
Crazy love and Carry on (BTS × Reader)

there's a famous boy group in the university that you are attending and you are a simple girl that the only priority is to study hard and graduate. you don't have an idea on what will you are going to experience in your college life. hope you like my story and vote for me! love yah!

Jeonxx_xkieee · Outros
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95 Chs

Be mine

[Long chapter ahead]

**Y/n's POV**

My week passed smoothly by showering Jungkook with all my love for him. I often stay in his condo since he wants to spend his day with me by his side, so I'll just go to my hotel to get some things and clothes i need.

I once told and convinced him that i needed to stay in my hotel too because i'm paying for it but for the evil bunny's goddamn sake, he never listen.

I swear, he's a spoiled brat now.

Gosh, did i make a wrong decision?

But somehow, we both look like a couple now. Again. We acted as if we're in a relationship but in reality, I'm just still proving how much i love him as he also shows love to me. It's mutual.

Everything's mutual so why taking so long? I'm getting impatient already.

**Author's POV**

The hour hand hit the number five while the minute hand hit number twelve as the second hand keeps running round. It's currently 5 in the afternoon but Y/n's still in her dreamland.

Because of the winter season in Switzerland, she's sleeping for 3 hours now. She literally took many chances and didn't miss any.

'Is this part of showing love to me or showing love to the comfy bed?' Jungkook thought when he opened the bedroom door and saw the sleeping beauty.

With a sigh, he closes it and approached her.

He admire the lady's sleeping figure first with different thoughts in his mind before taking her out of her dreamland.

Her body that's tucked in the soft bed sheet, her soft hair spread out in the pillow, pretty eyes being closed, and her kissable lips that's a bit parted. A smile creep in to his own lips after admiring her beauty.

"No matter how long i stare in to this face, I'll never get tired of it. Even though I've been seeing this face for so long now, the beauty in it never fade. The beauty in and out of you never fail to attract me." He spoke to himself while removing some strands that's on her face.

After he almost give up everything about the two of them, he never thought that all of the things that's happening, will never be experienced again. He never thought he could stay with her. He never thought he could experience those nights that the last person he'll see before he sleep is her and that he could see her face and feel her body warmth every time he woke up in the morning again. He never thought he could have her with him. Especially, he never thought he could feel the love from her again.

But guess what, fate has another plan.

Sighing in content, he gently shake her body.

Jungkook: "Y/n, wake up now or else you can't sleep later." He said but Y/n just whined and turn her body to the other side.

"Come on now my baby. Stop being stubborn or I'll whoop your ass."

Y/N: "why do you always disturb me?! Why every fucking time? You are annoying me!" She complained while he just chuckled at her complaints.

Jungkook: "the more i annoy you, the more i love you so much." He smiled

Y/N: "the more you annoy me, the more i overthink if i ever made a good decision of chasing and loving you!"

Jungkook: "shut it lady. We know that's a big fat lie."

Y/N: "that's why i have no choice." She said while sitting up, still half awake.

Jungkook: "now that you're awake, please get ready. We are going in a date." He bunny smiled.

Y/N: "we can just sleep and cuddle and consider it as a sleep date, you know." She mumbled, making the man chuckle again.

Jungkook: "just go and get ready now baby. I'll be waiting downstairs." He helped her get out of the bed as he also lead her to the bathroom door to make sure she listen to him.

Y/N: "i whole heartedly hate how you make my heart flutter by you and your nicknames to me." She complained to herself but he heard it which make him laugh, also feeling proud of himself.

Jungkook: "it's because you are in love with me darling!" He shouted from the door way.

Y/N: "shush it bunny!" She shouted back followed by a slumming door.


Both of them arrived at this restaurant that Jungkook discovered a few days ago. It was cozy yet fancy at the same time which passed both of their taste.

They ordered the foods they wanted to eat for dinner and didn't forgot to order wine.

Y/N: "what came in to that brain of yours that made you want to have a date all of a sudden?" She asked as she munch her food.

Jungkook: "can't you see that i'm being romantic?" He asked with his arms flinging around the table and restaurant.

Y/N: "ohh is that it? Sorry, it's not just that obvious." She teased that makes the man playfully glare at her.

Jungkook: "you are just no better when it comes to romantic stuffs!" He scoffed

Y/N: "huh, just you wait until you see the new romantic version of mine."

Jungkook: "why don't show it now?" He asked and sip his wine.

Y/N: "nahhh. Maybe after our wedding." She said that makes Jungkook choke on his drink.

"That's what you get after annoying me Jeon Jungkook." She smile while patting his back.


After their romantic date in that restaurant, they both decided to have a road trip also. Seconds, minutes and hours. They didn't waste any time that passed tonight.

Entering their shared bedroom, Y/n lie down in the bed and released a sigh while Jungkook began to unbutton his shirt to change.

Y/N: "hey kook." She called while just staring at the ceiling as Jungkook hummed.

"How's everything to you now?"

Jungkook turned to her with a confused reaction displaying on his face as he approached the bed side.

Jungkook: "what do you mean?"

Y/N: "us Jungkook. Everything about us. How is it to you now? I wanna know how you are feeling about this thing that's been happening between us." She sit up and look at him.

"Are you still okay? I mean....okay with this kind of label? Being together yet has no relationship? Are you contented with this? Especially, are you falling in love?" She continued to ask, her chest tightening in nervousness on how he's going to react and reply.

He hold both of her upper arm and made her stand up in front of him.

Jungkook: "of course Y/n. The feelings' mutual. We know that. I'm so full of your love. Yes you are proving it for weeks now and i honestly feel how sincere it is. Everything's perfect, so what makes you suddenly ask those questions?"

Y/N: "then what's taking us so long? Why are we wasting more time Jungkook? Can't we be together now? We both wasted many years now. Aren't you ready yet?"

Jungkook: "I'm ready Y/n. It's just that we're enjoying this type of relationship we are having for now. We are enjoying it. I'm just afraid that if we take another step forward, everything will turn out bad again."

Y/N: "I'm scared too Jungkook. The fact that that's been my reason for years. I'm scared entering into any relationship again because you knew what type of situation I'll be in the end. I always ended up broken hearted. I've got trust issues but when you stayed by my side, you changed me. You made me believe in love again. You put hope inside of me again. And I'm more thankful because it's you Jungkook." She whole heartedly stated as tears began to pour down on her cheeks.

"I love you Jungkook. With all my heart. You showed me colors you know that i can't see with anyone else. I want you to know how you made that love i buried deep down of my heart alive again."

"Jeon Jungkook, I'd love it if we make it."

Jungkook: "we will my love. We will."

"I love you so much that saying it through words are not enough. Loving you is a wonderful way to spend a lifetime."

"We will get there Y/n. Trust the love we have."

With that, he leaned in closer and connect their lips that's been tempting to be touched.


**Jungkook's POV**

Stretching my arms out, i hummed in satisfaction and turned towards my side to cuddle Y/n but my arm met the empty space as warmth of her can't be found anywhere.

Frowning in confusion, i got out from the bed and fix it first before going to the bathroom for my business. She might be at the kitchen, cooking breakfast. After changing into another clothes, i went downstairs to only get meet by the silence. I searched the living room but she was nowhere to be found. The kitchen, none too.

To find her fast, i take out my phone and send her a text message, asking where she is. Minutes passed, there's no reply so i just dial her number. It's not even 1 minute yet the phone said that her phone was turned off.

Curiosity got the best of me. I wear my coat and went outside to look for her in the hotel. She might be there, right? She won't leave me just like that. Nervousness slowly rise up from me as i think of negative things. She'll leave a note on my table lamp if ever she's going out to buy something or what that is not a big deal. So i'm getting nervous right now since i can't find any notes around my fucking room.

She won't leave, right? She won't leave just because of our conversation last night about our relationship, right? She won't leave because she didn't feel upset about it, right? RIGHT?!

My hands began to sweat even though it's cold outside. I quickened my pace to reach the hotel so soon. When i reached the hotel, i hurriedly open the main door to be only get bump into someone.

Jungkook: "shit, I'm so sorry." I apologize followed by a bow.

"No, it's okay- wait, Jungkook?" The female voice out my name that made me look up to her.

She has a face of korean but i don't know who she is.

Jungkook: "ahh, do i know you?"

"Right, I'm Yuri. We're in the same batch in college." She introduced

Jungkook: "oh Hello to you but sorry, I don't quite really remember you." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

Yuri: "that's okay. I think it's inappropriate to say this but maybe this will make you remember me, I'm the girl who you noticed in our graduation ball when i saw you and Irene kissing."

And now, i don't know what to feel anymore. But i do remember her now.

Jungkook: "o-oh yeah. I remember now. Sorry again for that anyway."

Yuri: "it's all okay now, but you seem hurrying up."

Jungkook: "I'm looking for Y/n."

Yuri: "Y/n? She mentioned earlier when i saw her that she's going to the airport. I thought you are both living with each other for now? Didn't she tell you?"

My heart dropped on my ass after hearing that. A-airport? Why would she be in the fucking airport?! She told me nothing about that. Did she really get upset?

Jungkook: "thank you." With that, i ran as fast as i can and ride a cab to the airport. I was scared as hell.

No. No she won't. She won't leave me. After all of that love showing we had these past few weeks, she can't just leave me like that.

Reaching the airport, i quickly paid the driver and went inside to look for her. I ran and ran everywhere but i can't still spot her. I asked the guards and show them her picture if ever they saw her but they are not sure since there's many people here.

Getting tired of running, i stop for awhile as i put both of my hands in my knees while breathing hard.

Jungkook: "she won't leave me. She can't. She love me." As i try to reassure myself, tears started to gather in my eyes.

I'm trying to hold my tears, same as holding a sob to come out from me. I don't know what will i do if ever she really left. I can't handle it, so please.

"I just wanna leave already." Someone from somewhere stated. No, it's not just someone. It's a familiar voice that's being own from the certain girl i am looking for.

As i act in instinct, i stand straight and look around again. Then there she is, standing beside the glass railing with a.... luggage and a passport in her hand.

I immediately run towards her and hug her tightly while my tears finally poured down my cheeks.

Jungkook: "no. You don't want to leave." I sobbed

Y/N: "J-Jungkook? What are you doing here?" She confusedly ask.

Jungkook: "please don't leave me Y/n."

**Y/N's POV**

I slowly push him away from me and held his shoulders. Tears coming out from his eyes as his lips quiver with his red nose. He looks so vulnerable. It hurts seeing him like this.

Y/N: "why are you here? How did you know that I'm here?"

Jungkook: "because you are here Y/n! You are about to leave me. I came here to please you not to leave just like that. We share the same love for each other, so why throw that away easily?"

I-..... wait.

"If our conversation about our relationship last night did upset you, I'm sorry."

I can't really process anything he is saying right now.

"But now, I've made up my mind. I don't wanna lose you anymore."

"Be mine Y/n. Be my girl. Be my girlfriend. Please?" He said, sincerity lacing his voice while he look at me lovingly.

My heart softened after hearing him say that as the heart beat of mine pick up its pace. There's a zoo in my stomach all of a sudden.

I open my mouth to say something but i got interrupt.

Mr. Keller: "sorry if i took so long Ms. Min. The restroom were kinda occupied." He said as he approached us while Jungkook wiped his tears.

"Oh, did i interrupt something?" He asked when he noticed the situation i am in.

Y/N: "no Mr. Keller, and i didn't wait that long. I think you should go now. Your flight has been announced already." I smiled as i handed his luggage and passport to him.

Mr. Keller: "thank you so much for sending me off." With that, he walk away.

Jungkook: "you aren't leaving?" He ask as soon as Mr. Keller left.

Y/N: "I'm not. You are just assuming it wrong Jungkook." I chuckled.

Jungkook: "who's that then? Why are you here?" He asked, followed by a sniff.

Y/N: "that's Mr. Keller. He's from here. Dad told me that the company is going to do a project with his. I'm here to send him off to korea." I explained while he process everything.

He's slowly getting embarrass.

Jungkook: "sorry for the misunderstanding." He then look down.

Y/N: "even though it's just a misunderstanding, you already asked me to be your girlfriend."

"And I whole heartedly and willingly be your girl Jeon Jungkook." I smiled to him as he look at me.

Jungkook: "thank you so much." He smiled and didn't hesitate to kiss me even though there's many people here.

"I love you to the point that words aren't enough."

Y/N: "I love you too. Wildly, insanely, infinitely." I said, with our foreheads attached while smiling to each others.