
Crazy Idiot of Suna

Wait! I'll be transmigrated in the Naruto world? Cool! I'll wake up in Suna? I can live with that. Wait a minute! It's an Alternate Universe? Help! Help! Someone's been here before! Get me out of here! When Taka woke up in Sunagakure, he had visions of greatness till he realized it was an Alternate Universe. Someone like him with knowledge of the world has been here before and made some changes. Now, he's stuck trying to get a refund from whatever entity sent him here because who in the heavens made Itachi Uchiha a cheerful boy? That's a crime against humanity! Reviews: That's cute - my mom Get that thing out of my face - my dad Woof! - the neighbor's dog The best thing you'll ever read on the internet - internet stranger (definitely not me.) [Self-insert!] [Alternate Universe ]

Nefarious_Dragon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


The sterile light of the hospital room greeted me as I joined the land of the living. A familiar scent of antiseptic lingered in the air. Someone cleaned the room while I was sleeping.

The thin blanket was a shit defense against the chill that clung to the room. It was so early in the morning that even the sun was still slumbering. The previous day's offer entered my memories once again and I clutched my blanket in glee.

The Kazekage infiltration mission had left me drained, but the promise of training gave me quite the boost. I felt like I just had a cup of coffee. And I'm a tea person.

Mom bustled into the room like a ninja on a mission, which she totally was. Strands of her blonde hair escaped the bonds of her customary ponytail, framing her face. On her face was her usual smile. "Morning sleepyhead," she greeted me with a morning hug. "Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby."

"Well, you are my baby." I grinned at her. "Congratulations. The doctor has pronounced you healthy enough for the world. That means you're free to go home." I cheered. "You're lucky you're not older or you'll be stuck in bed for a week."

True. Kakashi's chakra exhaustion lasted a week after all. As kids, our bodies are not so used to converting our energies to chakra yet so we still have lots of energy left when we use up our chakra.

After freshening up and signing out, we began our journey home.

As we made our way through the streets with me clutching mom's hands, I noticed that the city had changed overnight. Decorations were at every nook and cranny. Even the alleys look swept! As the golden light of the sun rose over the horizon, the city transformed like something out of a fairytale.

The atmosphere was upbeat as passerby called out cheerful greetings to each other. Everyone sported big smiles. Joy filled the streets like tear gas at a 'peaceful protest.'

"Err… Mom, where are we?"

Mom chuckled. "We're still in Suna."

"What's happening, Mom?" I asked. It looked like the city was about to audition for a role in a disney movie.

Mom explained with a cheerful smile, "The city is preparing for a festival. A celebration to mark the official end of the third shinobi world war."

There's a war? I couldn't tell but judging by the timeline, it seems the war couldn't be changed even by gate crashing alien immigrants. That reminds me, I'm an alien immigrant too. "There was a war?"

"Yes. The war ended a few months ago but the negotiations are finally over. The ninja villages have officially signed a new treaty. God knows how long it'll last. Anyways, the Kazekage has declared a city wide festival."

"Will we attend the festival?"

"Of course! We're part of Suna are we not? You're in luck, Taka. All academy students have been given a one-week holiday. Apparently, it's a chance for everyone to 'come together, forget the hardships of the past, and embrace a new era.'" She ruffled my hair, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

As we got closer to home, I saw temporary stalls springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

Different structures and pavilions were raised, echoing the excitement that hummed through the air. I didn't think it was possible but I could feel the energy of the city, revitalized by a shared moment of celebration.

The air buzzed with anticipation. Either Suna had gotten off lightly in the war or it's been long enough for the horrors to be forgotten. "Ready for breakfast?" Mom asked and I couldn't nod my head fast enough.

The sun blazed over Sunagakure, its searing heat tempered only by the excitement in the air. Most people were holding bottles of water or juice as they were reminded why Suna didn't have as much of a population as the four other great villages. The sun could literally kill.

The village square in front of the Kazekage's tower buzzed with life as citizens, young and old, gathered to hear the Kazekage's speech.

Apparently, a festival can't begin without us standing in the unforgiving sun while trying to listen to the opening speech. Who knew?

This was probably this world's version of a live stream. I stood among the crowd at my mom's side. The anticipation radiating from the crowd didn't affect me as I had a more pressing concern.

"Mom, I can't see." I stood staring at the sea of legs. Nothing reminds you of the fact that you're five years old better than standing in a crowd. "How will I see the Kazekage?"

"Come on," mom lifted me onto her shoulders. "Comfortable?" I nodded.

From our vantage point, the Kazekage's guards, distant figures atop the tower, were nothing more than a shimmering mirage.

I squinted against the sun's brilliance, desperate to catch a glimpse of the Kazekage. Look at me. Trying to see my uncle from amongst a crowd.

"Mom, why don't we get closer? We won't be able to see anything from here!" I suggested, craning my neck. Now I can see why Orochimaru is so willing to give himself a snake body. An elastic neck would surely be useful right now.

Mom chuckled. "Taka, we're here to enjoy the moment, not check the Kazekage for wrinkles. Besides, we were late. There's no way we'll be able to get to the front."

I searched the surroundings with my eyes. "What if we climb on top of that stall?"

"And destroy the poor man's source of income?"

"Okay, let's borrow a telescope. That way, we won't miss a single word!"

Mom gently patted my legs on her shoulders. "Taka, sometimes it's not about seeing every detail. It's about being a part of something bigger." Her words made me pause. That was profound but also didn't solve our problem. That's my new way of saying, it was full of shit.

As we settled into our spot, I noticed a familiar shock of bright red hair in the crowd. Pushing through, the small body wove through the crowd like a giant with a kid's head.

"Genki!" I waved.

"Taka!" Genki waved back energetically. He was on the shoulders of a man who also sported the trademark Uzumaki hair, vibrant as ever. Standing beside them was a woman carrying a baby girl who looked to be months old. "Taka! They said you tried to break into the Kazekage's office. Is it true?"

"Err… Yeah."

"That's so cool! The school students have been calling you crazy Idiot though." The man carrying Genki cleared his throat. "Ah sorry, this is my dad, my mom and my baby sister, Asuka."

"This is my mom!"

Introductions ensued as the adults exchanged pleasantries. Genki's mom, with a warm smile, said, "Taka, it's lovely to meet your mom. We've heard so much about you."

"Good things I hope," mom laughed.

"We heard he's an aspiring seal master like Genki. All they want to do is learn fuinjutsu."

A bond was forged between moms by a shared experience of wrangling kids who wanted to explore the higher mysteries of the shinobi arts. Before long, we found ourselves in a sea of laughter and camaraderie. My mom and Genki's parents exchanged festival plans, their smiles mirroring ours as we discussed infiltration missions.

A hush settled over the square as the Kazekage appeared. He was dressed in his official attire paired with that infuriating hat. He lifted his hands and began his speech.

"Citizens of Sunagakure!" We could hear his words clearly even as we were far away. Probably some fuinjutsu work.

"I stand before you today not just as the Kazekage but also as a comrade who shares the hopes and dreams that bind us together. We stand together at the beginning of a festival, not merely to celebrate the end of the third shinobi world war, but to mark the resilience, the strength, and the unyielding spirit that define Sunagakure." He paused to look around. The crowd was as silent as a graveyard.

"In the course of the war, our village faced trials and tribulations that tested the very foundation of our existence. We, the children of the desert, bear the heavy weight of loss. In our efforts to protect our home, we lost fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. We fought and we lost."

The mood turned somber as the crowd bowed their heads slightly in remembrance.

"But in the midst of adversity, Suna showed its strength! We ensured that our enemies paid a higher price than we did. We stood tall, unwavering in our commitment to protect what we hold close to our hearts!"

"Look around you! Our village stands unbowed, unbent and unbroken!" The very air held its breath as a wave of pride swept through the crowd. Spines straightened as people began to stand tall.

"Yet, today is not solely about our past glories. It is also about the dawn that awaits us on the horizon. The dawn of a new era, a brighter and stronger Sunagakure."

"To the shining stars of our coming generation, I say this. You are the beacon of hope! The promise of a Suna reborn! Your brilliance eclipses the struggles of yesterday, and in your hands, we entrust the destiny of our village. As we look to the future, we see not only skilled shinobi but leaders, innovators, and the architects of Sunagakure's beautiful tomorrow!"

The crowd gave a small cheer and I could see smiles being directed at we the young ones.

"Remember citizens, our village's greatness is not a solitary endeavor but a symphony of efforts. In unity, we discover strength. Every one of you, every citizen, every grain of sand contributes to the tapestry of our shared destiny. Together, we shall propel Suna to new heights, for the journey ahead demands not only skill but cooperation, not only strength but unity."

"Let this festival be a celebration of our victories, a commemoration of our resilience, and a proclamation to the world that Sunagakure stands as an unbroken bastion of the desert."

"Let us embrace the challenges of tomorrow with open arms, knowing that the strength of Sunagakure lies not only in its history but also in its future. May this festival be a testament to our spirit and our strength. Sunagakure will emerge stronger, brighter, and together, we'll shape our destiny!"

The crowd erupted in cheers. The crowd pumped its fists into the air. Amidst the cheers, a new chant rang out. " Suna! Suna! Suna!"

In that moment, surrounded by friends and family, I understood my mom's words—sometimes, it wasn't about seeing every detail but about feeling the heartbeat of a village, streaming with resilience and hope.

And so, under the scorching sun, amidst a sea of legs and a festival, Sunagakure embraced its future, and I grinned at the promise of a new beginning.

Let the festival begin.