
Crandale's Empress: Her Journey.

My name is Kristensen Ly, and I'm about to share a story—perhaps one you've heard before. One day, I woke up to a world I never knew existed—well, not entirely true; I was aware, like how you know about werewolves. Turns out, I'm one of them, and now I have to navigate this hidden realm. But there's a mission at hand—I must find my parents for answers, the most persistent question being: Why? Why did they never find it crucial to reveal the truth about me or themselves? This is where it all began, and even if you had warned me about the challenges ahead, I wouldn't have believed you. In the end, I discovered something even more astonishing—I ascended to become the Empress. Rest assured, I haven't killed the emperor, at least not yet.

mrs_lie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Bunchee I.

Their eyes had a glint of helplessness as they looked at one another.

Kristensen smiled wryly. She, Kristensen Ryson, who had been alone and independent in Alba since she was sixteen, suddenly had nothing, no way to fend for herself other than fangs and claws... it was really too much a change.

They stood in the bustling lobby of the authorities building, surrounded by the sounds of chatter and footsteps, feeling increasingly isolated and vulnerable.

After observing for a while how the people went about making inquiries and getting help, Kristensen went forward towards the clerks window.

"What can I do for you?" came a monotonous voice from behind the glass.

"We're trying to find someone. Our shuttle had an accident, and the driver was taken..." Kristensen trailed off.

"Where did the accident happen?" came a monotonous voice from behind the glass again.

Kristensen blinked a couple of times. She didn't know...

The clerk raised his head when he didn't get an answer. His eyes clear - well?

Kristensen felt extremely awkward.

"What's the name of your driver?"

Kristensen blinked again. She didn't know...

The clerk's expression was no longer as patient, but it was clear he tried his very best to hold onto whatever patience he had.

"Okay. Give me your name, and I'll try to find your shuttle and driver for you." the clerk said amiably.

Kristensen's expression didn't get better. Her frustration reached an all-time high. She could only grit her teeth and say her name, "Kristensen Ryson."

But she wasn't hopeful at all. After all, she wasn't a citizen of Crandale yet. How could she be there on their system?

She went back to the others with a stiff expression on her face.

"We need to figure out a plan," Kristensen said, her voice low but determined. "And soon or else we'll be left here."

"What did he say?" Trudy asked.

Kristensen felt extremely awkward and frustrated but calmly repeated what happened with the clerk. She couldn't hide it either way.

Arson glanced around the crowded lobby, her eyes scanning the faces of the people bustling about their business. "Maybe we can ask someone for help," she suggested tentatively. "There must be a way to reach out to Drew or one of the others."

They looked at the busy lobby at the same time. Who to ask?

Just then, her eyes landed on a group of uniformed individuals standing near the entrance. They looked official, like they might be able to help. Without hesitation, Kristensen made her way over to them, her companions following closely behind.

"Excuse me," she said, approaching the nearest individual. "We're in need of assistance. Our shuttle was involved in an accident, and we're trying to locate our driver."

The uniformed individual, a young woman with a stern expression, regarded Kristensen and her companions with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "Do you have any identification?" she asked, her tone businesslike.

Kristensen's heart sank. She knew they didn't have any identification on them, but she had hoped they might be able to explain their situation. "We... don't have any," she admitted reluctantly. "But we're not from around here. We're new to Crandale."

The young woman's expression softened slightly at Kristensen's words, but she remained cautious. "I'm sorry, but without proper identification, there's not much I can do," she said apologetically. "You'll need to speak with the registrar administration to obtain identification."

Arson, who had been silent up until now, spoke up hesitantly. "Do you know where House of Caston Maddison is? That's where we're going. You can tell us where that is..."

The young woman's expression and her companions changed slightly. They became more cautious... distant.

"We, we, don't know." and they left hurriedly.

Kristensen and the others could only watch as they left - helpless. What to do now?

But that wasn't the problem, they were going to the House of Caston and it seemed it didn't have a good reputation so they couldn't ask about the place they were going to?

Kristensen's heart sank. She thought angrily, didn't Ocean and the others realize they weren't behind them, or did they plan to leave them out to dry?

"That... was bizarre." Mel said dryly.

Not just bizarre but extremely faxing. Yet, it wasn't the time for them to worry about that. They had urgent things at hand.

Kristensen's cast a last look at the direction that group had taken and withdrew it immediately. Even if they knew what they problem was now, there was nothing they could do. It would only make them worry. "Let's go. We'll try somewhere else." There was a hint of determination in her voice.

And she didn't stop cursing Ocean in her mind. She agreed to pledge to the House of Caston partly because of him, and he left her like a worn-out shoe. How heartless.

The others followed her out obediently.

They hadn't taken a couple of steps before a shout came from behind, along with hurried steps. Although they heard it, Kristensen didn't think it was for them, so they kept walking.

"Ms. Ryson!" It was only then that Kristensen paused in her steps. Ryson?

And she wasn't the only one shocked to hear that name. Ryson? Trudy, Mel and Arson couldn't help but glance around a couple of times to see who the Ryson that was being called was.

"Ms. Ryson, it's good..." The clerk caught his breath as he stopped in front of Kristensen and company. "It's good that you haven't left. Here..."

Trudy, Mel and Arson stood there in shock, dumbfounded. Who? What? Why? Those questions flashed through their minds one after another. Kristensen Ryson? Was she Ryson all along? They turned to look at her more closely and suspiciously. Or, was it just the same last name?

Kristensen didn't say anything. It wasn't that she didn't want to say but the place really wasn't suitable. She let out a slightly awkward smile and could only push the suspicious glances aside for now. The clerk's information was the priority.

"Is there anything else we?" she asked, her voice tinged with cautiousness.

"This way, please."

They could only follow the clerk. He led them to a less crowded corner and took out rings and plates similar to the one they'd found at The Camp. He called them portals. They had all the information, and they were also their identification cards.

It turned the House of Caston Maddison had already registered them, the new recruits.

To be official members of the house, they had to first complete five missions given out by the house, and only then would they go there, can call themselves members of the House of Caston Maddison.

The mission wouldn't also be completed together since they weren't the same class. They would be different missions for every wolf.

The clerk explained everything for them patiently. And... they were bewildered. What now?

"Also, the money given to you now is 5000 Dales. It will last you for probably a month if you're not pampered. After that, it'll be the money you earn from missions that will support you."

Since the clerk said everything he needed to, he went back. The four of them didn't see the pitiful look the clerk cast to them as he left, shaking his head and sighing.

It looked really strange for a young man to have such a heavy hearted look, but they didn't see it. Their minds were reeling with all the information they were suddenly thrust into. What were they supposed to do?

The frown on Kristensen's face had deepened so much. It looked as though her face would never straighten.

The situation was really beyond their expectations.

They left the authorities building after getting everything from the clerk. On their way out, no one said anything, each wrapped in their own thoughts. Kristensen, more so than not.

She kept thinking, how long would it take to completely finish all the missions enquired to be an official member of a house?

Her mind spun with countless thoughts, and Kristensen didn't see the change around her at all.

Trudy, Mel and Arson finally found a quiet place away from prying eyes they thought. It was only then that they put aside everything briefly and face Kristensen.

Their eyes said they same thing. Aren't you going to explain?

Kristensen was stunned by the sudden turn of events. Her eyes widened, and she really, really didn't have any idea what might have provoked them.

"What? What is it?" Kristensen asked, the innocent confusion all over her face made Mel snort disdainfully.

The suppressed anger and the obvious struggle to maintain composure on the faces of Trudy and Mel made Kristensen speechless. She didn't know what she'd done..?

"Your last name is Ryson?" Mel said through clenched teeth, her struggle to keep herself from shouting apparent.

Ooh. That was the only thought in Kristensen's mind after Mel asked the question. Right, they didn't seem to know... Kristensen smiled wryly. How could she have forgotten something so important..?

"It is." She replied calmly. The expressions she received after her answer made her want to laugh. She barely caught herself in time. "What? It's not what you think. I was just as surprised as you when I heard Mara Ryson."

Trudy's brows lifted suspiciously, and the intensity of eyes on Kristensen didn't decrease. "You're saying you're not related to Mara Ryson or that house of Ryson in the capital?"

Well... Trudy's question pushed her into a more awkward situation. Was she, wasn't she..? But Kristensen's silence to the others meant a completely different thing.

"Were you laughing at us all this while? Did you think we were just fools?" Kristensen had never seen Mel that angry, and at the same time, she was helpless.

It wasn't as complicated as they thought, right?

Kristensen kept telling herself to calm down in her mind and maintain her patience. After all, she was the one in the wrong. "It's not as complicated as you're making it out to be. I'm not even fron Crandale, remember? I'm from Alba... Alba. The capital of Onsh. Onsh. I've already said this to you before."

Calm down, calm down Kristensen.

Her response didn't get rid of the suspicion in Mel and Trudy's eyes completely, but it at least calmed then down.

Arson looked at them with her cast down, and they didn't see a glint that flashed through her eyes. She sneered, put on her best naive look, and asked. "Then, why didn't you say before? Why did you keep it to yourself after you found that you and Mara Ryson shared the same last name."

The barely calm Trudy and Mel perked up again. Kristensen didn't know if she was overthinking or not, but the feelings Arson gave off suddenly rubbed her off the wrong way. She frowned.

Did she want to incite an argument or conflict between them? Sow discord? What was Arson playing at? Kristensen's gaze on her became hot. What was wrong with Arson?

"Ryson isn't an uncommon last name. Why do you think I had to tell you when I found out? Are we close, or were we close? Even if I was suspicious, this had nothing to do with you but my own problem. After all, it isn't like I can change it even if it's true, can I?"

Kristensen tone wasn't as patient as before, and she unconsciously released her aura slightly, making Arson pale.

It was just her last name, was the a need to make such a farce? Kristensen forgot how surprised she was when she found out.