
The untold

I, a mud was most delighted the moment I got you, a planted flower and again glowed down the moment someone picked the flower and rotted in the cupboard.I, mud is still waiting for you to return to the right place which will never reverse the exact way you were here with me the last time

I engaged with someone and invested my regular days with him. Tears were unstoppable, rolled off my eyes after every thought in my head. The first few days were everything! It felt so delightful and fortunate to collaborate and I initiated drawing expectations on my unknown mind. I penetrated myself to love a human who was a stranger to me yesterday. I now beat my trust to work on strangers and not the known ones. Never expected, a human enters the head and starts to go all over the nerves and blood, couldn't even stop that from happening cause sensing that as a whole life individual was probably a tremendous fault of mine. I wasted tons of time thinking and arranging space for someone who did not even remember I existed. He was elected as the leader of my moods. He is determined by daily vices. My love for him did not even think of departing cause the way he got stuck in my heart was a never forgetting bond. Silly self, drowned in the dirty pool built by him. Thankfully I had my life jacket because I saved my self-respect more than myself. I was aware of the condition where a guy dips you with your innocence in the emotions of satisfaction. I probably learned to say no to the negative pleasure of someone else. I even started knowing the interests of an old teen and paths to carry according to the happening incident. Passive heart was delaying to understand the fact. The thought of investing the ownself ;Onto his tiny heart, Which is lagging the generosity to let the lover in, I sense you as a whole life individual Apart from everything I went till now You match my every vibe,You occur my every thought And you are never mine!

Even though I cannot bring back trust for him, I love him! Despite knowing his dirty intentions living in his olden days. His ignorance was a turbulence, is a turbulence and will be a turbulence. Soon after clicking the send button after the end of my text caused a huge overthink and regret every time. Looking at the watch and waiting for his reply would be considered as a great time trash today and I promised myself to not love someone and the incident repeats and repeats. You made my nights hard to pass and my mornings hard to wake. You were the core of my routine determinant and the demarcation of my life. The single heart broke into pieces and had nothing for someone else. Had a touch with someone special after that, but again the notification of my previous man rang and made me realize what a man wants. Ignoring talks led to separation. Not a big deal! Because there were no expectations pushed in me for this kind of human. I learned a lot after this incident. I had a great transformation in me and my desperate childish head. Gap was building a mindset that I'd never have someone special and dramatic stuff like that. A lengthy duration got dragged to the trash. Every condition reminds me of you and increases the love in the whole manner knowing , you'll never ever turn back and initiate to love me like back in the day. That was a real toxic relation, Everyday's overthinking of every text I received from you was breaking me into pieces.