
Chapter 7



I am feeling very nervous all of a sudden. Ellie and I are waiting for the guys to get here, we are sitting outside on the steps. We haven't really been waiting long. We've only been out here for 5 minutes.

15 minutes later, the guys pulled up in front of the house. They both looked very handsome. Ryder was the first to get out of the car. "Hey." He greeted me and Ellie with a smile.

"Hey, how are you doing?" James said from behind Ryder.

"Hey, we're doing great. Thanks for asking." I didn't say anything, I just stood there like an idiot. Ryder cleared his throat. Before speaking.

"So, should we get going?" He looked at me while asking his question.

"Ugh, yeah, let's go." I would have suggested we just walk since the beach is basically right next to Grandma Rose's house, but we didn't really want Carter to see us with some random guys we just met.

Ellie and James sat in the back, and Ryder and I sat in the front. I told James that I didn't mind sitting in the back. But he insisted that I sit in the front. Ellie and James had a lot in common, I've never seen her smile this much around someone before. She had a boyfriend before, multiple actually, but last year, her ex did something that really hurt her, and ever since then, she hasn't really been dating.

"Are you okay?" Ryder asked next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask?" I wonder if he could tell that I'm nervous as hell. "It's just that you've been quiet since we entered the car." This is one of my many qualities that I hate so much. When I'm nervous, I go quit.

"So it's just when I'm nervous, I don't speak that much." He looked at me with his one eyebrow raised. "Why are you nervous?"

I took a deep breath before answering.

"I don't really know." I paused before continuing. "I don't actually trust that easily. The last time I did, I got hurt, and I don't want to go through that again." He looked away from me. He had a sad look on his face, but he quickly replaced it with a smile. "Hey, I understand. And I promise I would never hurt you on purpose. That's not who I am, not anymore." I was stunned by his words. It was so unexpected, all I could say was "Thank you."

We pulled up at the beach. There weren't that many people today.

"Here we are." Ryder said while killing the engine.

"Yeah, let's go." James said from behind us. We all got out of the car and made our way down the stairs towards the beach. I inhaled a breath, I always loved the smell of the ocean.

"Okay, follow us." Ryder said with a grin on his face.


"Just come on." Ryder grabbed my hand, and James did the same to Ellie.

"We want to show you guys something."

James said with an even bigger grin than Ryder's on his face.

"Is this the part where you're going to murder us?" Ellie said with her eyebrows raised. James and Ryder laughed at her and shook their heads.

"Okay, close your eyes." Ryder said with a smile.

"What?" I asked, this time confused.

"Just trust me."


Ellie and I closed our eyes while the guys led us a little further. About 5 minutes later, we were told to open our eyes. "Okay, open them!" James half shouts at us. We opened our eyes, and we both gasped.

"Holy shit, what is this place?" Ellie asked. "It's gorgeous." I added. There was this blueish little pool of water that went into a cave. It was so beautiful everything was surrounded by rocks and sand. It was so peaceful.

"How did you find this place?" Ryder looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"James and I have been coming here since we were little kids, actually. My father used to bring us here every summer." He suddenly looked sad, to mention his father.

"Use too?" I don't really know why I asked, I think I already knew the answer.

Ryder cleared his throat before speaking.

"Ugh, yeah. My father passed away last year." I feel so bad making him talk about it. I decided to change the subject.

"How about a swim?" I asked with a smile. His face instantly led up.

"Okay, sure." All four of us started running towards the pool of water. Laughing and joking with each other. I can't really remember the last time Ellie and I had this much fun. We've probably been swimming for 30 minutes or so when James suggested something crazy.

"I have the craziest idea." He made eye contact with Ryder, and they both grinned at each other.

"What?" Ellie asked with her eyebrows raised, confused.

"Let's go cliff diving." He wants to do what!

"What, are you crazy?"

"What, you've never done it?" Ryder asked with an amused look on his face.

"I can't."

"Why not?" James asked, smiling.

"I scared of heights." James laughed.

"Well, that's even more reason to do it."

"Are you serious? There is no way in hell I'm doing that. But you guys are more than welcome to do it." Ryder sighed next to me.

"Fine, have it your way." Everyone, except for me, got out of the water, even Ellie went.

"But I'm telling you, you're missing out."

I smile at Ryder.

"No, believe me, I'm not." I said with a smirk.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed that Ellie was the first one to jump. Furthermore, I was really proud of her. It wasn't really that high of a jump, probably, like 6 meters maybe, or possibly even less. I laughed because the whole way down, she kept screaming. After she jumped and got out of the water, she came running towards me, yelling. "Fucking hell, did you see that, Quinn?" I wanted to make a joke, but all I did was smile.

"Yeah, Ellie. I saw it, it was spectacular." Ellie smiled at me and said. "You should really try it sometime." I smiled back.  And answered. "Maybe someday."

Ryder jumped second and James jumped last. They both looked so happy.

It was 18:00 when we finally decided to hid back. It was 18:30 when we finally made it home, Ellie and James insisted that we stop for some ice cream on the way home. Ellie and James were the first one out of the car. I reached for the door, but Ryder stopped me. "Quinn, I had a good time today." I smiled at him. "Me too." He smiled back and cleared his throat. "I… I would like to see you again, just the two of us, you and me." I froze. Not only that, but I was completely speechless.

Furthermore, I sat in silence for what felt like hours, but was actually just seconds, just battling with myself. It's almost been a week since my break-up, and I wasn't really feeling that heart broken anymore. And I like spending time with Ryder. I think I know what to do.

"Okay, I would love to go out with you." And I really mean it, I actually like Ryder, his sweet and kind, and handsome too. And he somehow makes me feel confident about myself. If that even makes any sense. I don't know.

He smiled at me, but I could have sworn I saw him blush a little. He cleared his throat. "Ugh, so I'll pick you up tomorrow night, around 18:00?"

"Yeah, okay." James hugged me and Ellie goodbye, got in Ryder's car and they left.

Ellie turned and stared at me with a massive smile on her face. Her staring made me uncomfortable. She always does this. "What?" I asked with a raised brow.

"So, did he ask you out?" A smile found its way to my lips.

"Uh, yes he did." Ellie started giggling. Which confused me.

"What, what's so funny?"

"James asked me out too." Now I was the one giggling.

"Really? How late is he picking you up?"

"At 17:30, he said that he knows it's a bit early, but he had something big planned for the both of us." She took a quick paused before continuing. "And Ryder

how late is he picking you up?"

"At 18:00." I said with a smile.



"You're blushing!" Ellie said laughing.

"N… No, I'm not! You are!" I didn't even notice, Ellie won't ever let me hear the end of this.

"Shit! We better start getting ready, it's already 15:00." I rolled my eyes at her. But I knew she was right.

"Yeah, let's go."

"Yeah, blushing you later." She paused, laughing, before continuing. "Sorry, I mean catch you later." I once again rolled my eyes at her, I'm really surprised that my eyes haven't gotten stuck in the back of my head yet.

I took a quick shower, got dressed, and did my makeup and hair. By the time I was done it was only 16:00. I still had a whole 2 hours. I told Ellie that it was too early. I decided to do something to kill the time. I heard Grandma Rose laughing in the living room, so I went to join her.

"Hey Grams. Why are you laughing?" I greeted and asked while giving her a hug. "Oh, my friend Robert sent me these funny videos about cats and dogs. Do you want to see them?" I had to hold my breath so I wouldn't start laughing, so I just nodded my head, yes.

I couldn't believe my eyes. These were the funniest and cutest videos I've ever seen. I think I was laughing harder than Grams. Her friend seems like a cool guy.

"Grams, these videos are so freaking cool. May I ask who Robert is?" Grams smile faded, but I could see a light tint of pink coating her cheeks.

"Uh, he is a really good friend of mine. You would love him." I smiled at her.

"I'm sure I will." I looked at the clock on the wall. It was now only 16:30. I need something to drink.

"Grams, I'm going to make some tea. Do you want some?"

"Yes, please. Tea would be lovely, thank you, dear." I entered the kitchen. But froze. Carter was sitting at the kitchen counter, shirtless.


"Oh, Quinn, hey." I just stared at his perfectly muscular shirtless body. I instantly regretted the words that came out of my mouth.

"Where's your shirt?" At first, he looked at me like I was crazy, but then he just started laughing.

"Oh, I went for a swim in the pool this morning. It's part of my workout routine." I cleared my throat. It suddenly felt really dry.

"Oh, okay."

His eyes scanned my body.

"Why are you all dressed up? You got a hot date or something?" I could feel myself blushing.

"Uh, yeah. Something like that."

I checked my phone for the time. It was now only 17:00. James will be here shortly to pick Ellie up. I rushed to finish my and Grams tea. I noticed that Carter was watching my every move. I

akwardly cleared my throat.

"Uh, see you later then."

"Yeah, see you later."

I gave Grams her tea and made my way up the stairs to Ellie's room.

"Ellie, I'm coming in." I opened the door and saw that Ellie was sitting at her dressing table applying makeup.

"Ellie, are you still busy getting ready? James will be here in 5 minutes."

"What!" She said with big eyes.

"Yes." I said, rolling my eyes.

It was 5 minutes later, and there was a knock at the door. I told Ellie that I would get the door. I quickly made my way downstairs to open the door. But when I opened the door, I froze.

"Ryder?" He was early.