(Marlow's P.O.V)
I couldn't stop thinking about my girlfriend... What was her name again? And that... Black suited dude that saved me back there.
Oh, jebus... I miss how Mark used to be... Sweet... But then that had to happen, and... I don't see him being happy anymore, I think.
After sending Mark to school, I decided to visit Tony.
While I was on my way to Tony's, I saw a broken window, and an Xbox 360 on the grass. I decided to pick it up and give it to Tony.
I knocked on his door, and he opened it. "Marl! How are you doing?" Tony said. I replied "I am doing... Somewhat ok?" "Come in," Tony said. So I came in, and I got distracted by how amazing the house was!
He also told me "Get rid of that piece of poop. It's not working" And I asked "Why? It's an Xbox!" and he screamed "IT HAS THE RED RING OF DEATH! IT'S AS GOOD AS POOP!" I listened, and I hurriedly put it in the trash can.
"Thanks a lot, Marl, so anyway, I watched Unbreakable the other day" he told me "You know, from the guy that made The Sixth Sense?" he continued the sentence. I replied with a "I've never heard of it, but I bet it is quite good!" and then he told me "It is! Darn, that plot twist was just... You gotta see the movie, Marl... How's your little brother?" "He's... I don't know if he's doing alright or not, I can't tell" I replied.
"Then stick longer with him," He replied. "I do, but it's almost as if he wants me to just leave him alone" I replied. "Wait a second... I have an idea! How about I invite you to dinner?" Then Tony, while scratching his short, black hair, he replied "Sure! Tomorrow? Because I might not have the time later" and then I said yes.
This is going to be awesome! Mark and Tony will finally meet each other!
(Mark's P.O.V)
Woke up this morning... Typical day, same good breakfast by my brother, same old school... But after that, it's time to start to work on this case.
School was over, my brother picked me up from school and we went to our apartment. My plans were to keep investigating the people who did the heist, but he had different plans, as I shortly afterwards found out...
"Hello! So you must be Marlow's brother, right?" a white skinned man with a dark red shirt asked. I replied with a simple "Yeah" and then later he introduced himself "I am Tony! Nice to meet you!" "Whatever. It isn't a pleasure if you ask me" I replied. "Mark!" said my brother in a kind of annoyed tone. I replied with "You do know that I am not going to risk my emotions with making friends, right? Haven't you learned anything from that girlfriend you had recently?" Then my brother started to scratch his head. "No. Of course you didn't, and it will happen again" I said. Then I went back to my room so I could use the computer. I wanted to watch some videos.
The three of us later started to have dinner. Tony really seemed to enjoy my brother's noodles, I don't blame him. Then Tony asked me what games I play on my browser. I replied with "Many of them, some including stickmen" then my brother said "You know... There was someone who helped me out the other day, someone... Dressed all in black with a green thingy" "You're telling me that he... He helped you out?" Tony said, and then I just stared at Tony. "Yeah! Looks like I have another superhero buddy out there!" said my brother. I replied with "Maybe... He isn't a hero, brother. You're being too optimistic" then he said "He helped me!" I then replied with "Probably to fulfil his own agenda, you shouldn't be so sure. Now, if you excuse me, I'll play a game... And then I'll get to work on the case" I went to my room, and then Tony asked "Are you going to play a game with those stickmen?" And I replied with "None of your fucking business, Tony" and I closed the door.
(Marlow's P.O.V)
"SORRY ABOUT THAT, TONY! HE JUST ACQUIRED THAT PERSONALITY TRAIT!" I tried to explain to him, on my knees! "Oh, it's alright, Marl," he said to me.
Then some hours later, it was time for Tony to leave.
"How do you think that I am going to... Make my little brother return to his former self?" I asked my childhood friend. Then he told me "Don't worry, eventually he'll return" and later he said that I should get friends for myself so I can get Mark to connect with them! That way, he'll probably return! Then... I came up with something!
"Wait! Wait! Tony! How about we become a superhero team?" I asked him. Later he said to me "Sorry, I don't know how to fight, and also... I am quite busy with other stuff" I understood him perfectly, I think. "But... I support that idea, Marley, good luck!" "Heh, remember when we were superheroes? Me, Vince, you, and Lola?" I asked him. Then Tony replied "Yes, those were good times, bye Marlow!" And then he left, although before I did say goodbye to him.
Oh well, if he couldn't, I guess that guy who saved me the other day will!
(Mark's P.O.V)
Who were those... People? Looking at the security footage, the red one is acting off. Like he's not interested in stealing. All of them except the red one have the same outfit... However one of them seemed to have a tattoo of a crown on his shoulder. Let's see if Mr Ruby has something to say about it.
I went to visit Mr Ruby, alone in the middle of the night. This time, doing exercise. Later I showed the footage. And he told me: "Oh, that's Robert, tomorrow he's going to try to rob the Golden Watch Bank at night"
I was thankful, but I made sure he didn't know it.
The next night, we were outside the bank, and I told my plan to my brother.
"How are you so sure that they're going to steal right here?" He asked. "Trust me, I know," I replied. And later I said "Now get your ass inside the bank" "IMMEDIATELY, BRO!" he said. And he went running.
I waited underneath a tree for a couple of minutes. A van showed up. Five masked members of the gang left the van to go to the bank.
It's time for me to act, so I went to a place where there are no people around, and I transformed.
I became liquid and I went from where I transformed to the bank. There they were, holding everyone hostage. I slowly rised above one of them, and one of them saw me and tried to shoot me with his gun, but to no avail. I was fast enough to dodge it, and after dodging it, I punched the son of a bitch, and I grabbed his gun... But then something strange happened.
While the others were trying to shoot me and I dodged them with success, my hand was absorbing the gun and eventually, the gun was a part of me... But it was upgraded into some sort of six barrel gun. I've heard a "Holy shit" coming from one of the criminals.
I was ready to blast, but then a familiar blue glow showed up. Took him long enough.
"Alright everyone! Don't worry... Because Super Marlow is here!" he said.
"Super Marlow." How original.
His coat and shirt went from all dark brown to blue and red respectively. The four members tried to shoot him, so he started running and jumping from table to table, and jumped towards one of the members... And couldn't quite stick the landing. Probably the criminal's bones were obliterated by my brother.
So my brother went back up, the criminal who was closer started to shoot him, but he dodged it and later punched the criminal. The remaining two were escaping to the van, they ignited the van, and tried to speed away, but I got in time and I shot their wheels with continuous plasma beams.
Everyone saw me. My brother got closer to me and asked... "Hello there, mister! Do you want to be a part of my superhero team?"
Shortly after, I started to beep due to the lack of time I got in this form, and I left quickly.
When I reverted back to my normal form... I was ready to blow up in my brother's face, but I punched a wall repeatedly. Hasn't he learned anything?
No... He's gotta learn. He'll eventually become like me. HOPEFULLY he'll become like me sooner or later.
Later we finally got to our apartment, so I turned on the news. A new being stopped the heist. Some people in the interview were shaking at the thought of me, others had a huge grin on their faces.
My brother arrived. "Oh! There you were, brother!" he said. "What are you watching?" Then he stopped talking for a moment and his eyes locked on the TV.
"Oh! There's my buddy!" He said. I replied with "No shit, Watson"
He sat down next to me, looking at the TV screen. Only two people were missing for it to be complete. But they are watching above us right now and will never return.
I left his side to keep using my computer. "Hey, Mark..." my brother said. I replied with a "Yeah?" "I can't help but keep having that nagging feeling that we forgot something" I replied with "If you forgot about it, it may not have been important... But this is you we're talking about, so of course it is important. Luckily enough, you have me by your side. For now. Tomorrow we'll do it"
The next day, I went to school. Some kids were trying to prank the principal's grand-daughter with a bucket of water. The principal himself had a long, dark past, and to an extent, even if her grand-daughter had one, she will have a short, dark future. But before anything happened to her, Stinson jumped and pushed her aside, and his white skin, his round sunglasses, his short yellow hair, his brown shirt, and his brown pants suddenly became wet. The kids were laughing at him. They liked to call him "Toon Brat" but he insisted on being called "Mr. Cartoon" despite the fact they didn't listen to him. The principal's grand-daughter, which I believe is called Rose, showed kindness towards him instead. But enough about school, time for prison.
After school, we went to interrogate those five criminals. But it seemed that only one was necessary.
There he was, with his cuffs chained to the table, while I was on the other side of the table, with my brother behind me.
"Where did you get those guns? Where's the other sixth member" I asked. He taunted me with "What are you going to do? Torture me?"
I got on the table slowly, I put my hand in my pocket, and grabbed my hammer and I bashed one of his hands, he was screaming.
"Who were the responsibles? Who helped you?" I asked.
"So he's your captain?" I asked. He said "No! He works for him, he just demonstrated us how to use those weapons his boss made! I swear!"
I said "Very well. Let's go brother, we've got more work to do" and I left the room. My brother had his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly opened after witnessing me in action.
(Vincent's P.O.V)
Ah... Something about going on a bus while listening to Shook Ones Part 2, while carrying on my briefcase my own masterpiece, and of course, since this is me talking, it's obvious that it's no small feat.
It's time for my other fellow friends, nigga or no nigga, to witness what the greatest inventor of all time has to offer.
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Have some constructive criticisms? Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
And also, I would love to see both fan art and memes of CPU.
I am Roger Kaos, thank you for reading!