
County of Westmarch

#1 Demons & Dragons {MATURE CONTENT R18 - No Rape} "There's nowhere else to run, little firefly," Azrakhel chuckled, his voice a silken rasp against Rinn's ear. The moonlight filtering through the cracks in the abandoned castle tower bathed them in an ethereal glow, highlighting the raw desire simmering in his mismatched red and gold eyes. Rinn, her back pressed against the rough stone wall, scoffed. "In your dreams, demon. I'd rather kiss a gargoyle than be caught dead… well, not entirely dead," she amended with a smirk, "between your sheets." Azrakhel, amusement dancing in his eyes, trailed a finger down her arm, sending shivers down her spine despite the defiant fire in her violet eyes. "Sheets? How quaint, firefly. This dusty floorboards will have to suffice for tonight's entertainment." Rinn bristled. "Entertainment? You think this is some game, demon? You burned down my house, my family—" He cut her off, his touch surprisingly gentle as he cupped her face. "Let the past be ash, firefly. Embrace the now. The heat between us is far more interesting than cold vengeance." Rinn's heart hammered against her ribs, a traitorous counterpoint to the anger that still simmered within her. This infuriating demon, with his infuriating charm and even more infuriating good looks, had somehow breached the walls she'd built around her heart. "Vengeance may be cold," she conceded, her voice a husky whisper, "but so is this stone floor. Besides, demons like their conquests fiery, wouldn't you agree?" A slow, predatory smile spread across Azrakhel's face. "Then by all means, firefly, let the flames begin." Their journey began with hatred, a fiery dance fueled by vengeance and a desperate pact. But amidst the chaos and the battles, a flicker of something unexpected ignited - a love as passionate and dangerous as the enemies they were sworn to be. Would Rinn choose the path of vengeance carved by the Council, or surrender to the all-consuming passion of the demon who both destroyed and desired her?

Rhysmonde · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Hidden Agendas I

A mischievous twinkle lit Kylian's eyes as he materialized in the opulent foyer of Hawkrige Manor, Luna tucked snugly under his arm. Flickering spring moonlight streamed through the tall windows, casting an ethereal glow on the dusty portraits of stern-faced ancestors.

Cedric, Kylian's ever-observant uncle, materialized beside them with a soft pop. His black hair, usually impeccably styled, was a touch askew, a testament to a long night spent poring over ancient grimoires. "Ah, Kylian," he drawled, his voice as dry as a desert wind. "Back so soon from your… humanitarian mission?"

Kylian grinned, handing Luna over to Cedric with a flourish. "Indeed, Uncle Cedric. Allow me to introduce the newest addition to the Sanctuary – Luna."

Cedric examined Luna with a practiced eye. "Splendid," he declared, a hint of warmth in his usually neutral tone. "Another delightful soul to add to our little menagerie. The other children will be thrilled."

Luna, still a little dazed from the whirlwind of events, simply clung tighter to Cedric's black coat.

"How many are there now?" Kylian inquired, his voice feigning innocence.

"Nine," Cedric replied, his lips twitching. "Luna makes ten."

Kaelith, who had been watching the exchange with a sardonic smile, chimed in. "And how is my dear Uncle Hawkrige faring tonight? Busy discussing the finer points of human annihilation with his fellow blood-suckers, I presume?"

Cedric raised an eyebrow. "Astute as ever, Kaelith. The Count is indeed engaged in a rather tedious soiree with the heads of the other vampire houses. Count Westmarch seems particularly passionate about the war effort this season."

Kaelith snorted. "Of course he is. House Hawkrige has thrived under his leadership, hasn't it? Ever since his oh-so-righteous wife banished those pesky demons to the In-Between for the good of humanity, and tragically died in the process fighting that dreadful Zurakai fellow. How very… convenient."

Kylian chuckled, his eyes glinting with a mischievous light. "Convenient indeed. Earned him the support of the high houses – Valtoria, Karathorn, Darkwynd, the lot of them. A true war hero, our dear father."

They continued their trek through the silent manor, arriving at Kylian's private study. With a flick of Cedric's wrist, a hidden doorway materialized, revealing a secret room pulsating with a warm, ethereal glow.

The Sanctuary.

A haven carved within the very walls of Hawkrige Manor, hidden from prying eyes. The air buzzed with the innocent chatter of children, ten pairs of curious eyes turning towards Kylian and Kaelith.

Relief flooded Luna's face as she saw other children, some older, some younger, all with a spark of something otherworldly in their eyes. A young girl with cascading silver hair, Drusilla, rushed forward and latched onto Luna's hand.

"You must be Luna!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbly with excitement. "We've been waiting for you!"

Kylian, a master of theatrics, bowed low before the children. "Allow me to introduce the newest member of our little haven – Luna!"

He spent the next hour regaling the children with a fantastical story about rescuing Luna from a dragon's lair, much to Kaelith's amusement and the children's wide-eyed wonder. With Luna settled and the children enthralled, Kylian and Kaelith exchanged a knowing look.

"Duty calls, little cousin," Kylian said, flashing Kaelith a playful wink. "Seems Valaric needs a babysitter while I… attend to other matters."

Kaelith arched an eyebrow. "And what other matters could possibly be more pressing than keeping an eye on a gaggle of children and your grumpy older brother?"

"Oh, you know," Kylian replied airily, a hint of defiance in his voice. "Social obligations. A certain witch with a fondness for baby Rutherfords, for instance." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Besides, wouldn't want to upset dear old Father, now would we? Finding out we've been harboring human refugees in his precious manor."

Kaelith chuckled, a wicked glint in her eyes. "Always the drama queen, Kylian. But very well. You run off to your little witchy rendezvous, and I'll keep an eye on the little ones and Valaric. Who knows, maybe I'll indulge in a bedtime story of my own tonight. About a rebellious vampire prince and his overly-dramatic cousin, perhaps."

Kylian feigned a shudder. "How utterly terrifying, Kae," Kylian finished with a flourish, vanishing into the hidden doorway with a mischievous wink. Kaelith was left alone in the study, a wry smile playing on her lips. Her thoughts, however, quickly turned serious. Valaric and Riordan were facing Azrakhel, a formidable demon known for his sadistic streak. Had they managed to save that human girl, Rinn Elancourt?

A sudden sound startled her. Kaelith whirled around, her hand instinctively reaching for the dagger concealed in the folds of her dress. Standing in the doorway was Count Hawkrige, his face creased in a smile as warm as a winter wind. Beside him stood a maid, a nervous flutter in her eyes, holding a shimmering gown of emerald silk.

"Kaelith, my dear niece," Count Hawkrige boomed, his voice a touch too loud for the hushed atmosphere of the manor. "There you are. I was just discussing the upcoming soiree with Sarah here. She tells me this exquisite gown has arrived, and it simply screams for you to wear it tonight."

Kaelith arched an eyebrow, her smile turning sardonic. "A soiree, Uncle? How delightful. And pray tell, what grand occasion warrants such a formal gathering?" She knew full well the answer, but a little theatrics wouldn't hurt.

The Count's smile widened, a glint of steel flickering in his eyes. "Why, a gathering of the most esteemed vampire houses, of course. Valtoria, Karathorn, Darkwynd, Arkenstone – all the prestigious families. An excellent opportunity for introductions, wouldn't you agree?"

Kaelith's stomach clenched. Introductions? She knew exactly where this was headed. Marriage. The very thought of being bartered like a prize cow was enough to make her fangs itch.

"Marriage is hardly the first thing on my mind, Uncle," she countered coolly. "Besides, wouldn't it be a tad… improper for a mere vampire to mingle with such esteemed company?"

The Count's smile faltered for a brief moment, then returned, a touch more strained. "Nonsense, Kaelith. You are a Hawkrige, and your presence will be most welcome. Especially by young Lord Arkenstone. His family has expressed a… keen interest in forging an alliance with House Hawkrige."

The unspoken implication hung heavy in the air. Kaelith knew House Hawkrige desperately needed the support of House Arkenstone in the war. And what better way to secure an alliance than through a strategic marriage?

Her eyes narrowed. "And you believe I am simply a pawn in your little political game, Uncle?"

Count Hawkrige's smile vanished. A dangerous glint entered his eyes, a chilling reminder of the ruthless power that resided within him. "One does not simply 'believe,' Kaelith," he said, his voice low and menacing. "One ensures."

Kaelith met his gaze unflinchingly. She knew the consequences of defiance. But the thought of spending eternity tied to some dull-witted, war-mongering vampire lord was unbearable.

However, a flicker of a devious plan began to spark in her mind. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Very well, Uncle," she conceded. "Perhaps an alliance wouldn't be entirely unwelcome. Lead the way, shall we?"

The Count's face broke into a triumphant grin. He ushered her towards the stairs, completely oblivious to the cunning gleam in her eyes.

Kaelith followed him, the emerald gown a heavy weight against her skin. She loathed the way it accentuated her curves, a blatant invitation to the hungry eyes that would undoubtedly be upon her tonight.

As they entered the grand hall, a cacophony of voices filled the air. Elegant figures, adorned in opulent attire, mingled amongst themselves, their smiles as sharp as their fangs. Kaelith felt a familiar disgust rise within her.

Count Hawkrige, positively preening, introduced her to the various noble heads of houses – Lord Darkwynd, a wizened figure with eyes like burning embers; Lord Valtoria, a pompous man with a meticulously groomed beard; Lord Karathorn, a stoic vampire with an air of quiet power; and finally, Lord Arkenstone, a man whose face was etched with lines of war and ambition.

Beside him stood his son, the heir apparent. He was undeniably handsome, with shoulder-length dark hair that curled around his face and eyes the color of dull gray. He barely acknowledged Kaelith's presence, a brooding silence hanging around him like a shroud.

As Count Hawkrige launched into a tedious exposition of Kaelith's exposition of Kaelith's… well, everything," Kaelith fought back the urge to roll her eyes. Lord Darkwynd merely grunted in acknowledgment, Lord Valtoria adjusted his monocle with a predatory glint, and Lord Karathorn offered a curt nod.

Then came Lord Arkenstone. His gaze swept over Kaelith, lingering a little too long on the suggestive dip of the emerald dress. "Indeed, a most… impressive specimen," he finally rumbled, his voice surprisingly deep. "Though I daresay, the true measure of a woman lies not just in her beauty, but in her ability to… adapt."

Kaelith raised an eyebrow, a sardonic smile playing on her lips. "Adapt, you say?"

Lord Arkenstone inclined his head towards his son, the brooding heir named Theoden. The young vampire remained silent, his dull gray eyes fixed on some unseen point in the distance.

"My son," Lord Arkenstone continued, his voice dropping to a low murmur, "possesses… unique needs. Needs that a woman of… understanding could cater to."

Kaelith's smile faltered. A flicker of unease snaked through her. What exactly did he mean by "unique needs?"

Before she could voice her question, Lord Arkenstone reached out, his hand brushing against her arm, sending a jolt of something akin to disgust through her.

"Perhaps," he rasped, his voice laced with a suggestive undertone, "you could demonstrate your… adaptability by joining Theoden for a moment. See if you can… find common ground."

He gestured towards a plush armchair, a sly smile playing on his lips. Kaelith's gaze darted towards Theoden, who remained impassive, but a flicker of something dark flickered in his eyes.

Her mind raced. What was the game here? Was this some twisted Arkenstone courtship ritual? One that involved… sitting on laps?

A surge of rebellious humor bubbled up within her. Oh, she'd adapt alright. Just not in the way they were expecting.

With a slow, deliberate movement, Kaelith tilted her head towards Theoden, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Why, Lord Arkenstone," she purred, her eyes gleaming with mischief, "such a delightful suggestion. Perhaps a little… physical demonstration is indeed in order."

Before anyone could react, she took a step forward, her emerald gown swirling around her like a predatory viper. Then, with a swift, unexpected movement, she grabbed Theoden's arm, yanking him off balance.

He stumbled to his feet, a surprised grunt escaping his lips. Kaelith, using her vampire strength, pinned him against a nearby pillar, her fangs glinting in the flickering torchlight.

The air crackled with a sudden tension. A gasp of surprise rippled through the stunned gathering. Kaelith leaned in close to Theoden, her voice a low, dangerous whisper.

"Now," she hissed, her crimson eyes burning into his, "let's talk about adaptability, shall we?"

The room held its breath, waiting to see how Theoden, the brooding heir, would react to this unexpected turn of events. Would he crumble under Kaelith's fierce hold, or would he reveal a strength and cunning to match her own? The answer, shrouded in the dim light and the tense silence, remained a thrilling mystery.