real muscle man. Gosh!, anyone would want to touch those parts and she was holding the urge of touching those six parts.

She cleared her throat and said the roses are beautiful. Uk smirked and walked elegantly towards her.

"Mu Deok... you're really unbelievable, do you know that?" He said as he approached her. He knew she was trying really hard not to blush. He'd never met anyone blush when they're ready to do things with him. He has met a lot of women, always trying to please him on bed but he refuses and throws them out. Choi Ae was part but when she was done sucking his private part, he threw her out because he really didn't feel the need of liking it and that was the only time she had the chance to enter his room.

"I've never met anyone like you before and I love it. Is this really your first time dying of blushing? Huh? Deok?."

"You heard everything?!!" She said with a shocked face.

"Yes I did". He chuckled lightly.

Uk moved closer to her, so close that their nose were almost touching. She tried closing her eyes so as to not run to the bathroom because of all the blushing.

"Well if you heard everything, don't be angry." Shit!, she didn't know why she said this stupid word. Now he'll think she's both weird and dumb. She was just speechless because her heart was already ready to jump of it's cage.

Uk could only laugh and his pleasant laughter echoed inside the luxurious Palace.

"Deok... I really have no words left for you." He said as he was really amused. He stroked her hair - If you're really uncomfortable for now, we won't start.

"But I want us to do it, let's do it." She said with a serious face.

"No, you've to rest. You're exhausted." He carried her and lay her on the bed. He puts a pillow under her head for her to be comfortable and he takes a blanket to cover her.

"I made a huge mistake by saying it aloud." She said as she frowned. "You should know that you need a good rest." He said while patting her head. "But how is this ever gonna be a first night for you." She said as she removed his hand off her head. "This night is already great, because of your smile and the way you always blush seems really satisfying." "What kind of phrase is that?." She said thinking on how they would've felt good after doing it.

"Okay, now sleep. I promise you we will do it." He said stroking her forehead. "Okay but you promised." She said. Uk nodded and slept with her on the bed. Mu Deok placed her head on his warm naked chest and she placed her hand on his heart side. "Better, now I feel comfortable sleeping like this." Uk held her waist and placed his hand on her hair then he smiled. Soon, both of them fell asleep peacefully.