
Crandale's Empress: Her Journey.

My name is Kristensen Ly, and I'm about to share a story—perhaps one you've heard before. One day, I woke up to a world I never knew existed—well, not entirely true; I was aware, like how you know about werewolves. Turns out, I'm one of them, and now I have to navigate this hidden realm. But there's a mission at hand—I must find my parents for answers, the most persistent question being: Why? Why did they never find it crucial to reveal the truth about me or themselves? This is where it all began, and even if you had warned me about the challenges ahead, I wouldn't have believed you. In the end, I discovered something even more astonishing—I ascended to become the Empress. Rest assured, I haven't killed the emperor, at least not yet.

mrs_lie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

His Intentions..?

The morning sunbathed The Camp in a soft glow, the remnants of the full moon seemingly getting buried by the sun.

Kristensen cautiously stepped out of the infirmary building, her body still aching slightly from what happened before.

As she made her way through the campgrounds, she was keenly aware of how her senses had heightened. Before, she never felt the energy surging through the campgrounds and wasn't aware the moon was constantly out - it made sense to her then why the first transformation could kill people.

Feeling the energy that surged through the campgrounds washed through her - invigorating Kristensen, she stood still and raised her head towards the sky with her eyes closed.

She didn't die - it finally fell into her still heart that she had fought Isaac and didn't die. Beaten black and blue, of course, but she didn't die. Kristensen let out a careless smile... next time they met, it wouldn't be that easy to beat her, she thought.

Now that the knife that was hovering over her head was lifted - her first transformation - it was time for her to delve deeper into exactly why she had ended up here, a wolf without her knowledge.

Kristensen let out a happy sigh. It would be a long time until she could have a moment like that - enjoying a moment of clarity and peace, sunlight, and being alive. Her eard perked up at the distant rustle of shoes against the ground, and she opened her eyes, her eyes piercing through the distance.

Kristensen marveled at her newfound senses, the smallest disturbance, and every inch of her didn't need to be instructed to be on guard.

A group of fellow recruits emerged from their respective dormitories, their eyes meeting Kristensen's with a mix of curiosity and caution.

As she wondered where everyone was heading to, Trudy, Mel, and Arson approached with a combination of relief and excitement evident in their expressions.

"You didn't die." Mel remarked with a smile on her face as they caught up.

Kristensen let out a light smile. "You don't have to sound so disappointed."

"It's good that you're alright." Trudy exclaimed, breaking into a smile.

The group exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of their shared experience.

"Where are you all headed to anyway?" Asked Kristensen as they strolled through the camp.

It didn't escape her notice that there weren't as many recruits as before the night of the full moon. It was apparent that many people didn't make it - either by default or by the hands of Isaac.

"The central hall. Apparently, alpha house representatives are here..." Responded Mel, her voice dry.

Kristensen raised her eyebrows astonished. She couldn't help thinking they had arrived too quickly. Where were they from the beginning?

The camp seemed to be covered by a big hand that didn't want to let go. Everything since they'd arrived followed a pattern of some sort, and the lack of authorative structure played a big part.

Although they were told of Alpha Houses at the beginning, Kristensen didn't think there was any plan in place for them to join any, or they would've been present from the get-go.

Why now? Was it because of Isaac and the alpha's symbol?

Could it be Isaac wasn't acting on his own? Kristensen didn't dare think deeper in that line of direction.

She... her purpose now was to find her parents. She wasn't going to get involved in power struggles or whatever was at play. She narrowed her eyes in determination - long as they didn't extend their claws to her.

They neared the central hall as Kristensen was lost in thought.

The scene was lively there, and recruits clamored to catch a glimpse of the alpha house representatives. Tate and Winnie, keeping their distance, eyed Kristensen with a mix of weariness and intrigue.

"Go in. You can all go in now." Winnie's impatient voice addressed the clamoring recruits.

Trudy caught Kristensen before she went into the hall, seemingly hesitating to say something. "My...my alpha house representative is also here."

Kristensen raised an eyebrow, sensing Trudy's reluctance to share more. "And?" She prompted.

Trudy glanced around to ensure no one overhead. She pulled Kristensen to the side and said in a hushed voice. "Remember what I said about the alpha of my house missing?"

Kristensen nodded, "You mean if your house sent someone else here, your alpha's whereabouts might be here?"

"House of Caston Maddison." Responded Trudy, her voice and eyes cold.

Kristensen let out a long sigh in her head. She really didn't want to get involved, but looking at Trudy's expression, it seemed she wouldn't have a choice.

How unlucky..!

"You need help?" She asked Trudy reluctantly, her unwillingness clear in her voice.

Tridy let out a chuckle as she pat Kristensen's shoulder. "I'm going to take you up on that offer. You can't go back on it. Let's go in, too..."

They arrived in the hall in the middle of a commotion. Two alpha house representatives were fighting for Arson, and she had yet to choose which house she would pledge to.

It turned out Arson was a type of Omega that could be another Drew Ly. They were the type of omega that was neither submissive nor dominant, the type that alphas clamored for because they could help keep the beast at bay and were the ultimate variant.

The variant omega. Not in need of an alpha or a pack. Similar to a lone wolf.

Kristensen saw Drew standing at the helm of the hall, her crystal blue eyes dripping with mockery as she watched the alpha house representatives fight over the recruit.

She couldn't place Arson and Drew in the same frame at all.

She took in the emblems each representative party adorned and their attitude towards one another, engaged in scrutiny and discussions, but her eyes went back to Drew almost immediately.

Kristensen sighed with admiration at how Drew's arrogance didn't waver even in the face a possible threat. She admired her a lot.

"How did they find out thought?" Kristensen asked Mel, bewildered.

Tate and Winnie wouldn't happen to have a file on each recruit, would they?

"That Ms. Ly said it." Responded Mel with a wry smile, shaking her head.

Trudy and Kristensen turned to Mel and said at the same time. "What?"

That was...

Kristensen turned towards Arson but didn't know what to say. Their relationship hadn't eased up since they encountered Leah at that place.

"I choose House of Caston Maddison." Arson shouted amidst the commotion.

Everyone's focused shifted to her, the only blond haired person in the room, standing awkwardly with unusual seriousness.

She stood out all the more.

Mel, Trudy, and Kristensen exchanged a surprised glance. As far as the trio knew, Arson wasn't one to take the initiative to seek out trouble, and House of Caston Maddison was shrouded with trouble at the moment.

They had thought she was the damsel in distress type.

Mel snorted as she shook her head in disdain, and she wasn't the only one, Trudy also looked at Arson with an awkward gaze.

"You, are you sure?" Kristensen couldn't help but ask cautiously. Besides being a little foolish, she had a good impression of Arson.

Arson smiled brightly at her as though she didn't understand what the fuss was all about. "What happened back then made me realize I need a house that's strong enough to rescue me when I need help."

Kristensen watched as Arson joined the party of House of Caston Maddison baffled. That kind of logic really wasn't one she could follow.

It turned out there were five alpha houses that came in total. House of Caston Maddison, House of Silo Angard, House of Derek Merdt, House of Sai Fint, and House of Ryder Voss.

Trudy came from the House of Ryder Voss - the one in Cyan colors, hence her last name, Voss. The tradition in Crandale was when a person pledged into a house. Even without the alpha taking them into the pack, they would take the name of that house.

Kristensen took all the information and tried to apply it to her - her suspicions about the Alpha's symbol and Mara Ryson - yet couldn't piece herself in that structure whatsoever.

If she followed the logic, wouldn't it mean she belonged to the House of Mara Ryson - if there were such a house?

She shook her head and abandoned that train of thought. Mel and Trudy had said Mara Ryson was a legend. How could a legendary house lose people carelessly?

She was a lost person, wasn't she, or how could she have grown up in Alba - the human city, away from Crandale?

"Choose the House of Caston Maddison as well." Came a murmur from above her head.

She looked up and found Ocean standing there, his overpowered aura nowhere to be seen. Kristensen stood up hurriedly and bumped into Ocean's chest with her nose.

It hurt. She threw Ocean an accusatory gaze as she stepped back. She couldn't believe she'd been so lost in thought she didn't notice when he approached and stood by her side.

Her eyes flashed with caution as she watched him worriedly. Ocean chuckled.

"I thought you and I had become closer, given how I saved your life, but you're still so guarded against me. Pub, you're breaking my heart." Said Ocean, covering his chest in an exaggerated manner.

Kristensen ignored him, "What did you mean by that?" She prompted.

Ocean stepped towards her and leaned into her ear, he whispered in a lazy tone that carried authority. "I'll be there for some time. I don't want to part with you just yet."

A tingling sensation from her ear traveled throughout her body, and she resited the urge to rub her ear. She stood there stupefied even when Ocean left while chuckling.

Kristensen met Trudy and Mel's overly curious and gossipy gazes when she woke up from her stupor. She coughed awkwardly. "What?"

"While we were worrying about the possibility of death and Isaac's monstrous ways, you were busy dating?" Mel gasped. "That too the best, handsomest man there is?"

Kristensen pushed Mel and Trudy's faces away as she smiled awkwardly.

Date, Ocean? How could that be possible? It would be a miracle if she didn't fidget every time she saw him, let out alone to date. She couldn't imagine it at all.

She ignored their gossipy faces and turned towards the recruits and the alpha house representatives.

It wasn't the recruits who introduced themselves she found out - Drew introduced them along with their traits or what she thought of them.

That caught her by surprise - how Drew knew everything about recruits, things that they didn't know about themselves too.

It reminded her of how it was like in Alba. Kristensen let out a light smile, at least Ms. Ly was a perfectionist in everything she did and hadn't been tormenting her for the love of it.

Although it was clear she didn't think highly of the recruits, the effort was there still - even if it was mainly for her own peace of mind.

"Which house are you guys going to choose?" Asked Mel.

It would've been better if Mel didn't ask because as soon as she did, Kristensen remembered what Ocean said, and her eyes couldn't help but seek him out - only to find him staring at her.

She shifted her eyes in a hurry. Even though they weren't close to each other, she knew he was laughing at her.

Ocean wasn't close, but Mel and Trudy did laugh at her.
